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Steam Name: Lolzeta

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:27398990

Previous server infractions: I never been broken any rules or get banned.

Describe your activity on the City server and Outlands server: I'm only playing in the Outlands at the moment with my character "Stride Hat" or with my Antlion "Lem". Sometimes, when a big event appears in the city, I take my rebel char there, like today with the event Liberty or Death. So, I'm studying computer at the moment, but I have enough time to join in the server everyday.

When you joined to our community?: I'm a Lemonpunch member since 2013.

Who are you? Give us information about you.

So, I was a man without experience rolling in english, because my native language is Spanish. So, a friend brought to Lemonpunch, he's Maverick, old member of this community. Then he taught me about RP and how do RP correctly. Then, I got experience and the english RP was semi-fluid to me. I began to apply to factions and then I got my first whitelist, Civil Protection.

I really get hype with it, because a strange gave me an opportunity (I'm really bad applying) and then I proved myself, scaling ranges. In 2014 I got the maximum rank in CP in that time, i1, that was a really really hard job with much effort, then I applied to OTA and Dispatch and I got accepted there too. 2014 - I was OTA, i1, Scanner and Rebel (when a blacksuit was expensive (20.000 tokens)). I was proving myself, and I was scaling ranks in OTA too, and doing a good job with the scanner and my i1 (my rebel died, but that is another story).

After putting in a lot of effort, the OTA's leader made me EOW and commander for the assault division (Blade). I really was happy, but I left the server for familiar problems and some bad shit. Then, in 2014-2015 I back to LP for AlexD, who said to me: "Join to server I'm making, WW3RP" then I gave him an opportunity and I liked it, then, one of the greatest char in that server was created, Hawk "Hawkeye" Reynor, but that is another story.

I back to HL2RP in 2015, because Maverick backs to the community and I loved play with him, so I created this character, Alexander "Hat" Petriev. We got much adventures and in 2016, Maverick left the community because he's studing a really hard university degree and he haven't got time for LP. But that don't make me leave the community and I joined to the Outlands, with this character, who, with much effort he made a name in the KRLF's bunker. Called now "Stride Hat".

Characther you got in this moment?:

"Stride Hat" -> KRLF member
Orm "Lem" -> Antlion
Sasha Zwaan -> Loyalist

Can you explain your authorization?:

Boxing authorization. I want my main characther, "Stride Hat", get knowledge of boxing and it's attacks, postures, counters... All of boxing. Why? I'm really fan of this sport and I really enjoy when I can roleplay it in sparrings. So, many people said to me make the authorization, because I do it correctly.

Have you got real experience in this authorization?:

In real life, I'm black belt of Taekwondo and Hap Ki Do, I know how a real fight works.

Can you give to us some example of boxing roleplay?:

I'm going to do a fight of two men.

Boxer - The man would put his fists near the mouth, covering his chest and his face, leaving only the eyes without cover. After that, he would do movements right-to-left and vice versa with his torso and his head, balancing himself, obviously he's doing the peek-a-boo boxing style.

Angry citizen - The other man would charge the man, attemping to punch the man with his right hand in the face.

Boxer - The man would get punched in his arms, because his covering all the time his face with his arms, doing the peek-a-boo boxing style. After that, he would moves close to the man, and throws an one-two, doing the first punch with his left fist, doing it to mark, and the second with his right fist, doing it harder. After that, and to finish the combo, he would throw an uppercurt to the man's head.

Angry citizen would get punched in the head and would move back slowly, touching his face and yelling in pain, after that, in act of rage, he would attemp to punch the man with his right fist.

Boxer - The man would dodge the punch, because he's balacing himself all the time, changing his torso and head of direction. After that, he would attemp to counter the man's attack, doing a lateral uppercut to the man's jaw.

Angry citizen falls to the ground, knocked out.

Thanks for read, and thanks for this opportunity.

PD: If you need more information, I would provide it.
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