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Superior kinds coexistence throughout Lotka-Volterra competition versions as a result of nonlocal interactions.
Part-level attribute parsing is a fundamental but challenging task, which requires the region-level visual understanding to provide explainable details of body parts. Most existing approaches address this problem by adding a regional convolutional neural network (RCNN) with an attribute prediction head to a two-stage detector, in which attributes of body parts are identified from localwise part boxes. However, localwise part boxes with limit visual clues (i.e., part appearance only) lead to unsatisfying parsing results, since attributes of body parts are highly dependent on comprehensive relations among them. In this article, we propose a knowledge-embedded RCNN (KE-RCNN) to identify attributes by leveraging rich knowledge, including implicit knowledge (e.g., the attribute "above-the-hip" for a shirt requires visual/geometry relations of shirt-hip) and explicit knowledge (e.g., the part of "shorts" cannot have the attribute of "hoodie" or "lining"). Specifically, the KE-RCNN consists of two novel components, that is 1) implicit knowledge-based encoder (IK-En) and 2) explicit knowledge-based decoder (EK-De). The former is designed to enhance part-level representation by encoding part-part relational contexts into part boxes, and the latter one is proposed to decode attributes with a guidance of prior knowledge about part-attribute relations. In this way, the KE-RCNN is plug-and-play, which can be integrated into any two-stage detectors, for example, Attribute-RCNN, Cascade-RCNN, HRNet-based RCNN, and SwinTransformer-based RCNN. Extensive experiments conducted on two challenging benchmarks, for example, Fashionpedia and Kinetics-TPS, demonstrate the effectiveness and generalizability of the KE-RCNN. In particular, it achieves higher improvements over all existing methods, reaching around 3% of APallIoU+F1 on Fashionpedia and around 4% of Accp on Kinetics-TPS. Code and models are publicly available at https//, low-rank tensor recovery methods based on subspace representation have received increased attention in the field of hyperspectral image (HSI) denoising. Unfortunately, those methods usually analyze the prior structural information within different dimensions indiscriminately, ignoring the differences between modes, leaving substantial room for improvement. In this article, we first consider the low-rank properties in the subspace and prove that the structure correlation across the nonlocal self-similarity mode is much stronger than in the spatial sparsity and spectral correlation modes. On that basis, we introduce a new multidirectional low-rank regularization, in which each mode is assigned a different weight to characterize its contribution to estimating the tensor rank. After that, integrating the proposed regularization with the subspace-based tensor recovery framework, an optimization model for HSI mixed noise removal is developed. The proposed model can be addressed efficiently via the alternating minimization algorithm. Extensive experiments implemented with synthetic and real data demonstrate that the proposed method significantly outperforms other state-of-the-art HSI denoising methods, which clearly indicates the effectiveness of the proposed approach in HSI denoising.Digital realization of neuron models, especially implementation on a field programmable gate array (FPGA), is one of the key objectives of neuromorphic research, because the effective hardware realization of the biological neural networks plays a crucial role in implementing the behaviors of the brain for future applications. In this paper, a hybrid FitzHugh Nagumo-Morris Lecar (FNML) neuron model with electromagnetic flux coupling is considered, and two multiplierless piecewise linear (PWL) models, which have similar behaviors to the biological neuron, are presented. A comparison between digital implementation results of the original FNML and PWL models illustrates that, the PWL1 model provides a 65% speed-up with an overall saving (in FPGA resources) of 66.2%, and the PWL2 model yields a 71% speed-up with an overall saving of 78.2%.The objective of this work is to develop error-bounded lossy compression methods to preserve topological features in 2D and 3D vector fields. Specifically, we explore the preservation of critical points in piecewise linear and bilinear vector fields. We define the preservation of critical points as, without any false positive, false negative, or false type in the decompressed data, (1) keeping each critical point in its original cell and (2) retaining the type of each critical point (e.g., saddle and attracting node). The key to our method is to adapt a vertex-wise error bound for each grid point and to compress input data together with the error bound field using a modified lossy compressor. Our compression algorithm can be also embarrassingly parallelized for large data handling and in situ processing. We benchmark our method by comparing it with existing lossy compressors in terms of false positive/negative/type rates, compression ratio, and various vector field visualizations with several scientific applications.Declarative grammar is becoming an increasingly important technique for understanding visualization design spaces. The GoTreeScape system presented in the paper allows users to navigate and explore the vast design space implied by GoTree, a declarative grammar for visualizing tree structures. To provide an overview of the design space, GoTreeScape, which is based on an encoder-decoder architecture, projects the tree visualizations onto a 2D landscape. Significantly, this landscape takes the relationships between different design features into account. GoTreeScape also includes an exploratory framework that allows top-down, bottom-up, and hybrid modes of exploration to support the inherently undirected nature of exploratory searches. Two case studies demonstrate the diversity with which GoTreeScape expands the universe of designed tree visualizations for users. The source code associated with GoTreeScape is available at https// paper presents