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Variance within burglar alarm telephone calls in the course of various reproduction periods with the typical kestrel (Falco tinnunculus).
Faced with temporary revenue shocks, employers may implement wage reductions - a common response to COVID-19 for U.S. universities. I provide a framework for optimal reductions when labor is inelastic wherein a planner balances "minimizing the pain" and "sharing the sacrifice." I show that for a broad class of utility functions the optimal schedule includes (1) a cutoff wage below which the reduction is zero and (2) weakly progressive reduction rates above the cutoff wage. I illustrate the results using data from a large U.S. university.Climate change will create numerous risks for human health, including impacts associated with temperature extremes, diarrheal diseases, and undernutrition. Such risks, along with other socioeconomic and development trends, will affect cause-of-death patterns experienced in the coming decades. This study explores future mortality trends using the shared socioeconomic pathways (SSP) framework, a widely utilized tool for understanding socioeconomic development trends in a world with climate change. Existing projections for GDP, urbanization, and demographic trends based on SSP narratives are incorporated into an integrated assessment model, International Futures (IFs), in order to project mortality levels by cause of death for all countries from 2020 to 2100. Under more optimistic SSPs, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) rise as a proportion of all deaths, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, while more pessimistic SSPs suggest a continued high burden of largely preventable communicable diseases. In high-income countries, significant continued burdens of NCDs are projected for the remainder of the century under all SSPs. Comparisons are also made to recent cause-of-death projections from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) to assess how the IFs and IHME models vary.This paper argues that the concept of affordance, which captures the relations between one's abilities and the properties of one's environment, can help in aligning the elements of a tourism service with intended service experiences. We start with a general review of its conceptual basis in ecological psychology and design research, and then elaborate on the concept's potential applications in the context of tourism service design. The application of an affordance-centred framework is illustrated through a case study which examined a group of tourists with and without visual impairment on a holiday to an international destination. Finally, we offer four propositions to guide the use of the affordance concept in tourism service design.Although prior theory suggests that rumination contributes to cognitive impairments associated with depression, recent work suggests that rumination is associated with higher levels of intelligence. The present study examined the relations between two ruminative subtypes (brooding and reflective pondering) and multiple measures and types of intelligence (verbal and performance) after controlling for rumination's overlapping variance with depression. Participants were 751 individuals from the Colorado Longitudinal Twin Study who completed the Ruminative Response Scale; the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale and a fully structured clinical interview as measures of depression; and verbal and performance intelligence tasks at age 16 and the Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices at age 23. Reflective pondering was positively associated with all measures of intelligence, whereas brooding was not associated with intelligence. Our findings indicate that any negative associations between rumination and intelligence are attributable to shared variance with depression, and that examination of rumination as a multifaceted construct may provide new insights into the relations between rumination and cognition.A primary cause of simulator sickness in head-mounted displays (HMDs) is conflict between the visual scene displayed to the user and the visual scene expected by the brain when the user's head is in motion. It is useful to measure perceptual sensitivity to visual speed modulation in HMDs because conditions that minimize this sensitivity may prove less likely to elicit simulator sickness. In prior research, we measured sensitivity to visual gain modulation during slow, passive, full-body yaw rotations and observed that sensitivity was reduced when subjects fixated a head-fixed target compared with when they fixated a scene-fixed target. In the current study, we investigated whether this pattern of results persists when (1) movements are faster, active head turns, and (2) visual stimuli are presented on an HMD rather than on a monitor. Subjects wore an Oculus Rift CV1 HMD and viewed a 3D scene of white points on a black background. On each trial, subjects moved their head from a central position to face a 15° eccentric target. During the head movement they fixated a point that was either head-fixed or scene-fixed, depending on condition. They then reported if the visual scene motion was too fast or too slow. Visual speed on subsequent trials was modulated according to a staircase procedure to find the speed increment that was just noticeable. Sensitivity to speed modulation during active head movement was reduced during head-fixed fixation, similar to what we observed during passive whole-body rotation. We conclude that fixation of a head-fixed target is an effective way to reduce sensitivity to visual speed modulation in HMDs, and may also be an effective strategy to reduce susceptibility to simulator sickness.Daily energy intake of adult female mammals is influenced by environmental conditions and physiological requirements, including reproduction. We examined the effects of fruit availability on macronutrient and metabolisable energy intake by adult female chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) of the Kanyawara community in Kibale National Park, Uganda from January 2014 through June 2015. Drupe fruits were abundant for four months, whereas the other fourteen months were dominated by fig fruits. The mean daily intake of food (dry matter) and metabolisable energy, did not differ between drupe-months and fig-months. However, foraging costs were higher during fig-months, as indicated by a 20% increase in feeding time. Furthermore, during drupe-months female chimpanzees ingested more water-soluble carbohydrates and lipids, and less available protein and neutral detergent fibre. Although metabolisable energy intake did not differ consistently between drupe-months and fig-months, they consumed more on days when ripe fruit dominated the diet than when leaves and pithy stems dominated the diet. Our data suggest that differences in diet quality between drupes and figs can have important effects on frugivore foraging, and that they influence net