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...package database;

import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;

import dataClasses.*;
import dataClasses.Driver;

public class DatabaseMethods {
private Connection conn;

public DatabaseMethods(Connection conn) {
this.conn = conn;

* Accepts: Nothing
* Behaviour: Retrieves information about all accounts
* Returns: List of account objects
public ArrayList<Account> getAllAccounts() throws SQLException {
ArrayList<Account> accounts = new ArrayList<Account>();

// TODO: Implement
PreparedStatement selectAllAccountStmt = conn.prepareStatement(selectAllAccountSql);
ResultSet selectAllAccountResultSet = selectAllAccountStmt.executeQuery();

while ( {
int accountId = selectAllAccountResultSet.getInt("ID");
String firstName = selectAllAccountResultSet.getString("FIRST_NAME");
String lastName = selectAllAccountResultSet.getString("LAST_NAME");
String birthdate = selectAllAccountResultSet.getString("BIRTHDATE");
String street = selectAllAccountResultSet.getString("STREET");
String city = selectAllAccountResultSet.getString("CITY");
String province = selectAllAccountResultSet.getString("PROVINCE");
String postalCode = selectAllAccountResultSet.getString("POSTAL_CODE");
String phoneNumber = selectAllAccountResultSet.getString("PHONE_NUMBER");
String email = selectAllAccountResultSet.getString("EMAIL");
boolean isPassenger = false, isDriver = false;

String isPassengerSql = "SELECT * FROM passengers WHERE id=?";
PreparedStatement isPassengerStmt = conn.prepareStatement(isPassengerSql);
isPassengerStmt.setInt(1, accountId);
ResultSet isPassengerResultSet = isPassengerStmt.executeQuery();
if (isPassengerResultSet.isBeforeFirst()) {
isPassenger = true;

String isDriverSql = "SELECT * FROM drivers WHERE id=?";
PreparedStatement isDriverStmt = conn.prepareStatement(isDriverSql);
isDriverStmt.setInt(1, accountId);
ResultSet isDriverResultSet = isDriverStmt.executeQuery();
if (isDriverResultSet.isBeforeFirst()) {
isDriver = true;
Account account = new Account(firstName, lastName, street, city, province, postalCode, phoneNumber, email,
birthdate, isPassenger, isDriver);
return accounts;

* Accepts: Email address of driver
* Behaviour: Calculates the average rating over all rides performed by the
* driver specified by the email address
* Returns: The average rating value
public double getAverageRatingForDriver(String driverEmail) throws SQLException {
double averageRating = 0.0;

// TODO: Implement
String findDriverIdSql = "SELECT ID FROM accounts WHERE EMAIL = ?";
PreparedStatement findDriverIdStmt = conn.prepareStatement(findDriverIdSql);
findDriverIdStmt.setString(1, driverEmail);
ResultSet driverIdResultSet = findDriverIdStmt.executeQuery();

int driverId = -1;
if ( {
driverId = driverIdResultSet.getInt("ID");
} else {
// Driver with the specified email not found
return -1; // Or handle accordingly

PreparedStatement retrieveRidesStmt = conn.prepareStatement(retrieveRidesSql);
retrieveRidesStmt.setInt(1, driverId);
ResultSet ridesResultSet = retrieveRidesStmt.executeQuery();
int totalRatings = 0;
int numberOfRides = 0;
while ( {
int rating = ridesResultSet.getInt("RATING_FROM_PASSENGER");
if (rating != 0) {
totalRatings += rating;
if (numberOfRides != 0) {
averageRating = (double) totalRatings / numberOfRides;

return averageRating;

* Accepts: Account details, and passenger and driver specific details.
* Passenger or driver details could be
* null if account is only intended for one type of use.
* Behaviour:
* - Insert new account using information provided in Account object
* - For non-null passenger/driver details, insert the associated data into the
* relevant tables
* Returns: Nothing
public void createAccount(Account account, Passenger passenger, Driver driver) throws SQLException {
// TODO: Implement
// Hint: Use the available insertAccount, insertPassenger, and insertDriver
// methods
int accId = insertAccount(account);
if (passenger != null) {
insertPassenger(passenger, accId);
if (driver != null) {
insertDriver(driver, accId);

* Accepts: Account details (which includes address information)
* Behaviour: Inserts the new account, as well as the account's address if it
* doesn't already exist. The new/existing address should
* be linked to the account
* Returns: Id of the new account
public int insertAccount(Account account) throws SQLException {
int accountId = -1;
int addressId = -1;

