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Uniform, clothes association with problems and struggle, looked class's slots can't look the same.

- clothes/uniforms say nothing from a person mind. It reflects backgrounds,what part of society or slot hey may come from, what they may like due to their surroundings influences but, yet, nothing about the person itself. Yet, due to human tendency of generalization, and probabilities, they create asupmtions, which shouldn't not be trteated as conclusions.
To be logical, efficient about it, can't involve likes. So it's about which clothes are more comfortable as to practical and efficient ( logic) and about western conventions of formality and slots impressions ( irrational)

Truck premises:
-Unmatched side work do to liberties...?
-Something happens, make it work, as side by hiring, auromation, as least for av while or to sell if get in the way...?
-time management and adaptation practice. As a efficient cup powerhouse at the task at will. As everything its practice. ..?
-to create valuable jobs, give something of dignity to show.

For what... what to get out of it... of life?
All of this is not about me,I mean really, I don't need all of this. Comes down to is about my situation...adaptation, sharpness and courage, flame intact.

Taking up all my time, you can't put money on that, is an insult. To pay for my time, what could do, you won't pay it, and I won't receive it if not from where I want it to come from. Also, don't need it. So low, ignorance of tutoring...ignorance in general. Everyone wants big riches and get to be really greedy, as always, words are empty. If you involve others into , then don't be greedy and both be well. Proper sharing

No doubt, family is a he'll, at least for this world order. Is for purposes less people, living, ...being...with no direction. Makes them complete. .

Interest: keep alert. changing med register or alternating instruments and roles.lack that, lack attention. As short as an idea ( 4 phrases) Ensemble is alive, so make ensemble stuff ie tempo changes.

Is possible, without reference, to get themes on belt.Just simulate/ think situations and conventions that evoke them. They are deeply related to human perception and instincts. Simply put them inside an order/frame and there it is.

The drums stances, regular and irregul/syncopated, expressive. that's known and practical. Hats to use closed and present th open hat.
Arpgs. Like waves, with changing volumes and body length.

3 types of intros

-Short introductory or very short introductory ( little to do with body but outstanding and fits)
- very short to start
-very short introductory with then bits of piece.

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Regards; Team

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