energy gain more by their effects on macronutrient composition or foraging cost than by their direct impact on energy intake.A simulator for testing automatic control algorithms for nonlinear systems with time-varying parameters, variable time delays, and uncertainties is developed. It is based on simulation of virtual patients with Type 1 diabetes (T1D). Nonlinear models are developed to describe glucose concentration (GC) variations based on user-defined scenarios for meal consumption, insulin administration, and physical activity. They compute GC values and physiological variables, such as heart rate, skin temperature, accelerometer, and energy expenditure, that are indicative of physical activities affecting GC dynamics. This is the first simulator designed for assessment of multivariable controllers that consider supplemental physiological variables in addition to GC measurements to improve glycemic control. Virtual patients are generated from distributions of identified model parameters using clinical data. The simulator will enable testing and evaluation of new control algorithms proposed for automated insulin delivery as well as various control algorithms for nonlinear systems with uncertainties, time-varying parameters and delays.In producing linguistic prominence, certain linguistic elements are highlighted relative to others in a given domain; focus is an instance of prominence in which speakers highlight new or important information. This study investigates prominence modulation at the sub-syllable level using a corrective focus task, examining acoustic duration and pitch with particular attention to the gestural composition of Korean tense and lax consonants. The results indicate that focus effects are manifested with systematic variations depending on the gestural structures, i.e. consonants, active during the domain of a focus gesture, that the patterns of focus modulation do not differ as a function of elicited focus positions within the syllable. The findings generally support the premise that the scope of the focus gesture is not (much) smaller than the interval of (CVC) syllable. Lastly, there is also some support for an interaction among prosodic gestures-focus gestures and pitch accentual gestures-at the phrase level. Overall, the current findings support the hypothesis that focus, implemented as a prosodic prominence gesture, modulates temporal characteristics of gestures, as well as possibly other prosodic gestures that are co-active in its the domain.
There is strong evidence that adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) negatively impact mental health. However, the association between ACEs and personality, emotions and affect are poorly understood. Therefore, we examined the association between composite ACE score and ACE type and personality, emotions and positive and negative affect.

Three waves of data from the Midlife Development in the United States (MIDUS) study were used. ACE was the primary independent correlate. Covariates included demographic variables and survey wave. Outcome variables included generativity, personality traits (agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, neuroticism, openness, agency), and affect (positive, negative.) Statistical analyses included 3 approaches 1) treatment of ACE as dichotomous, 2) ordinal composite of ACE score, and 3) three individual ACE type components to assess the association between ACE and psychological constructs.

Of 6,323 adults in the sample, 53% were female, and 56% had a past ACE. In the adjuACEs are significantly associated with personality, emotions, and affect, with greater effect seen at higher ACE scores and with ACE abuse type, which helps support the cumulative risk hypothesis and our study hypothesis. There is a need for continued research to understand the mechanistic processes and the directionality of the association between ACEs, emotions, and behaviors to help continue to drive biopsychosocial interventions.Across two studies, the current research investigated how different dimensions of narcissism (grandiosity/agentic extraversion, entitlement/self-centered antagonism, vulnerability/narcissistic neuroticism) relate to social networking site (SNS) use and behaviors. Study 1 employed a community sample of young adults, whereas Study 2 examined college students. Participants completed assessments of narcissism and SNS use through an online survey. Grandiosity/agentic extraversion was generally associated with greater levels of downward social comparison relative to the other two dimensions. Entitlement/self-centered antagonism generally showed weak correlations with SNS outcomes. Vulnerability/narcissistic neuroticism was generally associated with greater upward social comparison and perceived social exclusion relative to the other two dimensions. Results suggest that SNS experiences may vary depending on the dimensions of narcissism.Personality is related to psychopathology and its higher-order structures, but there is little research regarding neurobiological associations of higher-order psychopathology factors. This study examined the factor structure of a wide range of psychopathology and its associations with both personality and emotional reactivity revealed through the late positive potential (LPP) in a sample of 275 undergraduates. A three-factor structure of psychopathology emerged comprising Internalizing (INT), Externalizing (EXT), and Aberrant Experiences (ABX). EXT predicted aggressive disconstraint, whereas both INT and ABX predicted Alienation and Stress Reaction. INT uniquely predicted low Well-Being, and ABX predicted a rigid absorption combined with interpersonal detachment. ABX correlated with reduced parietal emotional LPP reactivity, whereas INT correlated with stronger frontal LPP reactivity to emotional versus neutral pictures.Evidence suggests that employment may buffer against the negative health outcomes associated with borderline personality disorder (BPD). The purpose of the current analyses was to examine unemployment and the BPD-health relationship prospectively. Participants were 1,536 older adults in a longitudinal study of health and aging, with repeated measures of physical health, depressive symptoms, and life satisfaction. We measured BPD features using multiple sources at baseline, and used principal components analysis to obtain latent scores. Multilevel models indicated that unemployment experiences did not moderate the prospective relationship between BPD features and physical health or life satisfaction, but did strengthen the positive relationship between BPD features and depressive symptoms. These findings provide insight into mechanisms of recovery for individuals with BPD.Biomolecule-polymer conjugates are constructs that take advantage of the functional or otherwise beneficial traits inherent to biomolecules and combine them with synthetic polymers possessing specially tailored properties. The rapid development of novel biomolecule-polymer conjugates based on proteins, peptides, or