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@sagahelena I read your comments and I wanted to share my perspective and point of view to you and to everybody else that would like to read it.

Hello, Please do not take what I am going to say as an attack but as an opinion to be analyzed. It is true that God receives us as we are, but something important to keep in mind is that what you and I are is not what God designed us to be or at least not entirely. In Romans chapter 5 from verse 12 to 21, Paul describes how sin entered the world through a man and this sin corrupted not only man and the seed of man (future generations), but also creation. that God gave to man to manage. I mention this to in a way show that the comment you make is not entirely true, God DOES love us as we are (Romans 5:8) but he does NOT want us to continue living under the same parameters and with the same customs with which we arrived . to him, hence why it is said that when we come to Christ we are born again and we are a new man, a new creature (there is a radical change in us) and that new man's purpose is to be more like Jesus (Romans 8: 29) and to be more like Jesus you have to be less like yourself, I'm not talking about personality but about habits, customs, ideas, value systems, etc. Passages that support this idea could be Philippians 1:6 and 2 Corinthians 3: 18. We are imperfect and WE NEED to change, not only those who have difficulties in their sexuality, but also the liar, the one who uses foul words, the gossiper, the proud etc (1 Corinthians 6:9-10) I recommend that you not close yourself to the idea that you are already what God created you to be, but keep in mind that there is still much that he can do for you and also in you, but Just like the potter with the clay, you have to let it work on you without reservation. Let it be less of you and more of him.

Hello, please do not perceive what I am about to say as an attack, but as an opinion to be analyzed. It is true that God accepts us as we are,

but it's essential to understand that we are not entirely what God intended us to be. In Romans chapter 5, from verse 12 to 21, Paul illustrates

how sin entered the world through a man, corrupting not only humanity but also creation. This underscores that while God loves us as we are,

he desires for us to evolve beyond our current state. When we embrace Christ, we undergo a profound transformation, becoming new creations

with a purpose to emulate Jesus. To achieve this, we must shed our former selves, adopting the habits, customs, and values of Christ. Passages

such as Philippians 1:6 and 2 Corinthians 3:18 support this concept. We are imperfect and in need of change, not solely those grappling with their

sexuality, but also individuals who deceive, slander, gossip, or exhibit pride. I urge you not to confine yourself to the notion that you've already

reached your divine potential. Rather, remain open to the transformative power of God's grace, allowing Him to mold you into His likeness.

Just as a potter shapes clay, surrender to God's work within you, relinquishing any resistance. Let there be less of you and more of Him.

Hola, Por favor no tomes lo que voy a decir como una ataque sino como una opinión a analizar. Es cierto que Dios nos recibe como somos, Pero algo importante a tener en cuenta es que lo que somos tu y yo, no es lo que Dios nos diseñó para ser o por lo menos, no del todo. En Romanos en el capitulo 5 del versículo 12 al 21, Pablo describe como el pecado entra al mundo a través de un hombre y este pecado, corrompió no solo al hombre y la semilla del hombre (las futuras generaciones), sino también a la creación que Dios le dio al hombre para administrar. Menciono esto para en cierta manera mostrar que el comentario que haces no es del todo cierto, Dios SI nos ama como somos (Romanos 5:8) pero él NO quiere que sigamos viviendo bajo los mismo parámetros y con las mismas costumbres con las que llegamos a él, de ahí el porque se habla de que cuando llegamos a Cristo nacemos de nuevo y somos un nuevo hombre, una nueva criatura (hay un cambio radical en nosotros) y ese nuevo hombre tiene como fin parecerse más a Jesús (Romanos 8:29) y para parecerse más a Jesús tiene que parecerse menos a sí mismo, no hablo de personalidad sino de hábitos, costumbres, ideas, sistemas de valores, etc. Pasajes que apoyan esta idea podrían ser Filipenses 1:6 y 2 Corintios 3:18. Somos imperfectos y NECESITAMOS cambiar, no solo los que tienen dificultades en su sexualidad, sino también el mentiroso, el que utiliza palabras soeces, el chismoso, el orgulloso etc. (1 Corintios 6:9-10) Te recomiendo a que no te cierres en la idea de que ya eres lo que Dios te creo para ser, sino que ten cuenta que todavía hay mucho que el puede hacer para ti y también en ti, pero así como el alfarero con el barro, tienes que dejarlo trabajar en ti sin reservas. Que sea menos de ti y más de él.
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