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How to Win at Online Low-Limit Texas Hold 'Em
Pot Limit Texas Hold ‘Em is a variation of Texas Hold ‘Em High which is played in online poker rooms. Many of the guidelines for online Texas Hold ‘Em are the same as Low Limit games played in the real world. Below, are some of the rules of Pot Limit and Low Limit games.

1. If the player before you bets, call, raises or folds, you should not call, raise or fold. This would be a " brushes" hand. You should only play good starting hands in this position.

2. Before the flop, you should raise the same amount as the big blind in the starting position. In Low Limit games, players march to the beat of the button. After seeing the flop, they should only raise with position-proven hands.

3. Before seeing the flop, you should bet three to four times the big blind. In Low Limit games, players are not disciplined enough to wait for the better hands.

4. On the flop, you should make the proper continuation bet. For example, raise 3x the bb if no one has entered the pot before you.

5. Only check if you have nothing (an under Pair, best hand, or nothing on the flop). Do not check if you have a good hand. Don't check if you have nothing on the flop. Don't check to try to chase your losses. Don't check to try to win the pot. If you are going to chase your losses, do it away from the pot.

6. The amount you bet for is your limit for the blinds.

7. All players must first act before going into the blinds.

8. Players are not forced to act, but if they do, they must act in time to see the flop.

9. The best hand pre-flop is better than the best hand on the flop.

10. If you have nothing post-flop, fold.

11. Pay to see the flop when you have an open-ended straight or flush draw.

12. Be disciplined and stop yourself from playing at the most expensive table

13. Know your position relative to the Button. (The Small and Big Blind are both are the corners of the Tight Zone. Its the players in the BB that are on your immediate right and are considered position. Position is the most important concept to learn.)

14. With only one exception, any player in the hands before you, or the players in position behind you, don't have to act if the blind is greater than or equal to 5% of their stack. The purpose of this rule is so that players with marginal hands can be sure they won't be losing money if you both bet out. This point raises another raise, this time from the player in position.

15. Be confident in your hand pre-flop, and when you make your hand use this confidence to your advantage. The best hands pre-flop are Trips, Flush and Straight. You will be making most of your money on the flop with these hands.

16. Calculate your pot odds talent according to your hand strength. If you have 5% chance to win, call the bet. With the same hand, if you have 97% chance to win, you will call the bet. This just keeps the players honest.

17. With the gutshot draw, play only if you have the best low hand.

18. Know your position when you are calling a bet. If you are in the Big Blind, and the Button raises, it is usually best to call the bet if you have a monster hand. In the Small Blind, it is best to fold, as the chances of a better hand are less.

19. Know your position when you are checking. If you are in the Small Blind, and the person in the Big Blind raises, it is best to fold unless you have a monster hand. In the Big Blind, if no one has raised, it is best to call a bet, even with a weak hand.

20. Stay in the game the long haul. It is important for you to make a big raise, or all of your pride and joy, to try to get some money in the pot. If you have a hand with any drawback, it is best to fold early on so you can make a big raise or all of your money.

21. Don't be in a hurry. Play games from different positions at different times.
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