// Check if the address already exists
String checkAddressSql = "SELECT ID FROM addresses WHERE STREET = ? AND CITY = ? AND PROVINCE = ? AND POSTAL_CODE = ?";
PreparedStatement checkAddressStmt = conn.prepareStatement(checkAddressSql);
checkAddressStmt.setString(1, account.getStreet());
checkAddressStmt.setString(2, account.getCity());
checkAddressStmt.setString(3, account.getProvince());
checkAddressStmt.setString(4, account.getPostalCode());
ResultSet addressResultSet = checkAddressStmt.executeQuery();

if ( {
// Address already exists, retrieve its ID
addressId = addressResultSet.getInt("ID");
} else {
// Address doesn't exist, insert the new address
addressId = insertAddressIfNotExists(
new Address(account.getStreet(), account.getCity(), account.getProvince(), account.getPostalCode()));

// Step 2: Insert the new account
String insertAccountSql = "INSERT INTO accounts (FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, BIRTHDATE, ADDRESS_ID, PHONE_NUMBER, EMAIL) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
PreparedStatement insertAccountStmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertAccountSql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
insertAccountStmt.setString(1, account.getFirstName());
insertAccountStmt.setString(2, account.getLastName());
insertAccountStmt.setString(3, account.getBirthdate());
insertAccountStmt.setInt(4, addressId);
insertAccountStmt.setString(5, account.getPhoneNumber());
insertAccountStmt.setString(6, account.getEmail());

// Retrieve the generated account ID
ResultSet generatedAccountKeys = insertAccountStmt.getGeneratedKeys();
if ( {
accountId = generatedAccountKeys.getInt(1);
} else {
// Failed to retrieve generated account ID
// Handle error

// Step 3: Return the ID of the newly inserted account
return accountId;

* Accepts: Passenger details (should not be null), and account id for the
* passenger
* Behaviour: Inserts the new passenger record, correctly linked to the account
* id
* Returns: Id of the new passenger
public int insertPassenger(Passenger passenger, int accountId) throws SQLException {
// TODO: Implement
// int passengerId = -1;

// Step 1: Insert the new passenger record
String insertPassengerSql = "INSERT INTO passengers (ID, CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER) VALUES (?, ?)";
PreparedStatement insertPassengerStmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertPassengerSql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
insertPassengerStmt.setInt(1, accountId); // Assuming passenger ID is same as account ID
insertPassengerStmt.setString(2, passenger.getCreditCardNumber());

// Retrieve the generated passenger ID
ResultSet generatedPassengerKeys = insertPassengerStmt.getGeneratedKeys();
if ( {
accountId = generatedPassengerKeys.getInt(1);
} else {
// Failed to retrieve generated passenger ID
// Handle error

// Step 2: Return the ID of the newly inserted passenger
// return passengerId;
return accountId;

* Accepts: Driver details (should not be null), and account id for the driver
* Behaviour: Inserts the new driver and driver's license record, correctly
* linked to the account id
* Returns: Id of the new driver
public int insertDriver(Driver driver, int accountId) throws SQLException {
// TODO: Implement
// Hint: Use the insertLicense method

int driverId = -1;
int licenseId = insertLicense(driver.getLicenseNumber(), driver.getLicenseExpiryDate());

// Step 1: Insert the driver details into the 'drivers' table
String insertDriverSql = "INSERT INTO drivers (ID, LICENSE_ID) VALUES (?, ?)";
PreparedStatement insertDriverStmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertDriverSql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
insertDriverStmt.setInt(1, accountId);
insertDriverStmt.setInt(2, licenseId);

// Get the generated driver ID
ResultSet generatedKeys = insertDriverStmt.getGeneratedKeys();
if ( {
driverId = generatedKeys.getInt(1);
} else {
// Handle error: Unable to retrieve generated driver ID
return driverId;

* Accepts: Driver's license number and license expiry
* Behaviour: Inserts the new driver's license record
* Returns: Id of the new driver's license
public int insertLicense(String licenseNumber, String licenseExpiry) throws SQLException {
int licenseId = -1;