a computational framework for the Principal Geodesic Analysis of merge trees (MT-PGA), a novel adaptation of the celebrated Principal Component Analysis (PCA) framework [87] to the Wasserstein metric space of merge trees [93]. We formulate MT-PGA computation as a constrained optimization problem, aiming at adjusting a basis of orthogonal geodesic axes, while minimizing a fitting energy. We introduce an efficient, iterative algorithm which exploits shared-memory parallelism, as well as an analytic expression of the fitting energy gradient, to ensure fast iterations. Our approach also trivially extends to extremum persistence diagrams. Extensive experiments on public ensembles demonstrate the efficiency of our approach - with MT-PGA computations in the orders of minutes for the largest examples. We show the utility of our contributions by extending to merge trees two typical PCA applications. First, we apply MT-PGA to data reduction and reliably compress merge trees by concisely representing them by their first coordinates in the MT-PGA basis. Second, we present a dimensionality reduction framework exploiting the first two directions of the MT-PGA basis to generate two-dimensional layouts of the ensemble. We augment these layouts with persistence correlation views, enabling global and local visual inspections of the feature variability in the ensemble. In both applications, quantitative experiments assess the relevance of our framework. Finally, we provide a C++ implementation that can be used to reproduce our results.We present a novel technique for hierarchical super resolution (SR) with neural networks (NNs), which upscales volumetric data represented with an octree data structure to a high-resolution uniform grid with minimal seam artifacts on octree node boundaries. Our method uses existing state-of-the-art SR models and adds flexibility to upscale input data with varying levels of detail across the domain, instead of only uniform grid data that are supported in previous approaches. The key is to use a hierarchy of SR NNs, each trained to perform 2× SR between two levels of detail, with a hierarchical SR algorithm that minimizes seam artifacts by starting from the coarsest level of detail and working up. We show that our hierarchical approach outperforms baseline interpolation and hierarchical upscaling methods, and demonstrate the usefulness of our proposed approach across three use cases including data reduction using hierarchical downsampling+SR instead of uniform downsampling+SR, computation savings for hierarchical finite-time Lyapunov exponent field calculation, and super-resolving low-resolution simulation results for a high-resolution approximation visualization.Selecting views is one of the most common but overlooked procedures in topics related to 3D scenes. Typically, existing applications and researchers manually select views through a trial-and-error process or "preset" a direction, such as the top-down views. For example, literature for scene synthesis requires views for visualizing scenes. Research on panorama and VR also require initial placements for cameras, etc. This paper presents SceneViewer, an integrated system for automatic view selections. Our system is achieved by applying rules of interior photography, which guides potential views and seeks better views. Through experiments and applications, we show the potentiality and novelty of the proposed method.To reduce the high rates of morbidity and mortality caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains, it is essential to prevent their transmission. This can be achieved through molecular surveillance of the infecting strains, for which the detection of the entry of new strains, the analysis of antimicrobial resistance, and their containment are essential. In this study, we have analyzed 190 MRSA isolates obtained at the Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia (Spain) from 2013 to 2018 with three approaches Multilocus Sequence Typing, spa, and SCCmec typing. Although the incidence of S. aureus infections detected in the hospital increased in the study period, the frequency of MRSA isolates decreased from 33% to 18%. One hundred seventy-two MRSA isolates were resistant to three or more classes of antimicrobials, especially to fluoroquinolones. No relevant temporal trend in the distribution of antibiotic susceptibility was observed. The combination of the three typing schemes allowed the identification of 74 different clones, of which the combination ST125-t067-IV was the most abundant in the study (27 cases). Members of three clonal complexes, CC5, CC8, and CC22, comprised 91% of the isolates, and included 32 STs and 32 spa types. The emergence of low incidence strains throughout the study period and a large number of isolates resistant to different classes of antibiotics shows the need for epidemiological surveillance of this pathogen. Our study demonstrates that epidemiological and molecular surveillance is a powerful tool to detect the emergence of clinically important MRSA clones.Survivors of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) often have altered body composition secondary to treatment effects, including sarcopenic obesity (SO), which increases the risk of both metabolic complications and frailty. SO is difficult to detect without using advanced imaging techniques to which access is often limited. To explore whether common clinical indices can reliably identify the presence of SO in a cohort of long-term survivors of ALL, the discriminatory capacity of body mass index (BMI) or triponderal mass index (TMI, kg/m 3 ) for detecting SO was assessed. Thresholds of BMI and TMI associated with overweight or obesity status had poor sensitivity ( less then 50%) and specificity for detecting SO. Total misclassification rates at these thresholds exceeded 50% and positive likelihood ratios were nonsignificant. Notably, TMI is more strongly correlated with elevated adiposity than is BMI in this survivor population ( R2 =0.73 vs. 0.57), suggesting further exploration is warranted. Our study is limited by the sample size, precluding detailed regression analysis.
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