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a better understanding of the role SEG and SEI play in foodborne outbreaks caused by S. aureus.The US opioid epidemic challenges us to rethink our understanding of the function of opioids and the nature of chronic pain. We have neatly separated opioid use and abuse as well as physical and social pain in ways that may not be consistent with the most recent neuroscientific and epidemiological research. Physical injury and social rejection activate similar brain centers. Many of the patients who use opioid medications long term for the treatment of chronic pain have both physical and social pain, but these medications may produce a state of persistent opioid dependence that suppresses the endogenous opioid system that is essential for human socialization and reward processing. Recognition of the social aspects of chronic pain and opioid action can improve our treatment of chronic pain and our use of opioid medications.Unique means of copper scavenging have been identified in proteobacterial methanotrophs, particularly the use of methanobactin, a novel ribosomally synthesized post-translationally modified polypeptide that binds copper with very high affinity. The possibility that copper sequestration strategies of methanotrophs may interfere with copper uptake of denitrifiers in situ and thereby enhance N2O emissions was examined using a suite of laboratory experiments performed with rice paddy microbial consortia. Addition of purified methanobactin from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b to denitrifying rice paddy soil microbial consortia resulted in substantially increased N2O production, with more pronounced responses observed for soils with lower copper content. The N2O emission-enhancing effect of the soil's native mbnA-expressing Methylocystaceae methanotrophs on the native denitrifiers was then experimentally verified with a Methylocystaceae-dominant chemostat culture prepared from a rice paddy microbial consortium as tnisms to scavenge copper, namely utilization of methanobactin, a polypeptide that binds copper with high affinity and specificity. Previously the possibility that copper sequestration by methanotrophs may lead to alteration of cuproenzyme-mediated reactions in denitrifiers and consequently increase emission of potent greenhouse gas N2O has been suggested in axenic and co-culture experiments. Here, a suite of experiments with rice paddy soil slurry cultures with complex microbial compositions were performed to corroborate that such copper-mediated interplay may actually take place in environments co-habited by diverse methanotrophs and denitrifiers. As spatial and temporal heterogeneity allow for spatial coexistence of methanotrophy (aerobic) and denitrification (anaerobic) in soils, the results from this study suggest that this previously unidentified mechanism of N2O production may account for significant proportion of N2O efflux from agricultural soils.Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), a key component of the global geochemical sulfur cycle, is a secondary metabolite produced in large quantities by marine phytoplankton and utilized as an osmoprotectant, thermoprotectant and antioxidant. Marine bacteria can use two pathways to degrade and catabolize DMSP, a demethylation pathway and a cleavage pathway that produces the climate active gas dimethylsulfide (DMS). Whether marine bacteria can also accumulate DMSP as an osmoprotectant to maintain the turgor pressure of the cell in response to changes in external osmolarity has received little attention. The marine halophile Vibrio parahaemolyticus, contains at least six osmolyte transporters, four betaine carnitine choline transport (BCCT) carriers BccT1-BccT4 and two ABC-family ProU transporters. In this study, we showed that DMSP is used as an osmoprotectant by V. parahaemolyticus and several other Vibrio species including V. cholerae and V. vulnificus Using a V. parahaemolyticus proU double mutant, we demonstra osmotic stress response. Vibrionaceae are marine species, many of which are halophiles exemplified by V. parahaemolyticus, a species that possesses at least six transporters for the uptake of osmolytes. Here, we demonstrated that V. parahaemolyticus and other Vibrio species can accumulate DMSP as an osmoprotectant and show that several BCCT family transporters uptake DMSP. These studies suggest that DMSP is a significant bacterial osmoprotectant, which may be important for understanding the fate of DMSP in the environment. DMSP is produced and present in coral mucus and Vibrio species form part of the microbial communities associated with them. The function of DMSP in these interactions is unclear, but could be an important driver for these associations allowing Vibrio proliferation. This work suggests that DMSP likely has an important role in heterotrophic bacteria ecology than previously appreciated.Colistin is extensively used in animal production in many low- and middle-income countries. There is a need to develop methodologies to benchmark and monitor changes in resistance among mixed commensal bacterial populations in farms. We aimed to evaluate the performance of a broth microdilution method based on culturing a pooled Escherichia coli suspension (30-50 organisms) obtained from each sample. To confirm the biological basis and sensitivity of the method, we cultured 16 combinations of one colistin-susceptible and one mcr-1 encoded colistin-resistant E. coli in the presence of 2mg/L colistin. Optical density (OD600nm) readings over time were used to generate a growth curve, and these values were adjusted to the values obtained in the absence of colistin (adjusted Area Under the Curve, AUCadj). The median limit of detection was 1 resistant in 104 susceptible colonies [1st - 3rd quartile, 1021 -1051]. We applied this method to 108 pooled faecal samples from 36 chicken flocks from the Mekong Delta (Vietna. We developed a growth-based microdilution method suitable for pooled faecal samples. We validated the method by comparing it with individual MIC of 909 E. coli isolates; we then tested 108 pooled faecal samples from 36 healthy chicken flocks collected over their production cycle. A higher level of resistance was seen in flocks recently treated with colistin in water, although the observed generated resistance was short-lived. Our method is affordable, and may potentially be integrated into surveillance systems aiming at estimating the prevalence of resistance at colony level in flocks/herds. Furthermore, it may also be adapted to other complex biological systems, such as farms and abattoirs.
There is a high prevalence of older adults experiencing depression and anxiety. In response to heightened demands for mental health interventions that are accessible and affordable, there has been a recent rise in the number of digital mental health interventions (DMHIs) that have been developed and incorporated into mental health treatments. Digital interventions are promising in their ability to provide researchers, medical practitioners, and patients with personalized tools for assessing behavior, consultation, treatment, and care that can be used remotely. Reviews and meta-analyses have shown the benefits of DMHIs for the treatment and prevention of depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses, but there is still a lack of studies that focus on the benefits and use of DMHIs in the older population.

