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Review of Ecological Damaging Components.
8% vs 11.7%; p = 0.020). The factors independently associated with higher HBV infection were having lived in an internally displaced persons' camp (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 1.76, 95% CI 1.03-2.98; p = 0.036) and having shared housing with HBV-infected people during childhood (aOR 3.30, 95% CI 1.49-7.32; p = 0.003). CD4+ T cell counts were significantly lower in HBV patients (p = 0.025), and co-infection was associated with a poorer CD4+ T cell response to ART (AOR 0.88; 95% CI 0.79-0.98; p = 0.030).

The observed prevalence of HBV among the PLWH may be underestimated or a signal of HBV decline in the region. The factors favouring horizontal HBV transmission identified suggest extending HBV screening and vaccine prophylaxis among PLWH.
The observed prevalence of HBV among the PLWH may be underestimated or a signal of HBV decline in the region. The factors favouring horizontal HBV transmission identified suggest extending HBV screening and vaccine prophylaxis among PLWH.
Management of Non-Compressible Torso Hemorrhage (NCTH) consists primarily of aortic occlusion which has significant adverse outcomes, including ischemia-reperfusion injury, in prolonged field care paradigms. One promising avenue for treatment is through use of RevMedx XSTAT 30™ (an FDA approved sponge-based dressing utilized for extremity wounds). We hypothesized that XSTAT 30™ would effectively mitigate NCTH during a prolonged pre-hospital period with correctable metabolic and physiologic derangements.

Twenty-four male swine (53±2kg) were anesthetized, underwent line placement, and splenectomy. Animals then underwent laparoscopic transection of 70% of the left lobe of the liver with hemorrhage for a period of 10min. They were randomized into three groups No intevention (CON), XSTAT 30™-Free Pellets (FP), and XSTAT 30™-Bagged Pellets (BP). Animals were observed for a pre-hospital period of 180min. At 180min, animals underwent damage control surgery (DCS), balanced blood product resuscitation and removal of pellets followed by an ICU period of 5 hours. Postoperative fluoroscopy was performed to identify remaining pellets or bags. Baseline physiologic and injury characteristics were similar. Survival rates were significantly higher in FP and BP (p<0.01) vs CON. DCS was significantly longer in FP in comparison to BP (p = 0.001). Two animals in the FP group had pellets discovered on fluoroscopy following DCS. There was no significant difference in blood product or pressor requirements between groups. End-ICU lactates trended to baseline in both FP and BP groups.

While these results are promising, further study will be required to better understand the role for XSTAT in the management of NCTH.
While these results are promising, further study will be required to better understand the role for XSTAT in the management of NCTH.The present study examines the extent to which individuals' self-efficacy beliefs about their capacity to manage distinct emotions, such as anger, sadness, fear, shame and guilt, are associated with negative affect and life satisfaction in a Spanish population of diverse ages. The results attest to the validity of the Multidimensional Negative Emotions Self-Regulatory Efficacy Scale (MNESRES) and show that self-efficacy beliefs related to basic and self-conscious/moral emotions are associated differently with negative affect and life satisfaction. These findings corroborate previous findings from American and Italian populations, and they support the view that discrete emotions deserve distinct attention, either regarding their management or their association with individuals' well-being and adjustment.The early detection and differential diagnosis of respiratory infections increase the chances for successful control of COVID-19 disease. The nucleic acid RT-PCR test is regarded as the current standard for molecular diagnosis. However, the maximal specificity confirmation target ORF1ab gene is considered to be less sensitive than other targets in clinical application. In addition, recent evidence indicated that the initial missed diagnosis of asymptomatic patients with SARS-CoV-2 and discharged patients with "re-examination positive" might be due to low viral load, and the ability of rapid mutation of SARS-CoV-2 also increases the rate of false-negative results. Moreover, the mixed sample nucleic acid detection is helpful in seeking out the early community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 rapidly, but the detection kit needs ultra-high detection sensitivity. Herein, the lowest detection concentration of different nucleic acid detection kits was evaluated and compared to provide direct evidence for the selection of kits for mixed sample detection or make recommendations for the selection of validation kit, which is of great significance for the prevention and control of the current epidemic and the discharge criteria of low viral load patients.ABH antigens are histo-antigens, but were first described on the surface of human erythrocytes. They are found in those cells only in great apes and humans, while in more primitive animals they are found in tissues and body fluids. ABH antigens are mainly distributed in tissues that are in contact with the external environment and may serve as ligands for pathogens in tissues or block their connection. Description of the distribution of these molecules in non-human primate tissues is restricted to a few tissues and species. This paper describes the expression of human A, B and H type antigens in different organs from four species of New World Primates, obtained from the Centro Nacional de Primatas, as well as comparing that expression with what has been described for humans. In this study, although the tissue description of the antigens is similar to the genetic model for humans, some differences in expression between some organs from those species and those of humans were found. The differences occurred mainly in endodermal organs that have secretory functions and are probably under the control of the human-type FUT-2 enzyme. In the mesodermal-origin organs there was a reduction or absence of A and B antigen marking, particularly in the H precursor substance, indicating that those organs are under the control of the human-type FUT-1 enzyme. These findings have demonstrated that there is similar ABH antigen reactivity in tissue distribution between the species, although there are some species-specific cases.Due to the challenges for developing vaccines in devastating pandemic situations of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), developing and screening of novel antiviral agents are peremptorily demanded. Herein, we developed EGYVIR as a potent immunomodulatory herbal extract with promising antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2. It constitutes of a combination of black pepper extract with curcumin extract. The antiviral effect of EGYVIR extract is attributed to the two key phases of the disease in severe cases. First, the inhibition of the nuclear translocation of NF-kβ p50, attenuating the SARS-CoV-2 infection-associated cytokine storm. Additionally, the EGYVIR extract has an in vitro virucidal effect for SARS-CoV-2. The in vitro study of EGYVIR extract against SARS-CoV-2 on Huh-7 cell lines, revealed the potential role of NF-kβ/TNFα/IL-6 during the infection process. EGYVIR antagonizes the NF-kβ pathway in-silico and in-vitro studies. Consequently, it has the potential to hinder the release of IL-6 and TNFα, decreasing the production of essential cytokines storm elements.
Group A streptococcal (GAS) pharyngitis has traditionally been considered the sole precursor of acute rheumatic fever (ARF). Evidence from Australia, however, suggests that GAS skin infections may contribute to the pathogenesis of ARF. A missing piece of evidence is the incidence of sore throat and GAS pharyngitis in this setting. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of the incidence of sore throat and GAS pharyngitis in all children at risk of developing ARF.

