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General Problem Statement:
The general problem revolves around understanding the factors that influence students’ choice of senior high school (SHS) strands within the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) track. Specifically, we aim to explore the determinants that guide students’ decision-making process when selecting their educational path.

Specific Problem Statement:
Within the context of Gov. Efren B. Pascual Senior Integrated School for the academic year 2023-2024, we seek to investigate:
How do academic performance, career prospects, personal interests, and parental influence impact students’ preference for specific SHS strands within the TVL track?
What role does each of these factors play in shaping students’ decisions regarding their future education and career paths?

Review of Literature and Studies:
Prior research has highlighted the significance of understanding students’ motivations and preferences when choosing SHS strands. Here are some relevant findings:
Academic Performance: Students who excel academically tend to lean toward the academic track, while those who struggle academically often opt for the technical-vocational-livelihood (TVL) track.

Career Prospects: Students consider future job opportunities when making their choices. They are more likely to select tracks they believe will lead to better employment prospects

Personal Interests: Students’ hobbies, talents, and passions influence their strand preferences. Aligning their interests with specific tracks plays a crucial role in decision-making.

Parental Influence: Parents significantly impact students’ decisions. Their encouragement or guidance often directs students toward particular strands

Conducting non-found interviews in this manner is essential for several reasons:
Exploratory Nature: Non-found interviews allow researchers to explore uncharted territory. When existing literature falls short, these interviews provide fresh insights and perspectives.
Rich Contextual Understanding: Interviews with participants who have not been previously studied offer context-rich information. Their unique experiences and viewpoints contribute to a deeper understanding of the phenomenon.
Emergent Themes: Non-found interviews can reveal unexpected themes and patterns. Researchers can uncover nuances that might have been overlooked in existing studies.
Holistic Approach: By combining non-found interviews with existing literature, researchers adopt a holistic approach. This ensures a comprehensive understanding of the research topic.

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