nucleic acids has ushered in a variety of unique materials, which exhibit functional attributes including thermo-responsiveness, exceptional stability, and specialized specificity. Key to the synthesis of new biomolecule-polymer hybrids is the use of controlled polymerization techniques coupled with either grafting-from, grafting-to, or grafting-through methodology, each of which exhibit distinct advantages and/or disadvantages. In this review, we present recent progress in the development of biomolecule-polymer conjugates with a focus on works that have detailed the use of grafting-from methods employing ATRP, RAFT, or ROMP.A tractable incomplete-market model with endogenous unemployment risk, sticky prices, real wage rigidity and a fiscal side is calibrated to Euro Area countries and used to analyze the macroeconomic effects of lockdown policies. Modeling them as a shock to the extensive margin of labor adjustment - a rise in separations - produces large and persistent negative effects on output, unemployment and welfare, raises precautionary savings and lowers inflation, in line with early evidence about inflation dynamics. Modeling lockdowns as a shock to the intensive margin - a fall in labor utilization - produces small and short-lived macroeconomic and welfare effects, and implies a counterfactual rise in inflation. Conditional on a lockdown (separation) shock, raising public spending or extending UI benefits by large amounts is much more effective in stimulating the economy than during normal times. Quantitatively however, the ability of such policies to flatten the output and unemployment curves remains limited, even though these policies can alleviate a reasonable share of the aggregate welfare losses from the lockdown.To combat the spread of COVID-19, many primary and secondary schools in the United States canceled classes and moved instruction online. This study examines an unexplored consequence of COVID-19 school closures the broken link between child maltreatment victims and the number one source of reported maltreatment allegations-school personnel. Using current, county-level data from Florida, we estimate a counterfactual distribution of child maltreatment allegations for March and April 2020, the first two months in which Florida schools closed. While one would expect the financial, mental, and physical stress due to COVID-19 to result in additional child maltreatment cases, we find that the actual number of reported allegations was approximately 15,000 lower (27%) than expected for these two months. We leverage a detailed dataset of school district staffing and spending to show that the observed decline in allegations was largely driven by school closures. Finally, we discuss policy implications of our findings for the debate surrounding school reopenings and suggest a number of responses that may mitigate this hidden cost of school closures.The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) extended 669 billion dollars of forgivable loans in an unprecedented effort to support small businesses affected by the COVID-19 crisis. This paper provides evidence that information frictions and the "first-come, first-served" design of the PPP program skewed its resources towards larger firms and may have permanently reduced its effectiveness. Using new daily survey data on small businesses in the U.S., we show that the smallest businesses were less aware of the PPP and less likely to apply. If they did apply, the smallest businesses applied later, faced longer processing times, and were less likely to have their application approved. These frictions may have mattered, as businesses that received aid report fewer layoffs, higher employment, and improved expectations about the future.Time preferences have been correlated with a range of life outcomes, yet little is known about their early development. We conduct a field experiment to elicit time preferences of over 1,200 children ages 3-12, who make several intertemporal decisions. To shed light on how such primitives form, we explore various channels that might affect time preferences, from background characteristics to the causal impact of an early schooling program that we developed and operated. Our results suggest that time preferences evolve substantially during this period, with younger children displaying more impatience than older children. We also find a strong association with race black children, relative to white or Hispanic children, are more impatient. Finally, assignment to different schooling opportunities is not significantly associated with child time preferences.We propose a distributed method for simultaneous inference for datasets with sample size much larger than the number of covariates, i.e., N ≫ p, in the generalized linear models framework. When such datasets are too big to be analyzed entirely by a single centralized computer, or when datasets are already stored in distributed database systems, the strategy of divide-and-combine has been the method of choice for scalability. Due to partition, the sub-dataset sample sizes may be uneven and some possibly close to p, which calls for regularization techniques to improve numerical stability. However, there is a lack of clear theoretical justification and practical guidelines to combine results obtained from separate regularized estimators, especially when the final objective is simultaneous inference for a group of regression parameters. In this paper, we develop a strategy to combine bias-corrected lasso-type estimates by using confidence distributions. We show that the resulting combined estimator achieves the same estimation efficiency as that of the maximum likelihood estimator using the centralized data. As demonstrated by simulated and real data examples, our divide-and-combine method yields nearly identical inference as the centralized benchmark.Dynamic networks are a general language for describing time-evolving complex systems, and discrete time network models provide an emerging statistical technique for various applications. It is a fundamental research question to detect a set of nodes sharing similar connectivity patterns in time-evolving networks. Our work is primarily motivated by detecting groups based on interesting features of the time-evolving networks (e.g., stability). In this work, we propose a model-based clustering framework for time-evolving networks based on discrete time exponential-family random graph models, which simultaneously allows both modeling and detecting group structure. To choose the number of groups, we use the conditional likelihood to construct an effective model selection criterion. Furthermore, we propose an efficient variational expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to find approximate maximum likelihood estimates of network parameters and mixing proportions. The power of our method is demonstrated in simulation studies and empirical applications to international trade networks and the collaboration networks of a large research university.