Databases were systematically searched for studies reporting on the incidence of pharyngitis among children from low to upper-middle income countries, and Indigenous children living in high-income countries. Studies were subjected to data extraction by two independent reviewers. Following an assessment of the methodological quality of the studies, we extracted incidence rates (IRs) and conducted a meta-analysis. This systematic review is registered on PROSPERO (CRD42019113019).

From 607 titles identified by the search, 11 articles mear for GAS pharyngitis (12.8-14 per 100 years). The limited Australian data lend support to the need for further studies to inform the role of GAS pharyngitis in the development of ARF in Australian Indigenous children, so as to inform local primary prevention strategies for ARF and Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD).Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) represent a heterogeneous group of immature myeloid cells with immunoregulatory function in cancer and autoimmune diseases. In humans, two subsets of MDSC were determined based on the characteristic surface markers, monocytic MDSC (M-MDSC) and granulocytic MDSC (G-MDSC). Expansion of MDSC has been reported in some murine models and patients with autoimmune diseases and their immune-suppressive properties were characterized. However, the exact role of MDSC in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases is more complex and/or controversial. In type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D), the increased frequency of MDSC was found in the blood of T1D patients but their suppressor capacity was diminished. In our study, we assessed the role of M-MDSC in the pathogenesis of T1D and showed for the first time the increased frequency of M-MDSC not only in the blood of T1D patients but also in their at-risk relatives compared to healthy donors. T1D patients with inadequate long term metabolic control showed an elevation of M-MDSC compared to patients with better disease control. Furthermore, we described the positive correlation between the percentage of M-MDSC and Th17 cells and IFN-γ producing T cells in T1D patients and their at-risk relatives. Finally, we found that the ability of M-MDSC to suppress autologous T cells is efficient only at the high MDSC T cells ratio and dependent on cell-cell-contact and TGF-β production. Our data show that the engagement of MDSC in the pathogenesis of T1D is evident, yet not entirely explored and more experiments are required to clarify whether MDSC are beneficial or harmful in T1D.The physical activity enjoyment scale (PACES) is a measurement instrument that is commonly used in monitoring and intervention research to assess how much people enjoy being physically active, as this has been related to physical activity adherence. However, while the measurement properties of PACES are well-researched in the English language, there is a gap of research in the German language, especially when looking at adults. Thus, the purpose of this work was to examine reliability, factorial validity, criterion-related validity, and measurement invariance across sex, age groups and time of the PACES for German-speaking adults. Data was obtained from the Motorik-Modul-Study (MoMo) in which 863 adults (53.5% female; mean age = 20.9 years) were examined. To investigate measurement invariance across age groups, data from 2,274 adolescents (50.5% female; mean age = 14.4 years) was obtained additionally. The study provided a nationwide representative sample for Germany. Results showed high internal consistency of PACES in adults (Cronbach's α = .94). Confirmatory factor analyses confirmed the invariance of the measure across age groups, time, and sex. Criterion-related validity could be shown as the global factor significantly correlated with overall physical activity, physical activity in sports clubs, and leisure-time physical activity. The analyses of factorial structure indicated a method effect for positively and negatively worded items. Correlated uniqueness, latent method factor and a hybrid model were applied to analyze the method effect and results indicated that the method effect of positively worded items was predictive of physical activity independently of the global factor. Overall, it can be concluded that PACES is reliable, valid and invariant measure of physical activity enjoyment to be used in German-speaking adults. Further studies are warranted to examine the factorial structure of the PACES and the consequences of the method effect.
Rational medication use for treatment is mandatory, particularly in children as they are vulnerable to possible hazards of drugs. Understanding the medication use pattern is of importance to identify the problems of drug therapy and to improve the appropriate use of medication among this population.

