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makers may need to make adjustments to resource allocation and service delivery as
necessary as a result of changes in the population's size, age distribution, and
Life expectancy and health results have a big impact on the policy drivers as well.
Improvements in medical conditions and longer life expectancies may lead to
changes in policy drivers, such as a focus on preventative care and long-term support
for older adults.
Furthermore, noticing and comprehending risk factors—like harmful habits, adult
protection reviews, or environmental dangers et.c can affect the formulation of
policies that improve health and meet the objectives of the social care system (Gauld,
R. et al., 2006). Additionally, policymakers can be affected by new developments in
medical technology and remedies since they can affect how care is provided,
resources are distributed, and decisions are made.
Policy makers in the fields of health and social care, as well as environments
involving children and young people, are heavily affected by financial and human
resources. The labour and financial resources available to policymakers in these
fields can have a big impact. For example, insufficient funds might force one to
prioritise tasks and make cheaper plans, but abundant resources may allow for
increased investment in creative ideas and the expansion of services. A stronger
focus on being empowered may also affect policy drivers. It is now well understood
that social and health policies are greatly affected by the concept of empowerment,
both as individuals and together as a group. This knowledge has led to the
introduction of programmes and policies that are designed to empower individuals
and communities with the goal of improving their capacities to make decisions,
encouraging their active participation in the design and delivery of services.
Moreover, by encouraging a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to service
delivery, changes in societal and political attitudes towards health and social care—
such as a growing acknowledgement of the value of mental health and the rights of
Page 13 of 17 - AI Writing Submission Submission ID trn:oid:::2945:199561998
Page 13 of 17 - AI Writing Submission Submission ID trn:oid:::2945:199561998
Name: Chuks Kenson ENYI
Date: 17/02/2024
Qualification title: RQF Diploma Level 4
Unit title: Understand Professional Management and Leadership in Health and
Social Care or Children and Young People’s settings
marginalised groups—can have an influence on the policies that constitute public
policy. These variables may interact and have an impact on one another, resulting in
a dynamic and complicated policy framework for children's and youth services or
health and social care (Wodchis, P, W. et al., 2020). Similarly, technological
advancements and digital transformation may also be considered as one of the
major actors that can influence the policy drivers in health and social care. The rapid
evolution of technology and its incorporation into healthcare systems can impact
policy makers by facilitating novel approaches to care, enhancing effectiveness and
accessibility to resources, and fostering creativity in the provision of healthcare
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