// Step 1: Insert the new driver's license record
String insertLicenseSql = "INSERT INTO licenses (NUMBER, EXPIRY_DATE) VALUES (?, ?)";
PreparedStatement insertLicenseStmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertLicenseSql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
insertLicenseStmt.setString(1, licenseNumber);
insertLicenseStmt.setString(2, licenseExpiry);

// Retrieve the generated license ID
ResultSet generatedLicenseKeys = insertLicenseStmt.getGeneratedKeys();
if ( {
licenseId = generatedLicenseKeys.getInt(1);
} else {
// Failed to retrieve generated license ID
// Handle error

// Step 2: Return the ID of the newly inserted driver's license
return licenseId;

* Accepts: Address details
* Behaviour:
* - Checks if an address with these properties already exists.
* - If it does, gets the id of the existing address.
* - If it does not exist, creates the address in the database, and gets the id
* of the new address
* Returns: Id of the address
public int insertAddressIfNotExists(Address address) throws SQLException {
int addressId = -1;

// Step 1: Check if an address with the provided details already exists
String checkAddressSql = "SELECT ID FROM addresses WHERE STREET = ? AND CITY = ? AND PROVINCE = ? AND POSTAL_CODE = ?";
PreparedStatement checkAddressStmt = conn.prepareStatement(checkAddressSql);
checkAddressStmt.setString(1, address.getStreet());
checkAddressStmt.setString(2, address.getCity());
checkAddressStmt.setString(3, address.getProvince());
checkAddressStmt.setString(4, address.getPostalCode());
ResultSet addressResultSet = checkAddressStmt.executeQuery();

if ( {
// Address already exists, retrieve its ID
addressId = addressResultSet.getInt("ID");
} else {
// Step 2: Create the address in the database
String insertAddressSql = "INSERT INTO addresses (STREET, CITY, PROVINCE, POSTAL_CODE) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";
PreparedStatement insertAddressStmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertAddressSql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
insertAddressStmt.setString(1, address.getStreet());
insertAddressStmt.setString(2, address.getCity());
insertAddressStmt.setString(3, address.getProvince());
insertAddressStmt.setString(4, address.getPostalCode());

// Retrieve the generated address ID
ResultSet generatedKeys = insertAddressStmt.getGeneratedKeys();
if ( {
addressId = generatedKeys.getInt(1);
} else {
// Failed to retrieve generated address ID
// Handle error

// Step 3: Return the ID of the address
return addressId;

* Accepts: Name of new favourite destination, email address of the passenger,
* and the id of the address being favourited
* Behaviour: Finds the id of the passenger with the email address, then inserts
* the new favourite destination record
* Returns: Nothing
public void insertFavouriteDestination(String favouriteName, String passengerEmail, int addressId)
throws SQLException {
int passengerId = getPassengerIdFromEmail(passengerEmail);
String insertFavDestSql = "INSERT INTO favourite_locations (PASSENGER_ID,LOCATION_ID,NAME) VALUES(?,?,?)";
PreparedStatement insertFavDestStmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertFavDestSql);
insertFavDestStmt.setInt(1, passengerId);
insertFavDestStmt.setInt(2, addressId);
insertFavDestStmt.setString(3, favouriteName);

* Accepts: Email address
* Behaviour: Determines if a driver exists with the provided email address
* Returns: True if exists, false if not
public boolean checkDriverExists(String email) throws SQLException {
boolean exists = false;

// Step 1: Query the database to check if a driver exists with the provided
// email address
String checkDriverSql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS driverCount FROM drivers INNER JOIN accounts ON drivers.ID = accounts.ID WHERE EMAIL = ?";
PreparedStatement checkDriverStmt = conn.prepareStatement(checkDriverSql);
checkDriverStmt.setString(1, email);
ResultSet driverCountResultSet = checkDriverStmt.executeQuery();

if ( {
int driverCount = driverCountResultSet.getInt("driverCount");
exists = (driverCount > 0); // Set to true if driver exists, false otherwise

// Step 2: Return the result
return exists;

* Accepts: Email address
* Behaviour: Determines if a passenger exists with the provided email address
* Returns: True if exists, false if not
public boolean checkPassengerExists(String email) throws SQLException {
boolean exists = false;

