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Drown in Wonderland
A story by UsakoTheTurtle
Idea by Facemisk
yes this is going to be serious but it might have some silly moments
by the way ruel is 8

A small boy, named Ruel, sat alone at a small park. He was on a field-trip for his school, which was in a town other then his hometown. The town he was now in was scary to him, since he had never been there before, but the park was pretty. He had run away from the rest of the group to come to the park, which he saw while they walked past it earlier. Then he heard people calling for him, yelling "Ruel! Are you here?". He didn't want to be found. He wanted to go home, or stay in the park. So he hid in a bush behind him. A big, healthy bush. He sat in the bush for a few moments. He saw a few of the students and his teacher walk by a few times, yelling "Ruel! Ruel!" over and over. Then he heard a little rustle in the bush, so he turned around, and saw nothing. He started to slowly crawl forward, trying to see what it was. He realized it was just himself, so he tried to turn back around to go back, but suddenly fell into a big hole that was just in the bushes. "Ahhh!!" He screamed as he fell. No one heard him. He just fell and fell for awhile, but suddenly, he stopped, and slowly started floating down again. He saw a bunch of floating objects such as mirrors, some beat up and some fancy chairs, all sorts of furniture. He even saw a cute plush of a rabbit. He tried to catch the rabbit plush as he slowly floated down, and caught it. He smiled and hugged it. It reminded him of home. He didn't know why, but it did.
After about 3-5 minutes, he reached a hard marble floor. He looked around, hugging the rabbit plush, which was soft, and for some reason warm. He felt scared. He was in yet another place he had never been, which he didn't like. But this place was different from the other one. As far as he could currently see, there was nothing but a huge, hard marble floor. He started walking, and walking, and walking... After a while, he got tired. But then suddenly he saw something. It looked like a table, with something on it. A vase? He walked over to the table. He saw a vase with a small blue flower in it. There was a note attached to the vase, as well. He grabbed the note, and tried to read it. It was difficult for him, since he didn't know how to read very well yet. All he could make out was "Tʜᴇ ғᴏx... ғʀᴏɢ... ᴀ sᴍᴀʟʟ... ᴅʀᴏᴡɴᴇᴅ﹖" He didn't get it. A fox? A frog? A small... what? He was confused. But what scared him was that it said 'drowned' at the end of the note. He set the note back down, and went back to walking around.
After a while more of walking, he saw another object. This time, it was a... wallet? He walked over to the wallet, and opened it. Inside was an ID that belonged to someone named "Jᴀʏ Mᴀɪɴ". It looks like he was a fox. Then he remembered the note. "The fox... frog... a small... drowned..." he thought to himself. "What could that mean?" He just questioned it. He put the ID back in the wallet, and set it down. Then he continued walking again.

Ruel continued walking again. This time, he saw a door in the distance as he approached it. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. He sighed, but then noticed that the door was not even attached to a wall or anything. He looked behind the door, and for some reason, there was a key. He grabbed the key and went back to the other side of the door, then put the key in the door. Surprisingly it worked, and the door opened to a new place. It was like a little park, just like the one he was in before he fell down that hole. Except this park... was different. He looked inside, and he saw red. On the ground, there were splats of crimson red, and the bushes were stained crimson. He was terrified. He heard muffled screams, and cracking noises from around the place. He slowly closed the door and backed away, then turned around. But when he turned around, he was in the crimson park. He saw a bucket that looked to have blue in it, but when he approached it, it was red. It seems the lighting in the place made it look blue. He looked around, and saw a bush, so he ran over to it, and hid in it. The bush was stained crimson, and it rubbed off on him and the rabbit plush. He closed his eyes and sat in the bush, until he stopped hearing the screaming, and the crimson stopped splashing through the bushes, onto him and the plush.
He looked out, terrified, and all he saw was crimson. All the bushes were stained, even the bench's, and the hard stone ground. He didn't see anyone though, so he carefully crawled out of the bushes. Then he heard rustling. He quickly turned around, scared. But again, he didn't see anyone. He kept hearing the sounds of leaves rustling, and it terrified him that someone would jump out at him with a knife. Then, behind him, someone did. They jumped out at him with a knife, covered in crimson. He didn't notice it at first, until he saw the shadow hover over him, with a sharp object in hand. He screamed, and felt something slide across his back. It felt like... rubber...? But it still hurt. He realized... the red wasn't blood. It didn't smell like blood. It smelt like... paint. He realized behind the muffled screams, there were laughs, and giggles. He looked around and noticed there was a big sign saying "ℝ𝕌𝔹𝔹𝔼ℝ 𝔸ℝ𝔼ℕ𝔸". He collapsed onto the floor, and let out a huge gasp. The one who hit him with the rubber knife asked "Hey, are you okay? You know its only rubber, right?" He looked behind him to see a girl. She had a name-tag that said "𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓪". It seems everyone had a name-tag. She looked at Ruel. "Hey, wheres your name-tag? Did you lose it?" Ruel just started tearing up, because he was very scared that he was going to die, then and there. Amanda put down her knife and crouched next to him. "H-hey, what's wrong??" She was very confused.