A post-hoc study of the RV3-BB Phase IIb trial to children aged 0-18 months which was conducted in Indonesia during January 2013 to July 2016. Any concomitant medication use and health events among 1621 trial participants during the 18 months of follow-up were documented. Information on medication use included the frequency, formulation, indication, duration of usage, number of regimens, medication types, and therapeutic classes.

The majority of participants (N = 1333/1621; 82.2%) used at least one non-antibiotic medication for treatment during the 18-month observation period. A total of 7586 medication uses were recorded, mostly in oral formulation (90.5%). Of all illnesses recorded, 24.7% were treated withd safety in a pediatric population is lacking. This supports the need for further research on pediatric drug therapy to improve the appropriate use of medication in this population.Alternative splicing (AS) is a post-transcriptional process common in plants and essential for regulation of environmental fitness of plants. In the present study, we focus on the AS events in poplar leaves to understand their effects on plant growth and development. The hybrid poplar (P.alba×P.glandulosa cv.84K) leaves were collected for RNA extraction. The extracted RNA was sequenced using on an Illumina HiSeq™ 2000 platform. Using the Populus trichocarpa genome as the reference, a total of 3810 AS genes were identified (9225 AS events), which accounted for 13.51% of all the expressed genes. Intron retention was the most common AS event, accounting for 43.86% of all the AS events, followed by alternative 3' splice sites (23.75%), alternative 5' splice sites (23.71%), and exon skipping (8.68%). Chromosomes 10 had the most condensed AS events (33.67 events/Mb) and chromosome 19 had the least (12.42 events/Mb). Association analysis showed that AS in the poplar leaves was positively correlated with intron length, exon number, exon length, and gene expression level, and was negatively correlated with GC content. AS genes in the poplar leaves were associated mainly with inositol phosphate metabolism and phosphatidylinositol signaling system pathways that would be significant on wooden plant production.
Even though anemia was highly targeted in different global strategies, many pregnant and/or lactating women and children were suffering from it and its complications. Besides this, prior trend analysis has not been conducted among pregnant and/or lactating women in Ethiopia. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the trend and determinants of anemia change among pregnant and/or lactating women in Ethiopia.

The study utilized two consecutive Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS) datasets. A total of 6,106 and 5,641 pregnant and/or lactating women in 2011 and 2016 survey respectively were included in the analysis. The data were analyzed by using Stata version 14.0. Logit based decomposition analysis was done to identify contributing factors for anemia change and statistical significance was determined by using P-value.

The trend of anemia was increased from 19% in 2011 to 29% in 2016 EDHS. The analysis revealed that, 8% of the overall change in anemia was because of the change in women's composition. Changes in the composition of pregnant and/or lactating women according to region, economic status and tobacco and/or cigarette use were the major sources of the change. Greater than 90% of the increase in anemia was due to differences in the coefficient. Mostly, the change in behaviors of the Amhara population, those who had a history of terminated pregnancy and use tobacco and/or cigarette were the sources of the change.

Anemia among pregnant and/or lactating women was increased against government interventions over the last half-decade in Ethiopia. Programmatic interventions targeting Somali and Dire Dawa regions are still needed to decrease anemia.
Anemia among pregnant and/or lactating women was increased against government interventions over the last half-decade in Ethiopia. Programmatic interventions targeting Somali and Dire Dawa regions are still needed to decrease anemia.In recent years, methylene blue (MB) has attracted considerable interest as a potential drug for the treatment of methemoglobinemia and neurodegenerative diseases. MB is active against microorganisms from various taxonomic groups. However, no studies have yet been conducted on the effect of MB on the intestinal microbiome of model animals. The aim of this work was to study the effect of different concentrations of MB on the mouse gut microbiome and its relationship with the cognitive abilities of mice. We showed that a low MB concentration (15 mg/kg/day) did not cause significant changes in the microbiome composition. The Bacteroidetes/Firmicutes ratio decreased relative to the control on the 2nd and 3rd weeks. A slight decrease in the levels Actinobacteria was detected on the 3rd week of the experiment. Changes in the content of Delta, Gamma, and Epsilonproteobacteria have been also observed. We did not find significant alterations in the composition of intestinal microbiome, which could be an indication of the development of dysbiosis or other gut dysfunction. At the same time, a high concentration of MB (50 mg/kg/day) led to pronounced changes, primarily an increase in the levels of Delta, Gamma and Epsilonproteobacteria. Over 4 weeks of therapy, the treatment with high MB concentration has led to an increase in the median content of Proteobacteria to 7.49% vs. 1.61% in the control group. Finally, we found that MB at a concentration of 15 mg/kg/day improved the cognitive abilities of mice, while negative correlation between the content of Deferribacteres and cognitive parameters was revealed. Our data expand the understanding of the relationship between MB, cognitive abilities, and gut microbiome in respect to the antibacterial properties of MB.The outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 began in December 2019 and rapidly became a pandemic. The present study investigated the significance of lymphopenia on disease severity. A total of 115 patients with confirmed COVID-19 from a tertiary hospital in Changsha, China, were enrolled. Clinical, laboratory, treatment and outcome data were gathered and compared between patients with and without lymphopenia. The median age was 42 years (1-75). Fifty-four patients (47.0%) of the 115 patients had lymphopenia on admission. More patients in the lymphopenia group had hypertension (30.8% vs. 10.0%, P = 0.006) and coronary heart disease (3.6% vs. 0%, P = 0.029) than in the nonlymphopenia group, and more patients with leukopenia (48.1% vs 14.8%, P less then 0.001) and eosinopenia (92.6% vs 54.1%, P less then 0.001) were observed. Lymphopenia was also correlated with severity grades of pneumonia (P less then 0.001) and C-reactive protein (CRP) level (P = 0.0014). Lymphopenia was associated with a prolonged duration of hospitalization (17.0 days vs. 14.0 days, P = 0.002). Lymphocyte recovery appeared the earliest, prior to CRP and chest radiographs, in severe cases, which suggests its predictive value for disease improvement. Our results demonstrated the clinical significance of lymphopenia for predicting the severity of and recovery from COVID-19, which emphasizes the need to dynamically monitor lymphocyte count.
To examine the potential moderating effects of explicit racial attitudes and implicit racial attitudes on the relationship between percent of Black county residents and COVID-19 cases and deaths.