Young adults who do not complete high school are at increased risk for substance use and offending behavior. A limitation of this research is that dropouts are often treated as a homogeneous group, which ignores the various push (e.g., academic failure or disciplinary problems) and pull (e.g., family responsibility or economic need) factors for leaving school.

The current study relies on multiple years of data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (2009-2014) and examines several dependent variables, including prevalence of prescription drug misuse, frequent prescription drug misuse, and prescription drug-related substance use disorder symptoms. We assess the importance of push and pull factors for dropping out, and compare dropouts to respondents who completed school.

Multivariable logistic regression analyses produce two important findings. First, push factors increase the risk of various types of prescription drug misuse compared to pull factors. Additionally, respondents who attend college are at a decreased risk for various types of prescription opioid and sedative/tranquilizer misuse and disorder.

The current research identifies important differences in prescription drug misuse and disorders among dropouts based on the reason they left school. Additionally, college attendance appears to be a strong protective factor.
The current research identifies important differences in prescription drug misuse and disorders among dropouts based on the reason they left school. Additionally, college attendance appears to be a strong protective factor.A key feature of living tissues is their capacity to remodel and grow in response to environmental cues. Within continuum mechanics, this process can be captured with the multiplicative split of the deformation gradient into growth and elastic contributions. The mechanical and biological response during tissue adaptation is characterized by inherent variability. Accounting for this uncertainty is critical to better understand tissue mechanobiology, and, moreover, it is of practical importance if we aim to develop predictive models for clinical use. However, the current gold standard in computational models of growth and remodeling remains the use of deterministic finite element (FE) simulations. Here we focus on tissue expansion, a popular technique in which skin is stretched by a balloon-like device inducing its growth. We construct FE models of tissue expansion with various levels of detail, and show that a sufficiently broad set of FE simulations from these models can be used to train an accurate and efficparameter calibration under uncertainty and uncertainty propagation in real clinical scenarios involving tissue growth and remodeling.Multiphysics modeling of evolving topology in the electrosurgical dissection of soft hydrated tissues is a challenging problem, requiring heavy computational resources. In this paper, we propose a hybrid approach that leverages the regressive capabilities of deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) with the precision of conventional solvers to accelerate Multiphysics computations. The electro-thermal problem is solved using a finite element method (FEM) with a Krylov subspace-based iterative solver and a deflation-based block preconditioner. The mechanical deformation induced by evaporation of intra- and extracellular water is obtained using a CNN model. The CNN is trained using a supervised learning framework that maps the nonlinear relationship between the micropore pressure and deformation field for a given tissue topology. The simulation results show that the hybrid approach is significantly more computationally efficient than a FEM-based solution approach using a block-preconditioned Krylov subspace solver and a parametric solution approach using a proper generalized decomposition (PGD) based reduced order model. The accuracy of the hybrid approach is comparable to the ground truth obtained using a standard multiphysics solver. The hydrid approach overcomes the limitations of end-to-end learning including the need for massive datasets for training the network.Tilapias comprise the second most aquacultured finfish group in the world. Such popularity stems in part from their tolerance to a wide range of environmental conditions and their sexually dimorphic nature, where males grow larger than females. As in other vertebrates, growth in tilapia is regulated by the growth hormone/ insulin like growth factor (GH/IGF) system. Moreover, environmental salinity has previously been shown to directly modulate growth in tilapia. Less is known, however, regarding how salinity may modulate sexually dimorphic growth. Utilizing a species of tilapia of high salinity tolerance, the Mozambique tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus, we compared gh expression from the pituitary of male and female adults reared in fresh water (FW), seawater (SW), and a tidal regime (TR) characterized by dynamically changing salinities between FW and SW every six hours, over a 24 h period. We found significant effects of sex, salinity regime and whether fish were sampled during daylight or dark hours. In both sexes, gh expression was greater in fish reared in SW and TR compared with those in FW, and greater in fish sampled during dark hours, compared with those sampled in daylight hours. Pituitary gh expression was greater in males than in females reared in SW and TR, but not in FW. These results provide insight on the sex-specific modulation of gh expression by environmental factors in Mozambique tilapia.Little is known about the location and consistency of sleeping arrangements among youth experiencing homelessness (YEH) and how this is linked to their well-being. This study addresses this gap using ecological momentary