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Anatomic complete glenohumeral joint arthroplasty for major glenohumeral osteoarthritis is associated with outstanding outcomes and low version prices in the aged.
x1 channel function in myeloid cells, indicating that activation of Panx1 channels in myeloid cells is a major contributor to acute brain inflammation following TBI. Importantly, our data indicate myeloid Panx1 channels could serve as an effective therapeutic target to improve outcome after TBI.
Our data demonstrate that CCI-related outcomes correlate with Panx1 channel function in myeloid cells, indicating that activation of Panx1 channels in myeloid cells is a major contributor to acute brain inflammation following TBI. Importantly, our data indicate myeloid Panx1 channels could serve as an effective therapeutic target to improve outcome after TBI.
Effective conservation management of highly mobile species depends upon detailed knowledge of movements of individuals across their range; yet, data are rarely available at appropriate spatiotemporal scales. Flying-foxes (Pteropus spp.) are large bats that forage by night on floral resources and rest by day in arboreal roosts that may contain colonies of many thousands of individuals. They are the largest mammals capable of powered flight, and are highly mobile, which makes them key seed and pollen dispersers in forest ecosystems. However, their mobility also facilitates transmission of zoonotic diseases and brings them in conflict with humans, and so they require a precarious balancing of conservation and management concerns throughout their Old World range. Here, we analyze the Australia-wide movements of 201 satellite-tracked individuals, providing unprecedented detail on the inter-roost movements of three flying-fox species Pteropus alecto, P. poliocephalus, and P. scapulatus across jurisdictions over uions throughout the species ranges; therefore, local management actions need to be assessed with reference to actions elsewhere and hence require national coordination. These findings underscore the need for sound understanding of animal movement dynamics to support evidence-based, transboundary conservation and management policy, tailored to the unique movement ecologies of species.
Salmonella is an important zoonotic pathogen, and chickens are one of its main hosts. Every year, Salmonella infections pose a serious threat to the poultry industry in developing countries, especially China. In this study, a total of 84 Salmonella isolates recovered from sick and healthy-looking chickens in central China were characterized by serotyping, MLST-based strain typing, presence of potential virulence factors, and antimicrobial resistance profiles.

Data showed that the main serotypes of Salmonella isolates in central China were Salmonella enterica serovar Gallinarum biovar Pullorum, Salmonella enterica serovar Gallinarum biovar Gallinarum, Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, and among them, S. Pullorum was the dominant type in both sick and healthy-looking chickens, accounting for 43.9 and 46.5%, respectively, while S. Enteritidis was only found in healthy-looking chickens. All isolates exhibited higher resistance rates to ampicillin (97.6%), tetwed serious multiple antimicrobial resistances, and S. Enteritidis was the most severe drug-resistant serotype. MLST showed that there was correlation between serotypes and genotypes in most Salmonella isolates, except S. Pullorum, which showed complicated genetic diversity firstly. These results provide important epidemiological information for us to control Salmonella in chickens.
Salmonella serogroup D was the major subgroup, and S. Pullorum was the most common type in sick and healthy-looking chickens in central China. Drug resistance assays showed serious multiple antimicrobial resistances, and S. Enteritidis was the most severe drug-resistant serotype. MLST showed that there was correlation between serotypes and genotypes in most Salmonella isolates, except S. Pullorum, which showed complicated genetic diversity firstly. These results provide important epidemiological information for us to control Salmonella in chickens.
The development of labour productivity is relevant for accurately planning future staffing requirements, especially in sectors where technological developments may drive labour substitution. The present study investigates how labour productivity has developed across Dutch medical specialists (2007-2017) and discusses its implications for workforce planning, also in relation to the existing literature.

A regression model is developed in which the number of full-time equivalents is related to production (admissions), hospital characteristics and a trend parameter. The trend parameter captures the average annual change in the number of full-time equivalents per production output and is a measure for labour productivity. The model is applied to a micro-data set of Dutch hospitals in the period 2007-2017 across 24 different specialties using regression methods.

The results indicate an increase in the number of full-time equivalents per admission has increased for most specialisms and that labour productivity has thus decreased. However, there is considerable heterogeneity and uncertainty across different specialisms.

The results amplify the issue of medical personnel shortages driven by the growing demand for health care. The research outcomes are linked to the existing literature regarding physicians' productivity. Changes in accountability such as using relative value units, incentive payments, use of staff and mid-level providers, and technology have been discussed, and some consensus has been reached.
The results amplify the issue of medical personnel shortages driven by the growing demand for health care. The research outcomes are linked to the existing literature regarding physicians' productivity. Changes in accountability such as using relative value units, incentive payments, use of staff and mid-level providers, and technology have been discussed, and some consensus has been reached.
Proximal humeral fractures are common, and more than half occur in patients over 65 years of age. Operative treatment may be recommended for displaced, complicated fractures; however, surgery may lead to displacement of the greater tuberosity or humeral head. Supplemental tension band sutures have been recommended to prevent such a complication. In this study, we investigate the best combination of suture, washer, and threading angle for proximal humeral fractures from a mechanical view.

