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Backround -
in the map, thunderclan has been going through a great hunger
swiftpaw and ' ' Bouncepaw ' ' (Brightpaw)
go out in search of food and stumble upon a kittypet nest
a twoleg finds them, capture Bouncepaw, inject something into her face and let her go

1- Swiftpaw and Bouncepaw are walking in a forest, a titlecard comes up reading the name of the map
2- Still walking, smiling at eachother
3-They come across a twoleg campsite, the camera pans up
4 They are given dry food and they dig in
5Bouncepaw is snatched up and then it blacks out
6 Bouncepaw is in the medicine den She movers her tail to reveal half of her face has mutated, with a mouse like lump
7 It cuts to the horrified face of swiftpaw
8 Bounce paw is sitting outside in the sun, her hair waving in the breeze, it zooms in halfway and she blinks
9 Bounce paw ascends across the screen on a cliff that resembles the leaders rock, a star appears on her face.
10 The cliff dissapears, sending her crashing into the ground.
11 - Swiftpaw lipsyncs the song, while bounce paw blushes
12 - A hungry cat, (possibly a realistic oc of yours) lunges at her face before swiftpaw intervenes, pushing them away
13 - fireheart aproaches bluestar in her den, telling her that she should give Bounce paw a warrior name
14 - A scrawny, hungry bluestar screams at bouncepaw whilst on the leaders rock
15- Cinderpelt in the medicine den, turning around
16 - Cinderpelt lipsyncs
17 - Cinderpelt looks into the warriors den, Brightheart is slumped down in a nest. Cinderpelt angrily looks up
18 - Brightheart lays in a nest, and a tear drops out of her eye
19 - Cinderpelt claws the ground, rain starts faling
20 - Swiftpaw tries to cheer brightheart up
21 - FireStar walks in, smiling
22 - Brightheart runs out into camp, it still raining.
23 - A shot of camp and cats at a meeting panning up to firestar
24 - A starclan cat appears, pouncing on Brightheart. The starclan cat claws her
25 - Brightheart falls to the ground, eyes closing as clan cats surround her. Fades to black
1 - Cinderpelt walks up to mousefur and lipsyncs
2 - Continues
3 - Continues and fades to black
1 - A shot of deceased Brightheart
2 - A crowd of hungry cats hunches over Brighthearts body, it can be assumed that they're eating her
3 - A shot of a stained ground, Zooms out
4 - As camp zooms out further
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