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6184961622505341 9204 20,00 - ++
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6171455261339556 2526 20,00 - ++
6171452640791554 7383 20,00 - ++

6184952514523553 8969 20,00 - $19.74
6172195711631101 0608 20,00 - $19.73
6184954087795001 7871 20,00 - $19.68
6184963908514883 1306 20,00 - $19.00
6184959191209678 9081 20,00 - $18.35
6184956695062574 7868 20,00 - $18.18
6184952018125895 6553 20,00 - $17.59
6184964482476624 1793 20,00 - $15.94
6184955667195300 3307 20,00 - $15.88
6171449623090150 8880 20,00 - $15.84
6171604163671628 2387 20,00 - $15.66
6171578187475536 2977 20,00 - $15.34
6171540418725358 8860 20,00 - $15.34
6184953088163018 3183 20,00 - $14.73
6184966138347616 1346 20,00 - $13.72
6175405197223158 8711 20,00 - $13.18
6175401553476169 3434 20,00 - $12.56
6172197900799089 7697 20,00 - $12.39
6171575767228894 4417 20,00 - $11.97
6184962513276809 1011 20,00 - $10.50
6186754196039063 4650 20,00 - $10.21

6184953587010776 2165 20,00 - $9.59
6184958655133053 8773 20,00 - $9.45
6184964682303305 2374 20,00 - $9.37
6184960478866059 4220 20,00 - $9.28
6172196125334107 6009 20,00 - $9.09
6184970174314029 0298 20,00 - $8.94
6171451211253965 1966 20,00 - $8.15
6184970590504971 2387 20,00 - $8.03
6184954090751709 7748 20,00 - $7.80
6184954535350789 2800 20,00 - $7.62
6184953249567159 9347 20,00 - $7.05
6184955690244624 4632 20,00 - $6.90
6172196212678940 4122 20,00 - $6.85
6171454921157425 5907 20,00 - $6.53
6184967532382480 9500 20,00 - $6.50
6184970941331076 4993 20,00 - $6.25
6184965822369528 2082 20,00 - $6.25
6171569205534022 2485 20,00 - $6.20
6184958346758585 1266 20,00 - $5.46
6171603290893315 5799 20,00 - $5.22
6184951803605045 4928 20,00 - $5.15
6171541049689523 6532 20,00 - $5.10
6175409536616069 4038 20,00 - $4.96
6175406863745009 8672 20,00 - $4.89
6171600939153621 1765 20,00 - $4.72
6171576092055992 1838 20,00 - $4.61
6171570687092573 3019 20,00 - $4.60
6171457713992804 8469 20,00 - $4.35
6184968761313016 6890 20,00 - $4.33
6184969580885435 7402 20,00 - $4.27
6184966111593844 4726 20,00 - $4.19
6186754276172638 7036 20,00 - $4.09
6184954752371495 0036 20,00 - $4.00
6172196640996164 0954 20,00 - $3.76
6171540967546443 9251 20,00 - $3.75
6184955767072550 5913 20,00 - $3.73
6171568680457888 0820 20,00 - $3.42
6171449916727727 6582 20,00 - $3.34
6184952005066371 9314 20,00 - $3.18
6172196108790713 6697 20,00 - $3.06
6172197191546405 0838 20,00 - $3.05
6171457052029388 1118 20,00 - $3.05
6175404688944239 2538 20,00 - $2.64
6171539504276937 0651 20,00 - $2.56
6172195009151905 4172 20,00 - $2.45
6184958965766544 4567 20,00 - $2.42
6175405086751828 3953 20,00 - $2.31
6171453654053744 2876 20,00 - $2.34
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Regards; Team

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