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10 Facts About Machine Espresso That Will Instantly Put You In A Good Mood
How Does Machine Espresso Work?

Machine espresso employs precise pressure and incredible filter technology to produce the delicious coffee we enjoy. How exactly does it work?

To make an espresso hot water is pushed under pressure through finely ground coffee. The process is similar to making drip coffee. However, it is the pressure that makes the main difference.

The Head of the Group

The group head is the portafilter that you put in when making espresso. It is responsible for dispersing water into the portafilter, and controlling the pressure that results from the extraction. There are many different kinds of group heads, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Some are specifically designed for temperature stability while others are specifically designed to handle pre-infusion. Some are designed to control the lever. Some have a combination, such as the E61. This is a preferred choice for baristas as it provides a variety of advantages in a single package.

As you can see in the picture above the head of the group is fitted with several notches. It is possible to place your portafilter in these notches, then turn the head around to secure it. A gasket of rubber is situated inside the notches, which helps create a seal when you insert your portafilter. The notches allow for precise placement of your portafilter. This is crucial to ensure an even extraction.

The group head not only allows you to put in your portafilter easily however it also keeps the same temperature. This is achieved by cycling hot water around the portafilter and through the brew-basket, ensuring the temperature is always right to extract the coffee. It is crucial to keep in mind that even a few degree variation can mean the difference between a decent and a great espresso.

The Pump

Contrary to manual piston machines which rely on a lever that pressurize water, Rotary espresso machines rely on motorized pumps that provide the nine atmospheric bars of pressure needed for espresso extraction. The pressure is created by pumping water through a heat exchanger and then through the ground coffee.

Pumps are typically less expensive than piston-driven machines, and tend to last longer, but both types of machine can become damaged due to excessive use and poor cleaning. Pumps are also more complicated mechanically, which could increase prices of even simpler models.

Some espresso machines make use of steam pressure instead of a pump to make espresso. This can cause over-extraction because the boiler that produces steam also heats the water until it comes to a boil. They also have to constantly rebuild their pressure in between cups. This takes energy and time.

Many espresso machines use a rotary or vibration pump. A vibration model employs the vibrating disk to create pressure, whereas the Rotary model pushes hot coffee through the ground at high speed. Both machines can make great espresso however rotary machines tend to be more quiet, durable and less likely to break down.

The Boiler

The boiler is what will heat the water to a temperature that is ideal for extraction. The steam that is produced reaches the portafilter which holds the ground espresso coffee, and is then funneled down into the cup. During this process the steam is able to create enough pressure to push the coffee grounds through. This results in a whipped-up the top of the espresso. espressomachines is the hallmark of a good espresso.

There are three kinds of espresso makers, which differ in the type of pump they employ and how hot the brew is. There are a variety of ways in which the brew could be controlled, as well as the size of the cup the machine can produce.

The first espresso machines were steam-based. The first espresso machines were steam types. The coffee tasted bitter and burned. The modern espresso machine was designed by the Milanese makers Luigi Bezzerra & Desiderio Pavoni.

The most commonly used espresso machine is a semiautomatic model with an electric pump. These are the things people think of when they think of an espresso maker. Semi-automatic machines require you to grind and tamp the beans by yourself The pump, however, regulates the flow of water and pressure. This is a perfect combination of human control and mechanized consistency.

The Filter

Typically, espresso machines employ filters to separate the grounds of coffee as they move through the hot water. The filter is also an essential component of the machine's temperature control, as it helps prevent overheating.

Filters also aid in flavor since it allows for an extended flowering time. This allows the beans to let their nuances out, and allows for better extraction.

It is important to keep in mind that even the best filter can result in a bad cup of coffee. The quality of the beans and the extraction process remain crucial.

This is where the magic happens, it's the thing that makes espresso taste good. The grouphead, also referred to as the brew head, is the place where the portafilter (the device you put the ground coffee in) sits when you're making espresso.

In an espresso machine that is driven by steam, hot water is heated in an airtight container to create steam. Steam is then pushed through the grounds at a high pressure. These types of machines are typically cheaper and easier to maintain than pumps-driven models. However, they are not as efficient in their capacity to create the perfect conditions for brewing, as they only operate at 1-1.5 bars of pressure, while the perfect shot requires 9-10 bar.

In recent years, compressed-air-pump-driven espresso machines have become more popular. They utilize an air compressor to push the hot water through the grounds and are much more portable than steam-driven electric machines.

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