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1. At first glance, this image looks fairly basic. After spending a longer amount of time looking at it and analyzing it, this piece of artwork is much more complex than I originally believed it to be. The almost symmetrical split between the bone suggests a sense of imperfection, as that's how humans will always be. A person's drive for perfection does not always result in perfection. The inner-workings of the bone being shown towards the middle of this image portray the sense that each person and living being has more to them than can be seen from a quick glance of their exterior. In terms of an introduction, body, and conclusion, working from top to bottom, the bone is beginning to split while decorated with a flower, and as the split in the bone continues to grow, we can see further into the bone, inferring the deeper we dive into one's psyche, the realization hits that this is more complex than just the splitting of a bone. Towards the bottom of the image, essentially the conclusion, we see the flower alone, barely touching the bone any more. This causes me to reflect on the sentiment that life will continue to happen, even when we're gone, and to spend time reflecting inwards to further one's self-understanding, while also showcasing that being quick to judge one another on their exterior does not truly give a proper understanding of them as a being. The shadows on the right of the bone, but lacking on the left, could represent a transitional period in one's life, where most people experience the complex process or transforming from a child, into an adult. The darker, more shaded area on the right side could represent the more challenging issues we have to tackle in our adult life, in comparison to the issues one was faced with as a child. The emptiness between the two background pieces of what looks to be white cloth, could also represent the transitional period many young adults go through, and could even be an example of a gap in memory, lost in time, during a difficult span of one's life. 

2. No line or border in this image is consistent. They're not uniform in style, or strictly created according to guidelines, but rather they're individually unique and do not conform to linear rules. This suggests to me that there is no one given path to achieving something in life. Every interaction or issue you have with someone ultimately may not be solved, every matter in question may not be answered. Sometimes in life, all the gaps aren't filled in, whether that be in one's professional or personal life, not everything will be corrected or entirely understood. There are a plethora of routes you can take to get to Sacramento from Chico, but they all have differing aspects. Just because one result is created through one process, does not diminish the alternative process to achieving that result. As humans, we are not going to have every answer to all questions we consider throughout our lives, some things are left unanswered. 

3. The overall composition and lack of structure suggests to me that this piece was created out of passion, purposefully left to the interpretation of the viewer. There is no uniform guideline for creativity within art. I interpret this image's composition as showcasing a smooth, more easily handled issue on the left, met with a gap and riled up fabric on the right, suggesting frustration with where one's life has gone. I appreciate the sparse use of colors, in-turn highlighting the more basic colors, causing the viewer to read further into the meaning behind this piece. I interpret this image as a complex illustration of the mind and it's progress through one's life. 

4. I've certainly heard the name Georgia O'Keefe before, but haven't spent any time looking deeper into who she is. Learning that her mother encouraged her passion for art at a young age doesn't surprise me, being that she was extremely successful and received a multitude of awards for her art. Learning that her artwork was viewed with a negative connotation for "depicting abstract paintings of female genitalia" did not catch me off guard, being that she received critique for it in the 1920s, and social norms were vastly different than they are today. It seems quite typical of men in the 1920s to shut down an extremely talented artist for whichever means they could come up with. This information helps me understand the possible emotions she was experiencing when creating this piece of art, perhaps rooted in frustration for being treated differently as a woman.

5. Obviously having looked at this image for a while, and then having learned that her artworks often included imagery reflecting death and sexual imagery as well, 
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