assessment (EMA) via short message service (SMS) surveying with 150 YEH over 30 days, to examine how various sleeping arrangements are associated with depression, marijuana use, support received, and service utilization. Results revealed that the average number of consecutive days youth stayed at any particular location varied considerably. Youth who stayed more frequently with a friend/partner or in a transitional living facility (TLF) reported fewer days of being depressed, whereas staying with a friend/ partner was associated with using marijuana more frequently. Finally, youth staying with a friend/partner, stranger, or TLF reported using services on fewer days. Because sleeping arrangements change almost daily, on average, this has important public health implications for agencies finding permanent housing for YEH.Phosphopantetheine is a key structural element in biological acyl transfer reactions found embedded within coenzyme A (CoA). Phosphopantothenoylcysteine synthetase (PPCS) is responsible for installing a cysteamine group within phosphopantetheine. Therefore, it holds considerable potential as a drug target for developing new antimicrobials. In this study, we adapted a biochemical assay specific for bacterial PPCS to screen for inhibitors of CoA biosynthesis against a library of marine microbial derived natural product extracts (NPEs). Analysis of the NPE derived from Streptomyces blancoensis led to the isolation of novel antibiotics (10-12, and 14) from the adipostatin class of molecules. The most potent molecule (10) displayed in vitro activity with IC50= 0.93 μM, against S. pneumoniae PPCS. The whole cell antimicrobial assay against isolated molecules demonstrated their ability to penetrate bacterial cells and inhibit clinically relevant pathogenic strains. This establishes the validity of PPCS as a pertinent drug target, and the value of NPEs to provide new antibiotics.The first total synthesis of the pro-resolving lipid mediator 7(S),12(R),13(S)-Resolvin T2 [7(S), 12(R), 13(S)-RvT2] and its 13(R)-epimer, derived from n-3 docosapentaenoic acid (n-3 DPA), are described. 7(S), 12(R), 13(S)-RvT2 and its 13(R)-epimer were obtained by total synthesis using a chiral pool strategy to introduce the chiral centers. C7 was generated from S-(-)-1,2,4-butanetriol in both molecules and the C12 and C13 centers were generated from L-(+)-ribose and D-(-)-arabinose respectively. Cis and trans-selective Wittig reactions, selective deprotections, and Dess-Martin periodinane oxidation were the key steps in the syntheses.The silver-catalyzed reaction of silyl enol ethers with dichloroacetylene (DCA) is described. When DCA was used as a solution in diethyl ether, we found that the silyl group was transferred to the vinyl group, resulting in stereochemically pure tetrasubstituted olefins. However, when DCA was used as a solution in the more polar acetonitrile, protonation was the major pathway, and trisubstituted olefins were the dominant products.Dilemmaones A-C are naturally occurring tricyclic indole alkaloids possessing a unique hydroxymethylene or methoxymethylene substituent at the C2 position of the indole core and a C6-C7 fused cyclopentanone. Dilemmaone B has been prepared in 5 steps from 5-methylindan-1-one, and dilemmaone A has been prepared in 3 steps from a common precursor, 6-bromo-5-methyl-7-nitroindan-1-one. In both syntheses, key steps include a Kosugi-Migita-Stille cross coupling and a reductive cyclization using hydrogen gas and a transition metal catalyst.The Fourth industrial revolution has seen many innovative technologies that are now challenging traditional economies. The innovative and technological financial instruments are inspiring individuals and expert investors to investigate the broader investment spectrum, and consequently diversify their portfolios. Going beyond the conventional portfolios and developing state-of-the-art strategies that comply with the ever-changing financial and technological advancements are the keys to long term sustainability. Therefore, to cater to the needs of all segments of the society, the investment strategies during the fourth industrial revolution demand exposure to technological and digital financial innovations. This study investigates the impact of diversification with the addition of five cryptocurrencies from November 2015 to November 2019 on four traditional asset portfolios. The results show that the diversification increased the returns in most of the cases, and reduced the portfolio volatility in all portfolios, and also provided higher returns as compared to the traditional portfolios for the same level of risk. This study also revealed that the results might improve when short sales are allowed. Moreover, we can conclude that the addition of multiple cryptocurrencies in a portfolio provides enhanced results for diversification, and Ethereum provides a better diversification opportunity as compared to Bitcoin.Electricity access in Africa is a major challenge in rural areas. Despite considerable potential for the use of solar energy, investments in renewable energy projects are minimal due to poor promotion of solar energy. As a result, many people still rely on private diesel generators, which release significant levels of pollutants, and have negative effects on both humans and the environment. Situated in the sunbelt, Sudan is one of the largest countries in Africa endowed with an extremely high solar irradiation potential. However, no work has been done in the literature with a strategic context to study specifically the feasibility of renewable energy systems in Sudan despite the abundance of solar resource. The aim of this study was to utilize Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables (HOMER) to identify the optimal solar photovoltaic (PV) system for Sudan's conditions, identify the best locations, and analyze the costs and the pollution that might be avoided by employing a PV system in place of a dien Sudan. The output of this study is projected to raising the potentiality awareness of renewable energy in Sudan and delivering a valuable reference regarding the optimal utilization of solar PV system in energy sector.We examine responses to infertility among a sample of 2,361 women with infertility from the National Survey of Fertility Barriers. Latent class analysis uncovered seven latent classes of behavioral response which can be arranged in a rough continuum from least medicalized to most medicalized response. We then aggregated these seven categories into three schemas representing various degrees of medicalization. Women in each class combine treatment-seeking, knowledge-seeking, socio-emotional support seeking, and non-medical solution-seeking strategies. Even women pursuing the greatest degree of medicalization in their health-seeking (e.g., fertility treatments, assisted reproduction) made use of a variety of medical and non-medical health-seeking resources.We use administrative data from the IRS to examine long-term impacts of childhood Medicaid eligibility expansions on outcomes in adulthood at each age from 19-28. Greater Medicaid eligibility increases college enrollment and decreases fertility, especially through age 21. Starting at age 23, females have higher contemporaneous wage income, although male increases are imprecise. Together, both genders have lower mortality. These adults collect less from the earned income tax credit and pay more in taxes. Cumulatively from ages 19-28, at a 3% discount rate, the federal government recoups 58 cents of each dollar of its "investment" in childhood Medicaid.Tidal flats (non-vegetated area), along with coastal vegetation area, constitute the coastal wetlands (intertidal zone) between high and low water lines, and play an important role in wildlife, biodiversity and biogeochemical cycles. However, accurate annual maps of coastal tidal flats over the last few decades are unavailable and their spatio-temporal changes in China are unknown. In this study, we analyzed all the available Landsat TM/ETM+/OLI imagery (~ 44,528 images) using the Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud computing platform and a robust decision tree algorithm to generate annual frequency maps of open surface water body and vegetation to produce annual maps of coastal tidal flats in eastern China from 1986 to 2016 at 30-m spatial resolution. The resulting map of coastal tidal flats in 2016 was evaluated using very high-resolution images available in Google Earth. The total area of coastal tidal flats in China in 2016 was about 731,170 ha, mostly distributed in the provinces around Yellow River Delta and Pearl River Delta. The interannual dynamics of coastal tidal flats area in China over the last three decades can be divided into three periods a stable period during 1986-1992, an increasing period during 1993-2001 and a decreasing period during 2002-2016. The resulting annual coastal tidal flats maps could be used to support sustainable coastal zone management policies that preserve coastal ecosystem services and biodiversity in China.Site-specific cobaltocenium-labeled polymers are synthesized by reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization using cobaltocenium-labeled chain transfer agents. These chain transfer agents show counterion-dependent solubility. Based on the chemical structure of the chain transfer agents, single cobaltocenium moieties are dictated to be in predetermined locations at either the center or terminals of the polymer chains. Polymerization of hydrophobic monomers (methyl methacrylate, methyl acrylate and styrene) and hydrophilic monomers (2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate and methacrylic acid) is demonstrated to follow a controlled manner based on kinetic studies. Cobaltocenium-labeled polymers with molecular weights greater than 100,000 Da can be prepared by using a difunctional chain transfer agent. Photophysical properties, electrochemical properties, thermal properties and morphology of the cobaltocenium-labeled polymers are also investigated.We present a dual wavelength digital holographic technique for three-dimensional microscopic imaging of layered structures, where layers are separated from one another by the axial distances exceeding the wavelength of imaging light. Our methodology not only provides the three-dimensional structure of each layer, but also allows the height differentiation of distinct layers. We have also implemented a technique suppressing low intensity signal when no reliable phase information can be extracted, based on the quality of the interference fringe pattern. We utilize a dual wavelength setup, where the combination of two overlapping interferometers enables simultaneous acquisition of two phase profiles. We demonstrate that this imaging modality is particularly well-suited for imaging of multilayered electrode structures embedded in glass.Cooperative games form an important class of problems in game theory, where a key goal is to distribute a value among a set of players who are allowed to cooperate by forming coalitions. An outcome of the game is given by an allocation vector that assigns a value share to each player. A crucial aspect of such games is submodularity (or convexity). Indeed, convex instances of cooperative games exhibit several nice properties, e.g. regarding the existence and computation of allocations realizing some of the most important solution concepts proposed in the literature. For this reason, a relevant question is whether one can give a polynomial-time characterization of submodular