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Impacts of Parental Neglect on Personality Development and
Tehmina Sattar
Department of Sociology
*E-mail address:
The phenomenon of child neglect has been escalating rapidly with the transformation in family structure, evol
tion of single parental families, increasing number of working women and low
ents. Educational neglect by the parents brings serious modifications in personality development and behavioral
patterns of their children. Due to educational neglect by parents, the children become psychologically and em
tionally demoralized and they are at the greater risk of cognitive impairment and behavioral fluctuations that
result in their personality distortions. Cross sectional survey research design was used by the researcher to a
cumulate the data from 201 responde
the quantitative data to evaluate the difference between two means (responses of the male and female students).
The researcher instituted that there were numerous factors which agg
children education. Such factors included parental remarriage, single parental families and financial stress on
parents. After revering the analysis the researcher concluded that low grade attainment, frequent a
from school, squat self esteem and personality distortion are the major outcomes of child neglect. In addition to
this other behavior modifications such as social isolation, drug usage, antisocial behavior and recurrent depre
sion are also pervasive behavioral modifications in neglected children. Enhancing parental involvement, i
creasing parental awareness as well as launching various family network and family assistance projects are the
foremost remedies that can facilitate to prevail over the
“Child neglect is an act of omission by the parents that involves refusal or delay in provision of basic needs such
as food, clothing, shelter and education.”
Child neglect is the most common and important typ
sonality development and cognitive restructuring of the child. There are many types of child neglect like physical
neglect, emotional neglect, health neglect and educational neglect (Corcoran and Cas
is not a single cause for this matter but there are variety of causes responsible for this act. In most of the cases
parents are the eventual source of neglect for their children. Parents who disregard their children in any iss
particularly related with their indispensable educational right have some characteristics like isolation, anxiety,
frustration, tension, stress, apathy, antisocial behavior, low self esteem, loneliness, drug usage or low level of
tolerance (Armstrong, et al. 2005; Drake, 2000; Dufour, et al. 2008). Notwithstanding this personality distortion
and behavioral amendments depends strongly on the frequency and duration of child neglect. Greater frequency
and duration of child neglect results in many behavioral
hostility and inadequate personality development (Corse, et al. 1990, Kaufman and Cicchetti, 1989).
Although there are three subsequent types of parents that play an imperative role in socialization o
children but their maltreatment can destroy the overall behavioral patterns of the children:
1. Permissive: Parents who are more responsive than demanding.
2. Authoritarian: Parents who are demanding and directive but not responsive.
3. Authoritative: Parents who are neither demanding nor directive (Katz, et al. 2007).
Parental care has good impact on personality development of the children. Fathers who have strong integr
tion with their children are successful in saving their children from child abuse and n
compassionate fathers have few behavioral, emotional and psychological problems. In addition to this these
children have high academic achievement, high self esteem and high satisfaction in their lives (Garbarino, et al.
1984; Howarth, 2007). Child neglect is actually the most recurrent form of child maltreatment and there are
countless parental indicators that are involved in child neglect. These indicators comprises of poor parenting
skills, failure to recognize the predicaments of
attachment and acquaintance with their children (Hildyard and Wolfe, 2002).
The traditional family systems are reinstated by the modern family setups. Therefore the major arising co
cern is single parental families which have usually low level of integration with assorted family members. Thus
the chances for less integration and low grades of the students increase in single parental families that have neg
European Journal of Business and Management
2839 (Online)
Impacts of Parental Neglect on Personality Development and
havioral Modifications of Childre
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