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D for dealership!
Need inspection
Auctions for vehicles
Warranty probably doesn't cover electronics
F and I guy! offers you insurance
The speaker sounds like my church pastor Norman
Do yo shopping online to get the best possible APR
The speaker is also sexist
Used Cars Dealer - deals out new cars, aka independent dealer
Have good credit, don't get credit cards, don't get bankrupt, don't do drugs
Down payment not deposit
Collateral - something pledged as security for repayment of a loan, to be forfeited in the event of a default
Buy here - Pay here place
Private party - buying from somebody that has a title
Buyers worksheet - tells you stuff about the car you're buying
VIN number - that number thing on a car, every car has a specific VIN number
Go shop around for a $1,200,000 car
The dealer is also racist to Mexicans
Need a certified technician with yo brand new $1,200,000 Volkswagen bug
Pre purchased check is vital for some reason
Recycle more!
There's a girl named Anne. She went to a dealer to buy a South Korean car at a retail price for $12,000. She's somehow important. The dealer's bought the car for $9,000 and are selling it for $12,000. Doesn't include insurance because car dealers are buttheads. Read the whatever he said to read. Warranty, taxes, plates and documentation fee not included.
The speaker also singles out people with religious head covers
Let's go to the bank and credit union! What are we going to do?
Warranty made the car go from $12,000 to $14,000
APR - annual percentage rate
Anne payed her stuff and ended up paying $18,000 for 5 years and 60 months for the car
She got the title for the car! But now her car is complete crap! Because the car is now worth $4,000!!!
Now proceed to Anne's story.
This is Anne. Hi Anne! She works at one of the marts. Anne has no social life and has to do a bunch of housework because she lives with her parents and made a stupid mistake. Her life sucks. Don't do drugs.
Get insurance or you will be forever lost.
Lets talk about a crash! Here are some crashing rules!
-Whoever's at fault, that person's insurance company will have to pay
-Nothing worse than being in an accident. Except, you know, a lot of other things.
-You have to tell the insurance company where you live if you move.
-If someone hits you then hopefully you get money out of it.
-As soon as you drive a car out of the parking lot , it drops in money because of reasons!
-Insurance companies are great to work with! Other than the fact that all they want is your money
-Crashes suck. Don't get in a crash.
The speaker really hopes we have questions!! Like, he really really hopes we have questions!!!
"Everybody wants to make money on the money," said the speaker. "Seems legit," Justus thought.
My name apparently isn't a word. Screw you too chromebook.
Nicky D must stand for Nicky Dealership
Know what a car is worth
Know what yo tradin is worth
You can negotiate the price! Make sure you have charisma 10 and the bartering perk
People faxed 10 years ago.
Bubba's over there in Shortpump.
The speaker assumes that I want to buy a dress
Dresses cost $50. This is why I stick with hoodies
You have to know something in order to be a smart and cute buyer.
I had fun!
This guy really wants to hear some questions.
Talking about S's is apparently important.
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