instances, for prominent cooperative games that are in general non-convex. In this paper, we focus on a fundamental and widely studied cooperative game, namely the spanning tree game. An efficient recognition of submodular instances of this game was not known so far, and explicitly mentioned as an open question in the literature. We here settle this open problem by giving a polynomial-time characterization of submodular spanning tree games.The "exact subgraph" approach was recently introduced as a hierarchical scheme to get increasingly tight semidefinite programming relaxations of several NP-hard graph optimization problems. Solving these relaxations is a computational challenge because of the potentially large number of violated subgraph constraints. We introduce a computational framework for these relaxations designed to cope with these difficulties. We suggest a partial Lagrangian dual, and exploit the fact that its evaluation decomposes into several independent subproblems. This opens the way to use the bundle method from non-smooth optimization to minimize the dual function. Finally computational experiments on the Max-Cut, stable set and coloring problem show the excellent quality of the bounds obtained with this approach.Why do some organizations bounce-back from traumatic events more quickly than others? While the research on organizations offers extensive insights on recovery from economic or technological shocks, there is limited understanding of how organizations recover from life-threatening events such as terrorist attacks. In this study, we build on the research on resilience and argue that organizational recovery from a traumatic event is informed by the perception of threat. Higher perception of threat increases inter-organizational collaboration and the care associated with the deployment of slack as well as to learning. We tested our arguments with a sample of US and non-US firms before and after the 9/11 terrorist attacks and found that, due to spatial proximity, US firms' higher perception of threat led to a larger increase in the frequency of inter-organizational alliances than that of non-US firms. This preference was more frequently directed towards local partners and demonstrated a distinct emphasis on slack and learning. Contrary to conventional wisdom, our findings suggest that organizational resilience in the face of a traumatic event benefits not from immunity but from spatial proximity to the threat. Proximity increases the perception of threat, and with it, the impetus for adaptation.We show that genetic endowments linked to educational attainment strongly and robustly predict wealth at retirement. The estimated relationship is not fully explained by flexibly controlling for education and labor income. We therefore investigate a host of additional mechanisms that could account for the gene-wealth gradient, including inheritances, mortality, risk preferences, portfolio decisions, beliefs about the probabilities of macroeconomic events, and planning horizons. We provide evidence that genetic endowments related to human capital accumulation are associated with wealth not only through educational attainment and labor income, but also through a facility with complex financial decision-making.In this paper we investigate 10 different HIV protease inhibitors (HPIs) as possible repurposed-drugs candidates against SARS-CoV-2. To this end, we execute molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations. The in silico data demonstrated that, despite their molecular differences, all HPIs presented a similar behavior for the parameters analyzed, with the exception of Nelfinavir that showed better results for most of the molecular dynamics parameters in comparison with the N3 inhibitor.The ground (S0) and excited triplet (T1) electronic states and corresponding optical spectra of a series of cationic complexes [RuH(CO)L(PPh3)2]+ (L=2,2´-bipyridyl) (Rubpy), 4,4´-dicarboxylic-2,2´-bipyridyl (Rudcbpy), bis-4,4'-(N-methylamide)-2,2´-bipyridyl (Rudamidebpy), bis-4,4'-(methyl)-2,2´-bipyridyl (RudMebpy), [Ru(CO)2dcbpy(PPh3)2]2+ (Ru(2CO)dcbpy), and [Ru(H)2dcbpy(PPh3)2] (Ru(2H)dcbpy) have been studied by combined Density Functional/Time-Dependent Density Functional (DFT/TDDFT) techniques using different combinations of DFT exchange-correlation functionals and basis sets. PBE0/LANL2DZ provided more accurate geometries to describe S0 whereas B3LYP/LANL2DZ predicted spectral energies that correlated better with the available experiment data. The Ru (II) complexes with different substituents emit photons ranging from 560-610 nm in the series RudMebpy, Rubpy, Rudamidebpy, Rudcbpy. The calculations predicted a maximum emission at about 540 nm for the complex constructed from two carbonyl π-acceptors ligands trans to the dcbpy, while an emission in the far infrared region is calculated when two H σ-donor ligands trans to the dcbpy. Our calculation results show correlations between HOMO-LUMO energy gap, Stokes shift, and T1 distortion, which reflect the different effects of electron-withdrawing and donating groups. We proposed that these correlations can be used to predict the photophysical properties for new complexes.
This investigation examined the association between intergenerational religious activities in adolescence and provision of assistance to older mothers up to 45 years later.

Guided by perspectives of the life course and intergenerational solidarity, this research tested whether children's early religious participation with mothers predicted the amount of assistance children later provided, whether mothers' disability and widowhood served as moderators of this relationship, and whether any such moderation was mediated by emotional closeness, geographic proximity, and eldercare norms.