We collected data from a variety of publicly available sources for 817 counties in the US. (26% of all counties). Cumulative COVID-19 deaths and cases from January 22 to August 31, 2020 were the dependent variables; explicit racial attitudes and implicit racial attitudes served as the moderators; subjective poor or fair health, food insecurity, percent uninsured, percent unemployed, median family income, percent women, percent of Asian county resident, percent of Hispanic county residents, and percent of people 65 or older were controls.

The percent of Black county residents was positively associated with COVID-19 cases and deaths at the county level. The relationship between percent of Black residents and COVID-19 cases was moderated by explicit racial attitudes and implicit racial attitudes.

Implicit racial attitudes can take on a shared property at the community level and effectively explain racial disparities. COVID-19 cases are highest when both the percent of Black county residents and implicit racial attitudes are high.
Implicit racial attitudes can take on a shared property at the community level and effectively explain racial disparities. COVID-19 cases are highest when both the percent of Black county residents and implicit racial attitudes are high.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the education of medical students, medical faculties have faced the challenge of adapting instruction to digital platforms. Although medical students are willing to support pandemic response efforts, how the crisis will affect their medical training remains uncertain. Thus, in this study, we investigated the teaching- and learning-related stressors and expectations of medical students in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A cross-sectional survey was distributed online to undergraduate medical students at medical faculties in Germany. Students answered questions about COVID-19 and teaching (on a 7-point Likert scale from 0 ("not at all") to 6 ("completely")) and completed mental well-being measurements, including the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), the Generalised Anxiety Disorder scale (GAD-7) and the Perceived Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). Descriptive data analysis, a t-test and Pearson correlations were performed to process the data.

