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Character Development #2

Mother: Sotomi Miyamoto
Age: 52
Ethnicity: Japanese
Height / length: 160cm / -
Occupation: Housewife
Relationship: close

Father: Fujitaka Miyamoto
Age: 57
Ethnicity: Japanese
Height / length: 173cm / -
Occupation: Bussinessman
Relationship: apart

Paternal Grandmother: Tomoyo Miyamoto
Age: 77
Ethnicity: Japanese
Height / length: 153cm / -
Occupation: Housewife
Relationship: apart

Paternal Grandfather: Miura Miyamoto
Age: 73
Ethnicity: Japanese
Height / length: 165cm / -
Occupation: Businessman
Relationship: deceased

Maternal Grandmother: Yamada Matsuo
Age: 77
Ethnicity: Japanese
Height / length: 150cm / -
Occupation: Chef
Relationship: apart

Maternal Grandfather: Yamada Nobuo
Age: 70
Ethnicity: Japanese
Height / length: 170cm / -
Occupation: Banker
Relationship: deceased

Brothers: -
Number of brothers:
Height / length:

Sisters: Naomi Miyamoto
Number of sisters: 1
Age: 22
Ethnicity: Japanese
Height / length: -
Occupation: Model
Relationship: close

Uncles: -
Number of uncles:
Side of the family:
Height / length:
Relationship: [close / apart / deceased / etc]

Aunts: -
Number of aunts:
Side of the family:
Height / length:
Relationship: [close / apart / deceased / etc]

Cousins: Aira Hoshino
Number of cousins: 1
Side of the family:
Height / length:
Relationship: [close / apart / deceased / etc]

Nieces: -
Number of nieces:
Side of the family:
Height / length:
Relationship: [close / apart / deceased / etc]

Nephews: -
Number of nephews:
Side of the family:
Height / length:
Relationship: [close / apart / deceased / etc]

Other relatives: -

Other details: -

Jelaskan juga bagaimana karakter berperilaku terhadap tiap-tiap anggota keluarga yang sudah disebutkan di atas. Cantumkan momen (baik ataupun buruk) yang meninggalkan kesan (atau bahkan memengaruhi karakter) sampai sekarang. Bisa ditambahkan detail lain, terserah kepada penulis.


Are they a virgin?: Ya

How did they lose it?: -
Does it hold influence on their search for romance now?: -
Have they ever cheated on a partner?: Tidak

Has a partner ever cheated on them?: -

How did they react?: -
Who was their first crush? When?: Teman sekelas, saat SMA

First love? When?: Teman sekelas, saat kuliah
Have they ever been married?: Tidak

Divorced?: Tidak
How many times have they been married/divorced?: -
Marital status (single, married, dating, etc.): Single

Are they in any kind of romantic relationship?: Ya

How serious/relaxed is it?: -
Describe the relationship with their latest partner: Belum pernah berpacaran sebelumnya

How did they meet?: -
Who made the first move?: -
How does your character truly feel about their partner?: -
When did they realize this?: -
What kind of romantic are they? (easily lovestruck, tough nut, etc.): -

What caused them to become this sort of romantic?: -
What traits do they look for in a possible lover?: -
What traits do they avoid in a lover?: -
Are they picky when it comes to romance searching?: -
Why or why not: -
What are their fetishes (Do they have any?): -

Does this ever effect relationships negatively?: -
Do their fetishes get in the way of reality?: -
What are their least favorite fetishes?: -
Who is your character’s closest friend?: Sampai sekarang tidak ada

How did they meet?: -
Why do they get along so well?: -
Describe relationship with any other significant friends: -


Who is your character’s work friends? : Sampai saat ini hanya Ailee dan Calvin Chen

How did they meet?: Terlibat kontrak kerja
Why do they get along so well?: Karena setiap hari selalu berkabar
Who is your character’s work rivals?: Tidak ada

Why?: -
How did they meet?: -
Relationship with fellow workers: Baik

Relationship with subordinates: -

Relationship with supervisors / boss: -

Most memorable events:

Most embarrassing events: Jalan jalan bersama Aileen

Afforded lifestyle: -


Aktivitas apa saja yang telah dilakukan karakter dalam jangka waktu satu minggu (25 Januari - 31 Januari): (cantumkan secara singkat dan jelas apa yang terjadi per harinya) : Menemani Aileen jalan-jalan dan berbelanja dan mengatur jadwal Aileen sebagai managernya

Apakah ada momen yang memengaruhi karakter (berlaku untuk semua segi; personality, sudut pandang akan suatu hal, etc): (jelaskan secara rinci) Selama 5 hari ini tidak ada

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Regards; Team

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