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Thank you for informations you provided on previous ticket : 402367aa12345

But i still think that there is still a missunderstanding about my ban situation. As a full legal player, i played 660+ hours without any third party tools and spent a lot of money on my account that i cant risk with any 3rd party program. Let me explain the possible situations and please reconsider the ban decision.

1- Blue Chest Trophy Mission Bug
I think that i got banned because of minor healing bug which i made on “ Trophy Mission ” at Luferson Castle. The GM which made the ban decision, thought that the minor heal caused by a third party tool program and banned me permanently . But the minor heal caused by an in-game bug.
Let me explain the bug :

If you spam “Minor Healing” skill on rogue character before using the “Karus Infilltration Order” item which is given by NPC, you can use minor skill without any error at Luferson Castle and this situation makes the trophy quest much easier. That is what i did and i think that the GM thought that it is a 3rd Party Tool and banned me permanently, but as i explained it is not!
So this is not a 3rd party tool . I just used an in-game bug and the punishment should not be a perma ban.

2- IP Ban
The second possiblility is IP Ban. In İzmir ( The city i’m living in Turkey ) im staying on a student apartment. The whole building filled by university students and some of them playing Knight Online just like me.
The day i banned from Knight Online, I talked them about my ban and they said that they got banned too beacuse of 3rd Party Tools which they are used, and their ban times are about 6-7 hours before my ban. So i think that i got banned wrongly caused same IP adress beacuse of our apartments internet network. There is only one modem and the whole apartment connecting the same modem. So our IP adresses is same.

So, there is no doubt about my innocency. Please reconsider the situation and make a new decision about my ban. I admit that i used a in-game bug but i NEVER used anything considering as a 3rd Party Tool.

Thank you
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