Medical students e COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences for academic and healthcare contexts. They also seem to think that their teachers will enhance their digital competencies during the pandemic. Therefore, faculties of medicine need to rapidly and adequately digitalise their approaches to teaching.With the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative and the national strategy of "Ecological Protection and High-Quality Development in the Yellow River Basin", the tourism development of the Yellow River basin of China is facing important opportunity. However, the spatial differences of tourism economy and the unbalanced development of interprovincial resources has become a threat for the sustainable development of the basin. By using the statistical data from 2003 to 2018, this paper aims to identify the numerical feature and spatial patterns of tourism development in the Yellow River Basin from the aspects of tourist volume (domestic tourists and inbound tourists) and tourism income (income from domestic tourism and inbound tourism) at provincial and prefectural scales. Analysis of spatial autocorrelation reveals significant clusters and outliers of tourist volume and tourism income at prefectural scale. Location condition, terrain condition, culture resources, regional policies, the interregional relationship and tourism infrastructure were the main factors influencing the spatial differences of tourism development in the Yellow River Basin. The study could offer useful information for the regional tourism management in the Yellow River Basin.Research transparency has been advocated as a key means of addressing the current crisis of reproducibility. This article proposes an enhanced form of research transparency, termed lifecycle transparency. Over the entire lifecycle of a research effort, this approach captures the syntactical contexts of artifacts and stakeholders, such as timestamps, agreements, and/or dependency requirements for completing each research phase. For example, such contexts might include when, where, and from whom patients' consent and institutional review board approvals were received before a clinical trial was carried out. However, as existing open-science tools are often dedicated to certain research phases or disciplines, and thus insufficient to support lifecycle transparency, we propose a novel decentralized framework to serve as a common medium for interaction among open-science tools, and produces irrefutable and immutable proofs of progress that can be verified automatically.Chronic tinnitus is a debilitating condition which affects 10-20% of adults and can severely impact their quality of life. Currently there is no objective measure of tinnitus that can be used clinically. Clinical assessment of the condition uses subjective feedback from individuals which is not always reliable. We investigated the sensitivity of functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to differentiate individuals with and without tinnitus and to identify fNIRS features associated with subjective ratings of tinnitus severity. We recorded fNIRS signals in the resting state and in response to auditory or visual stimuli from 25 individuals with chronic tinnitus and 21 controls matched for age and hearing loss. Severity of tinnitus was rated using the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory and subjective ratings of tinnitus loudness and annoyance were measured on a visual analogue scale. Following statistical group comparisons, machine learning methods including feature extraction and classification were applied to the new treatments and patients' treatment progress.Floristic surveys are crucial to the conservation of biodiversity, but the vast majority of such surveys are limited to listing species names, and few take into account the evolutionary history of species. Here, we combine classical taxonomic and molecular phylogenetic (DNA barcoding) approaches to catalog the biodiversity of pteridophytes (ferns and lycophytes) of the Nectandra Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica. Surveys were carried out over three field seasons (2008, 2011, and 2013), resulting in 176 species representing 69 genera and 22 families of pteridophytes. Our literature survey of protected areas in Costa Rica shows that Nectandra has an exceptionally diverse pteridophyte flora for its size. Plastid rbcL was selected as a DNA barcode marker and obtained for >95% of pteridophyte taxa at this site. Combined molecular and morphological analyses revealed two previously undescribed taxa that appear to be of hybrid origin. The utility of rbcL for species identification was assessed by calculating minimum interspecific distances and found to have a failure rate of 18%. Finally we compared the distribution of minimum interspecific rbcL distances with two other areas that have been the focus of pteridophyte molecular surveys Japan and Tahiti. The comparison shows that Nectandra is more similar to Japan than Tahiti, which may reflect the biogeographic history of these floras.The omnipresence of smartphones among adolescents and adults gives rise to the questions about excessive use and personality factors which are associated with heavier engagement with these devices. Previous studies have found behavioral similarities between smartphone use and maladaptive behaviors (e.g. drinking, gambling, drug abuse) in the context of intertemporal choice but mostly relied on participants' self-reports regarding engagement with their phone. In this study, we collected actual usage data by smartphone application from 101 participants and assessed their tendency to discount future rewards, their reward responsiveness, self-control and consideration of future consequences. We found that smartphone screen time was correlated with choosing smaller immediate over larger delayed rewards and that usage of social media and gaming apps predicted delay discounting. Additionally, smartphone use was negatively correlated with self-control but not correlated with consideration of future consequences. Neither psychological variable could mediate the relationship between smartphone usage and delay discounting. Our findings provide further evidence that smartphone use and impulsive decision-making go hand in hand and that engagement with these devices needs to be critically examined by researchers to guide prudent behavior.
This study aimed to investigate the predictors of maternal parenting self-efficacy when the children concerned are in the early years of life.

A descriptive-analytical research study was carried out among 213 women who were in the early months of the postpartum period and attending healthcare facilities in Irbid, Jordan. The State Anxiety Inventory (SAI) and the Maternal Parenting Self-Efficacy (PMP S-E) tool were used to collect the data.

A significant correlation was found between the scores in self-efficacy and the quality of marriage relations (B = 3.56, P = 001), family income (B = 1.97, P = .05), employment (B = 4.027, P = .027), education (B = 2.48, P = .004), and living with extended family (B = 5.28, P = .02).

The findings of this study show that MPSE is significantly associated with various predictors. These predictors are the mother's education, income, whether she lives with extended family, her quality of marriage, and her employment. Maternal anxiety was found not to be a predictor for MPSE and this may explain other factors such as social support and living with extended family.