// Step 1: Query the database to check if a passenger exists with the provided
// email address
String checkPassengerSql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS passengerCount FROM passengers INNER JOIN accounts ON passengers.ID = accounts.ID WHERE EMAIL = ?";
PreparedStatement checkPassengerStmt = conn.prepareStatement(checkPassengerSql);
checkPassengerStmt.setString(1, email);
ResultSet passengerCountResultSet = checkPassengerStmt.executeQuery();

if ( {
int passengerCount = passengerCountResultSet.getInt("passengerCount");
exists = (passengerCount > 0); // Set to true if passenger exists, false otherwise

// Step 2: Return the result
return exists;

* Accepts: Email address of passenger making request, id of dropoff address,
* requested date/time of ride, and number of passengers
* Behaviour: Inserts a new ride request, using the provided properties
* Returns: Nothing
public void insertRideRequest(String passengerEmail, int dropoffLocationId, String date, String time,
int numberOfPassengers) throws SQLException {
int passengerId = getPassengerIdFromEmail(passengerEmail);
int pickupAddressId = getAccountAddressIdFromEmail(passengerEmail);
PreparedStatement insertRideRequestStmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertRideRequestSql);
insertRideRequestStmt.setInt(1, passengerId);
insertRideRequestStmt.setInt(2, pickupAddressId);
insertRideRequestStmt.setString(3, date);
insertRideRequestStmt.setString(4, time);
insertRideRequestStmt.setInt(5, numberOfPassengers);
insertRideRequestStmt.setInt(6, dropoffLocationId);

* Accepts: Email address
* Behaviour: Gets id of passenger with specified email (assumes passenger
* exists)
* Returns: Id
public int getPassengerIdFromEmail(String passengerEmail) throws SQLException {
int passengerId = -1;

// Query the database to get the ID of the passenger with the specified email
String getPassengerIdSql = "SELECT passengers.ID FROM passengers INNER JOIN accounts ON passengers.ID = accounts.ID WHERE EMAIL = ?";
PreparedStatement getPassengerIdStmt = conn.prepareStatement(getPassengerIdSql);
getPassengerIdStmt.setString(1, passengerEmail);
ResultSet passengerIdResultSet = getPassengerIdStmt.executeQuery();

// Extract the passenger ID from the result set
if ( {
passengerId = passengerIdResultSet.getInt("ID");

// Return the passenger ID
return passengerId;

* Accepts: Email address
* Behaviour: Gets id of driver with specified email (assumes driver exists)
* Returns: Id
public int getDriverIdFromEmail(String driverEmail) throws SQLException {
int driverId = -1;

// Query the database to get the ID of the driver with the specified email
String getDriverIdSql = "SELECT drivers.ID FROM drivers INNER JOIN accounts ON drivers.ID = accounts.ID WHERE EMAIL = ?";
PreparedStatement getDriverIdStmt = conn.prepareStatement(getDriverIdSql);
getDriverIdStmt.setString(1, driverEmail);
ResultSet driverIdResultSet = getDriverIdStmt.executeQuery();

// Extract the driver ID from the result set
if ( {
driverId = driverIdResultSet.getInt("ID");

// Return the driver ID
return driverId;

* Accepts: Email address
* Behaviour: Gets the id of the address tied to the account with the provided
* email address
* Returns: Address id
public int getAccountAddressIdFromEmail(String email) throws SQLException {
int addressId = -1;

// Query the database to get the ID of the address tied to the account with the
// provided email address
String getAddressIdSql = "SELECT ADDRESS_ID FROM accounts WHERE EMAIL = ?";
PreparedStatement getAddressIdStmt = conn.prepareStatement(getAddressIdSql);
getAddressIdStmt.setString(1, email);
ResultSet addressIdResultSet = getAddressIdStmt.executeQuery();

// Extract the address ID from the result set
if ( {
addressId = addressIdResultSet.getInt("ADDRESS_ID");

// Return the address ID
return addressId;

* Accepts: Email address of passenger
* Behaviour: Gets a list of all the specified passenger's favourite
* destinations
* Returns: List of favourite destinations
public ArrayList<FavouriteDestination> getFavouriteDestinationsForPassenger(String passengerEmail)
throws SQLException {
ArrayList<FavouriteDestination> favouriteDestinations = new ArrayList<FavouriteDestination>();