Data derived from 220 adolescents who participated in the Longitudinal Study of Generations in 1971, and up to four follow-up surveys between 1997 and 2016, yielding 608 person-year observations. Multilevel regression predicted the amount of assistance provided to older mothers as a function of early religious participation with mothers, physical and social vulnerability of mothers, and dimensions of intergenerational solidarant for well-being in later life.Is ingroup bias associated with any benefit for maintaining close relationships? We examined the link between biased impression updating for ingroup members (i.e., friends) and relationship maintenance, as measured by the number of friends participants reported having (Studies 1 and 2). We also investigated the underlying neural basis of this possible effect, focusing on activity in the right temporo-parietal junction (RTPJ), a region of the social brain involved in moral updating (Study 2). Specifically, we tested whether selectively discounting negative information about close others, manifested in reduced impression updating, and indexed by reduced RTPJ activity, is related to maintaining close relationships. In Study 1, after imagining a friend and a stranger performing different positive and negative behaviors, participants who were reluctant to update how close they felt to their friend (friend-closeness) reported having more friends in real life. In Study 2, participants were led to believe that a friend and a stranger gave money to them or took money away from them, while they were in the scanner. Participants who engaged in less negative updating of friends versus strangers reported having more friends. Participants who engaged in less friend-closeness updating also showed reduced RTPJ activity when their friend took money from them, and this neural pattern was associated with reports of having more friends. Together, these findings suggest that selectively discounting close others' negative behavior is linked to maintaining close relationships, indicating a potential social benefit of ingroup bias.This paper uses panel data from the Young Lives Survey to examine the effect of the world's largest public works program and India's flagship social protection program, the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS), on children's learning outcomes such as grade progression, reading comprehension test scores, writing test scores, math test scores, and Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT) scores. We find that the program has strong positive effects on these outcomes in both the short-and-medium run. Finally, the impact estimates reported here are robust to a number of econometric concerns such as -program placement, selective attrition, and type I error.India's cities face key challenges to improving public health outcomes. First, unequally distributed public resources create insanitary conditions, especially in slums - threatening everyone's health, as suggested by poor child growth even amongst the wealthiest. Second, devolving services to elected bodies works poorly for highly technical services like public health. Third, services are highly fragmented. This paper examines the differences in the organisation and management of municipal services in Chennai and Delhi, two cities with sharply contrasting health indicators. Chennai mitigates these challenges by retaining professional management of service delivery and actively serving vulnerable populations - while services in Delhi are quite constrained. Management and institutional issues have received inadequate attention in the public health literature on developing countries, and the policy lessons from Chennai have wide relevance.Researchers studying the biological effects of combustion particles typically rely on suspending particles in de-ionized (DI) water, buffer, and/or media prior to in vitro or in vivo experiments. However, the hydrophobic nature of combustion particles makes it difficult to obtain well-suspended, evenly dispersed mixtures, which also makes it difficult to obtain equivalent dosing and endpoint comparisons. This study explored the use of a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) to measure the mass concentration of combustion particle suspensions. It compared the QCM mass concentration to that estimated by placing a known mass of combustion particles in DI water. It also evaluated the effect of drop volume and combustion particle type on QCM measurements. The results showed that QCM is a promising direct method for measuring suspended combustion particle mass concentrations, and it is particularly effective for quantifying concentrations of difficult-to-suspend particles and for combustion particles placed in polystyrene containers, which can lead to substantial particle losses.Three new metal-organic complexes [Cd(TIPA)(suc)0.5(NO3)·1/2H2O]n (1), [Ni(TIPA)(tda)0.5(H2O)·1/4H2O]n (2) and [Cd(TIPA)(tda)0.5·11/2H2O] (3) were synthesized via rigid tripodal ligand tris(4-(1H-imidazol-1-yl)phenyl)amine (TIPA) and three dicarboxylic acids; either succinic acid (H2suc) or 2,5-thiophenedicarboxylic acid (H2tda). Crystallographic data for 1 - 3 reveal three-dimensional (3D) networks and channels in the structures. The structure of 2 is unique featuring an interpenetrating 2D network, 2D + 2D → 3D, with the two associated 2D networks existing in two opposite spiral channels. TGA plots exhibit a loss of mass corresponding to the loss of the solvated water molecules in the 100 - 200 °C temperature region and begin to lose additional fragments only at T > 300 °C revealing the robust nature of the 3D framework in the complexes. The metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are screened for their potential application in the detection and removal of environmentally hazardous industrial pollutants. Fluorescence emission spectra for 1 and 2 show that the two MOFs are capable of sensing nitrobenzene (NB), with the nickel complex 2 exhibiting significantly higher sensing ability. Powder XRD data measured for 1 and 2 and those of NB-treated 1 and 2 show significant differences in their patterns, providing further support for the strong interaction between the MOF complexes and NB. The fluorescence emission observed for 1 is more effectively quenched by the presence of Fe3+ than the series of 17 other metal ions investigated. Complex 3 possesses some ability to adsorb inorganic pollutants.Platinum drugs (cisplatin, oxaliplatin, and carboplatin) and arsenic trioxide are the only commercial inorganic non-radioactive anticancer drugs approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. Numerous efforts are underway to take advantage of the synergy between the anticancer activity of cisplatin and arsenic trioxide - two drugs with strikingly different mechanisms of action. These include co-encapsulation of the two drugs in novel nanoscale delivery systems as well as the development of small molecule agents that combine the activity of these two inorganic materials. Several of these new molecular entities containing Pt-As bonds have broad anticancer activity, are robust in physiological buffer solutions, and form stable complexes with biopolymers. This review summarizes results from a number of preclinical studies involving the combination of cisplatin and As2O3, co-encapsulation and nanoformulation efforts, and the chemistry and cytotoxicity of the first member of platinum anticancer agents with an arsenous acid moiety bound to the platinum(II) center arsenoplatins.
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