Ruel wiped his tears, and hugged the rabbit plush he had been holding the entire time. Amanda looked at the plush that had been covered in the crimson paint. "Shouldn't you get that cleaned up? It could stain. You shouldn't have brought it over into the Rubber Arena." She stated. Ruel just quietly nodded. Amanda smiled and grabbed his hand, pulling him up. "Come on, I'll show you the way." She brought Ruel to a washing machine, near the Rubber Arena, in case something like that happened. Amanda tossed it in, then inserted a coin, and the washing machine turned on. Amanda sat with Ruel on a bench until it was done washing off, then tossed it into the drying machine. About 30 minutes or so later, the dryer sung a little song, signifying that it was done. Amanda grabbed the plush out of the machine, and handed it to Ruel. Ruel smiled and closed his eyes then hugged it. It was very warm now. Ruel looked up to Amanda with his adorable little smiling face, and brightly said "Thank you!" Amanda smiled down at Ruel, and patted him on the head. "No problem, little guy. Oh yeah, what is your name?" She asked. Ruel plainly answered with "Ruel." "That's a nice name, Ruel." Amanda stood back up straight, still smiling down at him. Ruel was happy that Amanda was a nice person. Then he remembered he still had his own little journey to go on. "I haft to go now. Bye-bye!" Ruel scurried off. Amanda giggled that he said 'haft' instead of 'have'.
Ruel walked around, and saw a door in the middle of a little room. It looked just like the one he had come through that lead to Rubber Arena, so he walked up to it, and stood on his tip-toes to reach the doorknob. He turned the knob, and this time it wasn't locked like the other one. It lead back to the vast space, with the marble floor. There were no walls or anything, just a vast, hard marble floor, as far as the eye could see. He suddenly heard Amanda's voice yell "Ruel!", so he stopped and turned around before walking in. He saw Amanda running over to him. As soon as she reached Ruel, Amanda stopped and put her hands on her knees, panting. "R-Ruel..." She panted. "I wanted to know if... you..." She coughed, and stood back up straight, then stopped to catch her breath before finishing her sentence. After she caught her breath, she continued. "Ahem. I wanted to know if you had your guardian or someone with you to look after you, since when you ran off, you didn't seem to know where you were going, and ran past everyone you saw." She finished. Ruel tilted his head. "Goo... gadian? Guadian?" "Guardian. Like, your parents, or an aunt or uncle, or something. Someone to look after you." Amanda explained to the young boy. Ruel just calmly shook his head sideways, meaning no. Amanda looked a bit surprised. "What? You don't have a guardian or anyone at all with you?" Amanda asked again. Ruel had the same response. Amanda sighed. "Well, if you don't have a guardian or anyone to come with you, then I guess I will. After all, it's not safe for such a young child to be alone. Especially with all those cases of people being drowned around here." As soon as Ruel heard the word 'drowned', he remembered the note. "A fox... frog... a small... drowned." Ruel quietly mumbledto himself. "Hmm? What did you say?" Amanda asked him. Ruel quickly turned around and ran into the door, which had a small can on the other side. Ruel ran over to it, and crouched next to it, then picked it up, and looked inside.

Inside the can was another note, just like Ruel expected. He picked up the note, and read all he could of it. All he could make out was "Sᴡᴀɴ... ᴛʜᴇ ғᴏx... ᴅʀᴏᴡɴ... ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ... ᴀ ʙɪᴛ... ғʀᴏɢ... ᴍᴜʀᴅᴇʀ﹖". Amanda walked over to Ruel, and read the note. She looked a bit shocked. "W-what is this?" Ruel was confused, since he couldn't read it. "What say?" Ruel asked Amanda. "The swan is dead, the fox has drowned, the little mouse has disappeared, and the frog has hopped into another world. Is it murder?" Amanda read it out loud to Ruel. Ruel didn't know what it meant. He looked back into the can. There was a license. It looked to be for driving. He grabbed it. It belonged to someone named "Mᴏɴɢᴏ Lᴇᴇᴅᴅ". She looked to be the swan. But Ruel was confused. Why would a swan need a drivers license? Why would a fox need a wallet? He didn't know. Maybe it was just how this world was. Different from the other one. In this one, the animals and the humans lived together, instead of just the humans, keeping some animals as pets, while killing others for food. But then Ruel wondered where the carnivores like the fox got their food. But Ruel didn't want to think about that. Amanda was confused on how that stuff even got there in the first place.
Ruel realized that if he looked around, he would probably find more clues, so he got up, and thats what he did. He looked around, walking, and walking. Amanda just quietly followed behind him because she was confused. After another while of walking like before, Ruel saw something. He knew he would, so he ran over to it. It was a lamp. A lapis-blue lamp. It had a note anchored by a rock underneath it, with the light shining onto it. Ruel looked at Amanda, and Amanda went over to pick up the note and read it. "'The swan was turned into dinner, the fox was turned into a scarf, the frog was turned into a snack, and the mouse is now it's favorite food.' What does that mean?" Amanda asked looking at the note. Ruel was confused too. More confused then Amanda.

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