The mechanical durability of 18 combinations of suture materials (Fiberwire, Ethibond, and Surgilon), threading washers (ring washer, disc washer), and threading angles (15 or 45°) were examined via a cyclic loading test.

The most durable combination in the cyclic loading test consisted of threading the Fiber Wire to the washer ring using only one hole (ring washer-1) at 45°. In contrast, the most vulnerable combination was threading Ethibond to the washer disc at 15°. Breakage of all suture materials occurred at the suture-washer interface, and no failure or loosening of the knots was observed. FiberWire gradually eroded until the loss of equilibrium; whereas the rupture of Ethibond and Surgilon occurred suddenly.

From a mechanical viewpoint, we demonstrated that applying a supplemental tension band suture using FiberWire with a single-hole ring washer threaded at a wider angle is recommended.
From a mechanical viewpoint, we demonstrated that applying a supplemental tension band suture using FiberWire with a single-hole ring washer threaded at a wider angle is recommended.
Obesity and adipose tissue expansion is characterized by a chronic state of systemic inflammation that contributes to disease. The neuropeptide, oxytocin, working through its receptor has been shown to attenuate inflammation in sepsis, wound healing, and cardiovascular disease. The current study examined the effects of chronic oxytocin infusions on adipose tissue inflammation in a murine model of obesity, the leptin receptor-deficient (db/db) mouse.

The effect of obesity on oxytocin receptor protein and mRNA expression in adipose tissue was evaluated by Western blotting and real-time polymerase chain reaction. Mice were implanted with osmotic minipumps filled with oxytocin or vehicle for 8 weeks. At study endpoint adipose tissue inflammation was assessed by measurement of cytokine and adipokine mRNA tissue levels, adipocyte size and macrophage infiltration via histopathology, and plasma levels of adiponectin and serum amyloid A as markers of systemic inflammation.

The expression of adipose tissue oxytocin receptor was increased in obese db/db mice compared to lean controls. In adipose tissue oxytocin infusion reduced adipocyte size, macrophage infiltration, IL-6 and TNFα mRNA expression, and increased the expression of the anti-inflammatory adipokine, adiponectin. In plasma, oxytocin infusion reduced the level of serum amyloid A, a marker of systemic inflammation, and increased circulating adiponectin.

In an animal model of obesity and diabetes chronic oxytocin treatment led to a reduction in visceral adipose tissue inflammation and plasma markers of systemic inflammation, which may play a role in disease progression.
In an animal model of obesity and diabetes chronic oxytocin treatment led to a reduction in visceral adipose tissue inflammation and plasma markers of systemic inflammation, which may play a role in disease progression.
Oral cancer is one of the most common non-communicable diseases worldwide. This paper presents an evaluation of the trends and geographical distributions of oral cancers in the Saudi Arabian population.

Data from Saudi Cancer Registry reports were used in this analysis, which assessed the period between 1994 and 2015. All cancer cases are recorded in these reports, as well as the age, gender, region and histological cancer sites for each patient. Age-standardised and age-specific incidence rates were calculated in these reports. For the purposes of this paper, only cancers of the lips, tongue and mouth were considered oral cancers.

Between 1994 and 2015, the Saudi Cancer Registry identified 172,424 cancer cases in total. Of these, 3184 were oral cancer. The mean age-standardised rate of oral cancer for the study period was 2.9 per 100,000 people; for females, it was 1.5, and for males, it was 1.4. The incidence of oral cancer varied by region, with Jazan displaying the highest age-standardised rate and Hail displaying the lowest. A positive correlation was observed between oral cancer incidence and age.

The overall trend of the age-standardised rate for both sexes remained constant from 1994 to 2015. However, the oral cancer incidence in Saudi Arabia varies by region. Studying this variation in more detail will help to guide awareness programmes in the regions that are most in need.
The overall trend of the age-standardised rate for both sexes remained constant from 1994 to 2015. However, the oral cancer incidence in Saudi Arabia varies by region. Studying this variation in more detail will help to guide awareness programmes in the regions that are most in need.
The Sri Lankan traditional betel quid (TBQ) which had been extensively used in the country before its colonization is claimed to have antiperiodontopathic effects in the Sri Lankan folklore. However, there is no reported scientific evidence to support the claimed antiperiodontopathic effects mediated by this TBQ. The present study was carried out to investigate the protective effect of the Sri Lankan TBQ in the pathogenesis of periodontitis.

We investigate the ethyl acetate extract of the Sri Lankan TBQ for its antibacterial effects against the keystone periodontopathic bacterium, P. gingivalis and also its antioxidant potential, which is important to protect the periodontium from oxidative stress. Further, its safety was analyzed using the cytokinesis block micronucleus assay on human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs).

Ethyl acetate extract of this TBQ inhibited the growth of P. gingivalis with a minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of 125 μg/ml. It was found to be a rich source of polyphenols and displayed considerable DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities and a strong ferric reducing antioxidant power.
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