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About Eltroxin 100 mcg Tablet 100's
Eltroxin 100 mcg Tablet 100's is a synthetic thyroid hormone that works by replacing the thyroid hormone in the body when the natural production of thyroid hormones is not sufficient to meet the needs of the body. Eltroxin 100 mcg Tablet 100's is primarily taken for treatment of hypothyroidism or low secretion of thyroid hormone. It comprises thyroxine which is a synthetic thyroid hormone that is chemically similar to thyroxine produced by our thyroid gland. Thyroxine helps to replace missing thyroid hormone and/or to relieve stress on the thyroid gland.
Hypothyroidism is a chronic condition in which our thyroid gland (located below the throat in the neck) is not able to produce enough thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormones are composed of tri-iodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) which controls the body's metabolism. In the condition of underactive thyroid body’s metabolism slows down and the person feels less energetic. Other symptoms include easy fatiguability, constipation, weight gain, feeling cold even in warm weathers, dry skin or too much or too fewer menses (in women) or even low mood. Treatment of hypothyroid is essential to restore the normal body metabolism (basal metabolic rate).
If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, your doctor will advise you to undertake a blood test called 'thyroid function test' which checks three hormones related to thyroid - TSH, T3, T4. High TSH and low T3/T4 indicates that your thyroid gland is not functioning normally. The dose of Eltroxin 100 mcg Tablet 100's is adjusted by your doctor on the basis of your body weight and thyroid function test report. It may take some weeks for the medicine to fully show its effects. Regular monitoring of thyroid function is advised to ensure that you receive the optimum dose of Eltroxin 100 mcg Tablet 100's.
Take Eltroxin 100 mcg Tablet 100's as prescribed by your doctor. Eltroxin 100 mcg Tablet 100's usually does not have major side effects when taken regularly in the prescribed dosage but, overdosage may cause headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, irritability, diarrhoea, muscle spasm, weight loss, feeling hot even in cool environments, menstrual irregularities (in women), and skin rash. If you missed a dose do not take a double dose as it may produce serious side effects.
Your doctor may prescribe calcium or vitamin D supplements alongside Eltroxin 100 mcg Tablet 100's for your bone health. Eltroxin 100 mcg Tablet 100's should not be used for the purpose of weight loss alone. People affected with diabetes taking Eltroxin 100 mcg Tablet 100's may have altered blood glucose control that may result in increased antidiabetic agents or insulin requirements. Hence, it is recommended that people with diabetes should contact a doctor and carefully monitor their glucose level after starting, changing, or discontinuing thyroid hormone therapy.
Uses of Eltroxin 100 mcg Tablet 100's
Treatment of Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)
Medicinal Benefits
Eltroxin 100 mcg Tablet 100's controls an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) and minimizes symptoms of low thyroid hormones like unknown weight gain, fatigue, sensitivity to the cold and many more. Thus, it helps in replacing the body's own natural thyroid hormone essential for maintaining both mental and physical health. However, Eltroxin 100 mcg Tablet 100's should not be used for the treatment of weight loss or obesity.
Directions for Use
Swallow Eltroxin 100 mcg Tablet 100's as a whole with water; do not crush, break or chew it.
Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight
Side Effects of Eltroxin 100 mcg Tablet 100's
Irregular heartbeat (palpitations)
Muscle spasm
Muscle weakness
Increased appetite
Weight loss
Heat intolerance
Menstrual irregularities
Skin rash.
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