It is essential for nurses to understand maternal parenting self-efficacy, therefore, including the concept of maternal parenting self-efficacy in nursing curricula can help raise awareness of this important concept. Understanding maternal parenting self-efficacy is necessary for nurses to evaluate the mothers' parenting self-efficacy.
It is essential for nurses to understand maternal parenting self-efficacy, therefore, including the concept of maternal parenting self-efficacy in nursing curricula can help raise awareness of this important concept. Understanding maternal parenting self-efficacy is necessary for nurses to evaluate the mothers' parenting self-efficacy.Four ways archaeologists have tried to gain insights into how flintknapping creates lithic variability are fracture mechanics, controlled experimentation, replication and attribute studies of lithic assemblages. Fracture mechanics has the advantage of drawing more directly on first principles derived from physics and material sciences, but its relevance to controlled experimentation, replication and lithic studies more generally has been limited. Controlled experiments have the advantage of being able to isolate and quantify the contribution of individual variables to knapping outcomes, and the results of these experiments have provided models of flake formation that when applied to the archaeological record of flintknapping have provided insights into past behavior. Here we develop a linkage between fracture mechanics and the results of previous controlled experiments to increase their combined explanatory and predictive power. We do this by documenting the influence of Herztian cone formation, a constant in fracture mechanics, on flake platforms. We find that the platform width is a function of the Hertzian cone constant angle and the geometry of the platform edge. This finding strengthens the foundation of one of the more influential models emerging from the controlled experiments. With additional work, this should make it possible to merge more of the experimental results into a more comprehensive model of flake formation.Prolonged physical inactivity in young adults may lead to deficiencies in musculoskeletal fitness, and thus a need exists to develop physical activity and exercise programmes that are effective of increasing musculoskeletal fitness. The aim of this study, therefore, was to investigate the effects of small-sided team handball training on lower limb muscle strength, postural balance and body composition in young adults. Twenty-six men and twenty-eight women were stratified for peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) and body fat percentage and randomly allocated to either 12 wks of small-sided recreational team handball training (THG 14 men and 14 women, age 24.1±2.6 yrs (mean±SD), VO2peak 39.8±5.9 ml/kg/min and body fat percentage 32.7±8.7%) or serving as non-exercising controls (CON 12 men and 14 women, age 24.8±3.1 yrs, VO2peak 39.7±5.0 ml/kg/min, body fat percentage 31.7±9.7%). THG trained on average 1.8 times/week for 12 wks. At 0 and 12 wks, lower limb muscle strength, rate of force development (RFD), vertical jump height and power, postural balance, body composition and muscle biopsies were assessed. No training effects were observed for maximal isokinetic or isometric knee extensor strength, maximal vertical jump height or take-off power, fibre type distribution or capillarization. Late phase (RFD) increased (+7.4%, p0.05). Further, THG demonstrated a decrease in body fat percentage (-3.7%) accompanied by increases in whole-body fat free mass (FFM) (+2.2%), leg FFM (+2.5%), total bone mineral content (BMC) (+1.1%), leg BMC (+1.2%), total hip bone mineral density (+1.6%) and hip T-score (+50%) which differed from CON (all p less then 0.05). In conclusion, recreational small-sided team handball training appears to effectively improve rapid force capacity, postural balance, lean and fat body mass and bone health in previously untrained young adults. The study was registered at (NCT04247724). ID number NCT04247724.
To identify factors associated with hospital admission and mortality within the first 30 days after enrolment in an outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) program, also analysing adequacy of the treatment regimen and clinical outcomes.

This was a retrospective cohort study conducted between October 2016 and June 2017 in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Variables related to hospital admission and mortality were subjected to bivariate analysis, and those with a P<0.05 were subjected to multivariate analysis as risk factors.

We evaluated 276 patients, of whom 80.5% were ≥60 years of age and 69.9% had more than one comorbidity. Of the patients evaluated, 41.3% had pneumonia and 35.1% had a urinary tract infection. The most common etiological agent, isolated in 18 (31.6%) cases, was Klebsiella pneumoniae, and 13 (72,2%) strains were carbapenem resistant. The OPAT was in accordance with the culture results in 76.6% of the cases and with the institutional protocols in 76.4%. The majority (64.5%) of the patients were not admitted, and a cure or clinical improvement was achieved in 78.6%. Multivariate analysis showed that, within the first 30 days after enrolment, the absence of a physician office visit was a predictor of hospital admission (P<0.001) and mortality (P = 0.006).

This study demonstrated the viability of OPAT in elderly patients with pulmonary or urinary tract infections in an area with a high prevalence of multidrug-resistant bacteria and that a post-discharge physician office visit is protective against hospital admission and mortality.
This study demonstrated the viability of OPAT in elderly patients with pulmonary or urinary tract infections in an area with a high prevalence of multidrug-resistant bacteria and that a post-discharge physician office visit is protective against hospital admission and mortality.We provide nationally representative estimates of sexual minority representation in STEM fields by studying 142,641 men and women in same-sex couples from the 2009-2018 American Community Surveys. These data indicate that men in same-sex couples are 12 percentage points less likely to have completed a bachelor's degree in a STEM field compared to men in different-sex couples. On the other hand, there is no gap observed for women in same-sex couples compared to women in different-sex couples. The STEM degree gap between men in same-sex and different-sex couples is larger than the STEM degree gap between all white and black men but is smaller than the gender gap in STEM degrees. We also document a smaller but statistically significant gap in STEM occupations between men in same-sex and different-sex couples, and we replicate this finding by comparing heterosexual and gay men using independently drawn data from the 2013-2018 National Health Interview Surveys. These differences persist after controlling for demographic characteristics, location, and fertility. Finally, we document that gay male representation in STEM fields (measured using either degrees or occupations) is systematically and positively associated with female representation in those same STEM fields.
Canada is an ethnically-diverse country, yet its lack of ethnicity information in many large databases impedes effective population research and interventions. Automated ethnicity classification using machine learning has shown potential to address this data gap but its performance in Canada is largely unknown. This study conducted a large-scale machine learning framework to predict ethnicity using a novel set of name and census location features.

