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Name: Matthew Hollingsworth Date: March Period: 5th
Chapter 15 Study Guide: Medieval Europe


1. What advantages did the seas and rivers in Europe offer to the people living there? (GE-p.513)
They provided safety and opportunities for trade

2. How did mountains and rivers help to shape European culture? (GE-p.514)
They separated cultures from one another

3. What happened in Britain after the Romans left the land in the A.D. 400’s? (H-p.514)
the Angles and Saxons invaded

4. Why is the Battle of Tours important? (H-p.515)
Stopped the Muslim advance into Europe keeping Christianity as Europe’s major religion

5. What was Charlemagne’s attitude toward education. (PE-p. 516)
Encouraged education for all of his people

6. Why was there concern over how Charlemagne became emperor? (H-p.516)
Since the pope crowned him an emperor it left questions about who had more power, the pope or the emperor

7. Why was the invention of the longboat an advantage for the Vikings from Scandinavia? (A-p.518)
Longboats were sturdy enough to sail across rough ocean waters, but could also navigate up shallow rivers.

8. What are missionaries? (V-p.520)
People who were sent out to teach their religion

9. Explain the conflict between Pope Gregory VII and Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV? (H-pp.520-521)
Henry wanted Church leaders to obey him, while the pope claims that authority because he crowned king

10. What was the Concordat of Worms? (GV-p.521)
An agreement signed between the pope and the emperor that stated that only the pope could choose bishops for the church, but only the emperor could give them jobs in the government


11. What is feudalism? (GV-p.523)
Political system where landowning nobles governed and protected people in return for services

12. A vassal was a noble who served a lord of higher rank. (V-p.523)

13. What did a vassal receive from their lord in return for loyalty and serving in the lord’s army?
They were given a fief (land and the permission to rule the people who lived on it)

14. Vassals who who wore armor and fought on horseback were called knights. (PE-p.524)

15. Serfs were peasants who could not leave the manor, own property, or marry without the
lord’s permission. (PE-p.524)

16. What two important farming inventions of the Middle Ages made turning over soil faster? (A-p.525)
Horse collar
Wheeled Plow

17. Explain the idea of crop rotation. (A-p.526)
Divide the land into three fields
One field planted in Fall, one field planted in Spring, and one field left unplanted
Plan for each field rotated each year keeping the soil fertile

18. What was the code of chivalry? (H-p.526)
A list of rules for how a knight to behave

19. What changes in Europe allowed trade to resume by the year A.D. 1100? (EC-pp.527-528)
A surplus of food and goods, and safer travel

20. What did medieval townspeople get in return for paying taxes to their lord? (GV-p.530)
Basic rights like buying and selling property, and freedom from having to serve in the army

21. Describe what a typical medieval city was like? (H-p.531)
Dirty, smelly, and polluted


22. What was the Battle of Hastings? (H-p.535)
Battle between Viking ruler William and Anglo-Saxon Harold Godwinson over who should be the new King of England

23. Explain what the rule of King John was like. (PE-p.537)
John raised taxes and punished enemies without trial. Many nobles refused to obey him.

24. Why was the Magna Carta important? (GV-p.537)
The Magna Carta helped establish the idea that people have rights and that the power of government should be limited

25. What were the Crusades? (PH-p.541)
Crusades are a series of Holy wars began by Catholics against Muslim Turks to reclaim the Holy Land

26. Who was Saladin? (PE-p.542)
Saladin is an Egyptian ruler who united Muslims and want to war against the christians to reclaim lords Catern by Christians during 1st

27. How did the Third Crusade come to an end? (H-p.543)
Richard the Lion-Hearted and Saladin agreed to a truce that would allow Christian pilgrims to travel to Jerusalem Safely

28. How did the Crusades affect Europe? (H-p.543)
Increased trade between Europe and the Middle East & it helped break down feudalism


29. In medieval Western Europe, daily life revolved around the Catholic Church because priests ran the schools and hospitals. (H-p.546)

30. Heresy is religious beliefs that conflict with Church teachings. (V-p.547)

31. What was the Inquisition? (PH-p.547)
It was the Church Court that tried people accused of heresy, or beliefs that contradicted the church's teachings.

32. Hatred of Jews is known as antisemitism. (V-p.548)

33. Fill in the chart below to describe the two different styles of medieval cathedrals. (A-p.549)


*34. What were Thomas Aquinas’s beliefs related to government? (EX-p.550)

35. Everyday language is called the ____________________. (V-p.552)


36. A disease that spreads quickly and kills many people is a ______________. (V-p.554)

37. The Black Death originated in Asia and was carried by ______________. (H-p.554)

38. How did the Black Death affect the economy in Europe? (EC-p.555)

39. What was the Hundred Years’ War? (H-p.557)

40. Who was Joan of Arc? (PE-p.557)

41. What was the Reconquista? (H-p.558)

42. What was the Spanish Inquisition? (H-p.558)

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