// Query the database to retrieve all favorite destinations for the specified
// passenger
String getFavouriteDestinationsSql = "SELECT fl.NAME,ad.ID,ad.STREET,ad.CITY,ad.PROVINCE,ad.POSTAL_CODE FROM favourite_locations fl INNER JOIN addresses ad ON fl.LOCATION_ID=ad.ID INNER JOIN passengers p ON fl.PASSENGER_ID=p.ID INNER JOIN accounts ac ON p.ID=ac.ID WHERE ac.EMAIL=?";
PreparedStatement getFavouriteDestinationsStmt = conn.prepareStatement(getFavouriteDestinationsSql);
getFavouriteDestinationsStmt.setString(1, passengerEmail);
ResultSet favouriteDestinationsResultSet = getFavouriteDestinationsStmt.executeQuery();

// Iterate through the result set and populate the list of favorite destinations
while ( {
int addressId = favouriteDestinationsResultSet.getInt("ID");
String name = favouriteDestinationsResultSet.getString("NAME");
String street = favouriteDestinationsResultSet.getString("STREET");
String city = favouriteDestinationsResultSet.getString("CITY");
String province = favouriteDestinationsResultSet.getString("PROVINCE");
String postalCode = favouriteDestinationsResultSet.getString("POSTAL_CODE");

// Create a new FavouriteDestination object and add it to the list
FavouriteDestination favouriteDestination = new FavouriteDestination(name, addressId, street, city, province,

return favouriteDestinations;

* Accepts: Nothing
* Behaviour: Gets a list of all uncompleted ride requests (i.e. requests
* without an associated ride record)
* Returns: List of all uncompleted rides
public ArrayList<RideRequest> getUncompletedRideRequests() throws SQLException {
ArrayList<RideRequest> uncompletedRideRequests = new ArrayList<RideRequest>();

// Query the database to retrieve all uncompleted ride requests
"FROM ride_requests rr " +
"INNER JOIN passengers p ON rr.PASSENGER_ID = p.ID " +
"INNER JOIN accounts a1 ON p.ID = a1.ID " +
"INNER JOIN addresses a2 ON rr.PICKUP_LOCATION_ID = a2.ID " +
"LEFT JOIN addresses a3 ON rr.DROPOFF_LOCATION_ID = a3.ID " +
"LEFT JOIN rides r ON rr.ID = r.REQUEST_ID " +

PreparedStatement getUncompletedRideRequestsStmt = conn.prepareStatement(getUncompletedRideRequestsSql);
ResultSet uncompletedRideRequestsResultSet = getUncompletedRideRequestsStmt.executeQuery();

while ( {
int id = uncompletedRideRequestsResultSet.getInt("ID");
String passengerFirstName = uncompletedRideRequestsResultSet.getString("PASSENGER_FIRST_NAME");
String passengerLastName = uncompletedRideRequestsResultSet.getString("PASSENGER_LAST_NAME");
String pickupStreet = uncompletedRideRequestsResultSet.getString("PICKUP_STREET");
String pickupCity = uncompletedRideRequestsResultSet.getString("PICKUP_CITY");
String dropoffStreet = uncompletedRideRequestsResultSet.getString("DROPOFF_STREET");
String dropOffCity = uncompletedRideRequestsResultSet.getString("DROPOFF_CITY");
String desiredPickupDate = uncompletedRideRequestsResultSet.getString("PICKUP_DATE");
String desiredPickupTime = uncompletedRideRequestsResultSet.getString("PICKUP_TIME");

RideRequest rideRequest = new RideRequest(id, passengerFirstName, passengerLastName, pickupStreet, pickupCity,
dropoffStreet, dropOffCity, desiredPickupDate, desiredPickupTime);


return uncompletedRideRequests;

* Accepts: Ride details
* Behaviour: Inserts a new ride record
* Returns: Nothing
public void insertRide(Ride ride) throws SQLException {
// TODO: Implement
// Hint: Use getDriverIdFromEmail
int driverId = getDriverIdFromEmail(ride.getDriverEmail());
PreparedStatement insertRideStmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertRideSql);
insertRideStmt.setInt(1, driverId);
insertRideStmt.setInt(2, ride.getRideRequestId());
insertRideStmt.setString(3, ride.getStartDate());
insertRideStmt.setString(4, ride.getStartTime());
insertRideStmt.setString(5, ride.getEndDate());
insertRideStmt.setString(6, ride.getEndTime());
insertRideStmt.setInt(7, ride.getRatingFromDriver());
insertRideStmt.setInt(8, ride.getRatingFromPassenger());
insertRideStmt.setDouble(9, ride.getDistance());
insertRideStmt.setDouble(10, ride.getCharge());

what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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