Using census 1901, the multiclass and binary class classification machine learning pipelines were developed. The 13 ethnic categories examined were Aboriginal (First Nations, Métis, Inuit, and all-combined)), Chinese, English, French, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Scottish, and others. Machine learning algorithms included regularized logistic regression, C-support vector, and naïve Bayes classifiers. Name features consisted of the entire name string, substrings, double-metaphones, and various name-entity patterns, while location features consisted of the enated machine learning approach using only name and census location features can predict the ethnicity of Canadians with varying performance by specific ethnic categories.The G-quadruplex (GQ) is a well-studied non-canonical DNA structure formed by G-rich sequences found at telomeres and gene promoters. Biological studies suggest that GQs may play roles in regulating gene expression, DNA replication, and DNA repair. Small molecule ligands were shown to alter GQ structure and stability and thereby serve as novel therapies, particularly against cancer. In this work, we investigate the interaction of a G-rich sequence, 5'-GGGTTGGGTTGGGTTGGG-3' (T1), with a water-soluble porphyrin, N-methyl mesoporphyrin IX (NMM) via biophysical and X-ray crystallographic studies. UV-vis and fluorescence titrations, as well as a Job plot, revealed a 11 binding stoichiometry with an impressively tight binding constant of 30-50 μM-1 and ΔG298 of -10.3 kcal/mol. Eight extended variants of T1 (named T2 -T9) were fully characterized and T7 was identified as a suitable candidate for crystallographic studies. We solved the crystal structures of the T1- and T7-NMM complexes at 2.39 and 2.34 Å resolution, respectively. Both complexes form a 5'-5' dimer of parallel GQs capped by NMM at the 3' G-quartet, supporting the 11 binding stoichiometry. Our work provides invaluable details about GQ-ligand binding interactions and informs the design of novel anticancer drugs that selectively recognize specific GQs and modulate their stability for therapeutic purposes.During the state of alarm declared in Spain by COVID-19 due to the pandemic, the country's authorities declared Social Services and their workers to be essential, considering that the activity of these professionals with the vulnerable population was crucial and that services should continue to be provided to guarantee the well-being of users in this exceptionally serious situation. This article analyzes the impact that the COVID-19 and the state of alarm has had on Spanish social service professionals. An ad hoc questionnaire was used, administered on-line, individually, voluntarily and anonymously to 560 professionals working in social services, both in the public and private sectors, based throughout Spain. This questionnaire has five different parts socio-demographic profiling, impact that the health crisis has had on the practice of professional functions, degree of knowledge of the measures imposed to guarantee the protection and safety of professionals and users, impact that it has had on the professional and personal development of social services professionals and, the fifth and last part, degree of adaptation of the measures aimed at the care of the vulnerable population. These results are discussed based on the situation in which professionals working in this sector find themselves in the face of the changes they are experiencing in the development of their work, and we are able to determine the profile of the workers who have felt most affected by the situation, with the consequent and foreseeable mental and emotional affectation that this implies. These professionals tend to value more negatively the set of measures developed to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on Spanish social services.Research in music and emotion has long acknowledged the importance of extra-musical cues, yet has been unable to measure their effect on emotion communication in music. The aim of this research was to understand how extra-musical cues affect emotion responses to music in two distinguishable cultures. Australian and Cuban participants (N = 276) were instructed to name an emotion in response to written lyric excerpts from eight distinct music genres, using genre labels as cues. Lyrics were presented primed with genre labels (original priming and a false, lured genre label) or unprimed. For some genres, emotion responses to the same lyrics changed based on the primed genre label. We explain these results as emotion expectations induced by extra-musical cues. This suggests that prior knowledge elicited by lyrics and music genre labels are able to affect the musical emotion responses that music can communicate, independent of the emotion contribution made by psychoacoustic features. For example, the results show a lyric excerpt that is believed to belong to the Heavy Metal genre triggers high valence/high arousal emotions compared to the same excerpt primed as Japanese Gagaku, without the need of playing any music. The present study provides novel empirical evidence of extra-musical effects on emotion and music, and supports this interpretation from a multi-genre, cross-cultural perspective. Further findings were noted in relation to fandom that also supported the emotion expectation account. Participants with high levels of fandom for a genre reported a wider range of emotions in response to the lyrics labelled as being a song from that same specific genre, compared to lower levels of fandom. Both within and across culture differences were observed, and the importance of a culture effect discussed.Work-related activities during non-work time may influence the intershift recovery of post-work fatigue. Currently there is no valid and reliable scale available to measure the frequency for such activities among doctors. Therefore, this study aims to develop and validate 'Work-Related Activities during Non-Work Time Scale' (WANTS) that measure the frequency of work-related activities during non-work time for doctors. This was a scale development and validation study among doctors involving item generation, content and construct validation, and reliability assessment. 23-item seven-point Likert-type scale was developed through deductive (literature search) and inductive (interview with source population, authors' experiences, and expert opinion) methods. The content-validated scale was pre-tested, and the improved scale was subsequently administered to randomly-selected 460 doctors working at public hospital setting. Response rate was 77.76% (n = 382). Initial exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with principal axis factoring (PAF) using varimax rotation revealed unstable six-factor structure consisting of 17 variables; thus, we tested one- to six-factor model, and found that four-factor model is the most stable. Further analysis with principal component analysis (PCA) with a single component on each factor found that 17-variables four-factor model is stable. These factors were labelled as 'work-related thought', 'work-to-home conversation', 'task spillover' and 'superior-subordinate communication'. It showed good internal consistency with overall alpha value of 0.837. The scale is thus valid and reliable for measuring the frequency of each construct of work-related activities during non-work time among doctors.Nowadays, with the significant integration of various renewable energy, hybrid alternating current/ voltage source converter based high voltage direct current (AC/VSC-HVDC) system integrated with doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) has achieved rapidly development in smart grid. A proper control system design for hybrid AC/VSC-HVDC system plays a very crucial role for a reliable and effective power transmission. Hence, this paper designs a novel cooperative beetle antenna search (CBAS) algorithm for optimal coordinated control of hybrid AC/VSC-HVDC system integrated with DFIG. Compared with original beetle antennae search (BAS) algorithm, CBAS algorithm can significantly improve searching efficiency via an efficient cooperation with a group of multiple beetles instead of a single beetle. Particularly, CBAS algorithm can effectively escape from local optimums thanks to its dynamic balance mechanism, which can maintain appropriate trade-off between global exploration and local exploitation. Moreover, three case studies are undertaken to validate the effectiveness and superiorities and effectiveness of CBAS algorithm compared against that of other traditional meta-heuristic algorithms. Especially, the average results of fitness function acquired by CBAS algorithm is merely 46.05%, 41.18%, and 47.82% of that of PSO, GA, and BAS algorithm, respectively.
Understanding the factors associated with disease severity and mortality in Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is imperative to effectively triage patients. We performed a systematic review to determine the demographic, clinical, laboratory and radiological factors associated with severity and mortality in COVID-19.