The aim of this systematic review is to investigate the current evidence for the effect of technology-delivered interventions, such as smartphone/tablet applications, remote monitoring and tracking devicerventions for the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders in older adults. This review will also identify any gaps in current studies of aging and mental health interventions, thereby navigating a way to move forward and paving the path to more accessible and user-friendly digital health interventions for the diverse population of older adults.

PROSPERO International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews CRD42020192532; https//

Many people use opioids and are at risk of overdose. Naloxone is an opioid antagonist used to counter the effects of opioid overdose. There is an increased availability of naloxone in New York City; however, many who use opioids decline no-cost naloxone even when offered. Others may have the medication but opt not to carry it and report that they would be reluctant to administer it if they were to witness an overdose.

We aim to better understand why people who use opioids may be reluctant to accept, carry, and administer naloxone, and to inform the development of messaging content that addresses barriers to its acceptance and use.

We conducted formative qualitative interviews with 20 people who use opioids who are 18 years and older in New York City. Participants were recruited via key informants and chain referral.

Participants cited 4 main barriers that may impede rates of naloxone acceptance, possession, and use (1) stigma related to substance use, (2) indifference toward overdose, (3) fear of negaople who are reluctant to obtain naloxone and use the medication on someone in an overdose situation.The basal forebrain cholinergic system projects broadly throughout the cortex and constitutes a critical source of neuromodulation for arousal and attention. Traditionally, this system was thought to function diffusely. However, recent studies have revealed a high degree of spatiotemporal specificity in cholinergic signaling. How the organization of cholinergic afferents confers this level of precision remains unknown. Here, using intersectional genetic fate mapping, we demonstrate that cholinergic fibers within the mouse cortex exhibit remarkable laminar and regional specificity and that this is organized in accordance with cellular birthdate. Strikingly, birthdated cholinergic projections within the cortex follow an inside-out pattern of innervation. While early born cholinergic populations target deep layers, late born ones innervate superficial laminae. We also find that birthdate predicts cholinergic innervation patterns within the amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex. Our work reveals previously unappreciated specificity within the cholinergic system and the developmental logic by which these circuits are assembled.A simulation study demonstrates a better method for separating genetic effects from environmental effects in genome-wide association studies, but there is still some way to go before this becomes a "solved" problem.Synapse formation and regulation require signaling interactions between pre- and postsynaptic proteins, notably cell adhesion molecules (CAMs). It has been proposed that the functions of neuroligins (Nlgns), postsynaptic CAMs, rely on the formation of trans-synaptic complexes with neurexins (Nrxns), presynaptic CAMs. Nlgn3 is a unique Nlgn isoform that localizes at both excitatory and inhibitory synapses. However, Nlgn3 function mediated via Nrxn interactions is unknown. Here we demonstrate that Nlgn3 localizes at postsynaptic sites apposing vesicular glutamate transporter 3-expressing (VGT3+) inhibitory terminals and regulates VGT3+ inhibitory interneuron-mediated synaptic transmission in mouse organotypic slice cultures. Gene expression analysis of interneurons revealed that the αNrxn1+AS4 splice isoform is highly expressed in VGT3+ interneurons as compared with other interneurons. Most importantly, postsynaptic Nlgn3 requires presynaptic αNrxn1+AS4 expressed in VGT3+ interneurons to regulate inhibitory synaptic transmission.
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