We searched PubMed, Embase and WHO database for English language articles from inception until May 8, 2020. We included Observational studies with direct comparison of clinical characteristics between a) patients who died and those who survived or b) patients with severe disease and those without severe disease. Data extraction and quality assessment were performed by two authors independently.

Among 15680 articles from the literature search, 109 articles were included in the analysis. The risk of mortality was higher in patients with increasing age, male gender (RR 1.45, 95%CI 1.23-1.71), dyspnea (RR 2.55, 95%CI 1.88-2.46), diabetes (RR 1.59, 95%CI 1.41-1.78), hypertension (RR 1.90, 95%CI 1.69-2.15). Congestive heart failure (OR 4.76, 95%CI 1.34-16.97), hilar lymphadenopathy (OR 8.34, 95%CI 2.57-27.08), bilateral lung involvement (OR 4.86, 95%CI 3.19-7.39) and reticular pattern (OR 5.54, 95%CI 1.24-24.67) were associated with severe disease. Clinically relevant cut-offs for leukocytosis(>10.0 x109/L), lymphopenia(< 1.1 x109/L), elevated C-reactive protein(>100mg/L), LDH(>250U/L) and D-dimer(>1mg/L) had higher odds of severe disease and greater risk of mortality.

Knowledge of the factors associated of disease severity and mortality identified in our study may assist in clinical decision-making and critical-care resource allocation for patients with COVID-19.
Knowledge of the factors associated of disease severity and mortality identified in our study may assist in clinical decision-making and critical-care resource allocation for patients with COVID-19.The aim of our retrospective study was to evaluate the earliest COVID19-related signal to anticipate requirements of intensive care unit (ICU) beds. Although the number of ICU beds is crucial during the COVID-19 epidemic, there is no recognized early indicator to anticipate it. In the Ile-de-France region, from February 20 to May 5, 2020, emergency medical service (EMS) calls and the response provided (ambulances) together the percentage of positive reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests, general practitioner (GP) and emergency department (ED) visits, and hospital admissions of COVID-19 patients were recorded daily and compared to the number of ICU patients. Correlation curve analysis was performed to determine the best correlation coefficient, depending on the number of days the indicator has been shifted. Primary endpoint was the number of ICU patients. EMS calls, percentage of positive RT-PCR tests, ambulances used, ED and GP visits of COVID-19 patients were strongly associated (R2 ranging between 0.79 to 0.99, all P less then 0.001) with COVID-19 ICU patients with an anticipation delay of 23, 15, 14, 13, and 12 days respectively. Hospitalization did not anticipate ICU bed requirement. A qualitative analysis of the onset of the second wave period of the epidemic (August 1 to September 15, 2020) in the same region provided similar results. The daily number of COVID19-related telephone calls received by the EMS and corresponding dispatch ambulances, and the proportion of positive RT-PCR tests were the earliest indicators of the number of COVID19 patients requiring ICU care during the epidemic crisis, rapidly followed by ED and GP visits. This information may help health authorities to anticipate a future epidemic, including a second wave of COVID19, or decide additional social measures.Mathematical models of biological reactions at the system-level lead to a set of ordinary differential equations with many unknown parameters that need to be inferred using relatively few experimental measurements. Having a reliable and robust algorithm for parameter inference and prediction of the hidden dynamics has been one of the core subjects in systems biology, and is the focus of this study. We have developed a new systems-biology-informed deep learning algorithm that incorporates the system of ordinary differential equations into the neural networks. Enforcing these equations effectively adds constraints to the optimization procedure that manifests itself as an imposed structure on the observational data. Using few scattered and noisy measurements, we are able to infer the dynamics of unobserved species, external forcing, and the unknown model parameters. We have successfully tested the algorithm for three different benchmark problems.
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