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Nd3+-Doped TiO2 Nanoparticles as Nanothermometer: Substantial Sensitivity in Heat Evaluation inside Neurological Glass windows.
045 and P = .039), but there was no difference in the last week (P > .05). Lactate levels increased significantly after training in each week (P < .001). Cortisol levels at Post3 were different from all other time points (P < .05) and the concentrations of peroxides increased over the weeks (P < .05). Among all metabolites, sarcosine showed the greatest differences (P = .004) in the pretraining and posttraining periods of the 3weeks.

Serum analysis of athletes using nuclear magnetic resonance showed metabolic changes depending on the intensity of the training performed each week.
Serum analysis of athletes using nuclear magnetic resonance showed metabolic changes depending on the intensity of the training performed each week.Despite the technological advancements in Virtual Reality (VR), users are constantly combating feelings of nausea and disorientation, the so-called cybersickness. Cybersickness symptoms cause severe discomfort and hinder the immersive VR experience. Here we investigated cybersickness in 360-degree head-mounted display VR. buy XL092 In traditional 360-degree VR experiences, translational movement in the real world is not reflected in the virtual world, and therefore self-motion information is not corroborated by matching visual and vestibular cues, which may trigger symptoms of cybersickness. We evaluated whether a new Artificial Intelligence (AI) software designed to supplement the 360-degree VR experience with artificial six-degrees-of-freedom motion may reduce cybersickness. Explicit (simulator sickness questionnaire and Fast Motion Sickness (FMS) rating) and implicit (heart rate) measurements were used to evaluate cybersickness symptoms during and after 360-degree VR exposure. Simulator sickness scores showed a significant reduction in feelings of nausea during the AI-supplemented six-degrees-of-freedom motion VR compared to traditional 360-degree VR. However, six-degrees-of-freedom motion VR did not reduce oculomotor or disorientation measures of sickness. No changes were observed in FMS and heart rate measures. Improving the congruency between visual and vestibular cues in 360-degree VR, as provided by the AI-supplemented six-degrees-of-freedom motion system considered, is essential for a more engaging, immersive and safe VR experience, which is critical for educational, cultural and entertainment applications.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, major parts of elective health care in the Netherlands, such as reproductive medicine, were paused. When health care was resumed, video consultation was used as a new solution to continue consultations with the new governmental rules of social distancing. Prior to this COVID-19 situation, video consultation was not used extensively in the Netherlands; therefore, physicians and patients are not familiar with this way of consultation.

The purpose of this study was to measure the level of patient centeredness and shared decision making in infertile couples who have undergone fertility workup through video consultation.

This is a questionnaire study with an additional qualitative part for a more in depth understanding. Infertile couples (ie, male and female partners with an unfulfilled wish for a child after 1 year of unprotected intercourse) were referred to a fertility center and underwent fertility workup through video consultation. The fertility workup consisted of 2 separat centeredness and shared decision making show that video consultation is a promising way of providing care remotely, although attention has to be payed to mitigate the more impersonal setting of video consultation when compared with face-to-face consultation.
The high levels of patient centeredness and shared decision making show that video consultation is a promising way of providing care remotely, although attention has to be payed to mitigate the more impersonal setting of video consultation when compared with face-to-face consultation.This paper provides a review of studies containing safety and ergonomic outcomes in lean manufacturing (LM) environments over the past 40 years. The aim is to identify effects from specific LM methods on specific safety/ergonomic outcomes, to understand the relationship in greater detail. One hundred and one studies containing one hundred and seventy outcomes were identified. Thirty-seven outcomes pertained to just-in-time (JIT) production, which contained twenty-three negative, eleven neutral, and three positive safety/ergonomic outcomes. Conversely, twenty-six outcomes pertained to 5S and consisted of twenty-four positive, two negative, and no neutral outcomes. The most common negative JIT outcome was stress and mental strain, while the most common positive 5S outcome was a tie between safety performance and hazard exposure. Studies containing other methods were fewer in number with more mixed outcomes. These findings suggest that individual LM methods, especially JIT and 5S, uniquely contribute to the safety/ergonomic outcomes attributed to LM.
The aim of this study was to investigate how early-life exposure to famine affected the development of overweight, general obesity and abdominal obesity in Chinese adults.

This study was a 22-year cohort study.

Data were derived from the China Health and Nutrition Survey, which is a national prospective cohort study. All participants born between 1949 and 1966 were potentially eligible. Height, weight and waist circumference (WC) were measured by trained healthcare workers. Height and weight were used to calculate body mass index, which was used to define general obesity and WC was used to define abdominal obesity. Exposure to famine was defined using the birth date as follows no exposure (participants born between 1962 and 1966); fetal exposure (participants born between 1959 and 1961); early childhood exposure (participants born between 1956 and 1958); mid-childhood exposure (participants born between 1953 and 1955); and late childhood exposure (participants born between 1949 and 1952).

In total, 6957 participants were included in this study. Results indicate that exposure to famine was linked to a lower risk of being overweight. Exposure to famine in mid-childhood decreased the risk of general obesity in both males (hazard ratio [HR] 0.485, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.292-0.807 [P=0.005]) and females (HR 0.426, 95% CI 0.256-0.709 [P=0.001]). Exposure to famine during any period of childhood decreased the risk of abdominal obesity (P<0.001).

Exposure to famine in early childhood decreased the risk of overweight and abdominal obesity in adulthood; however, exposure to famine only had a weak role in the development of general obesity.
Exposure to famine in early childhood decreased the risk of overweight and abdominal obesity in adulthood; however, exposure to famine only had a weak role in the development of general obesity.
This study intended to compare the effectiveness of thematic maps with that of tabular data in comprehension and memory of risk magnitudes, with Zika virus (ZIKV) disease outbreaks in the United States as the subject matter. The study also aimed to examine the effects of data presentation format and past occurrence information on risk perception and risk avoidance intention.

This study used an experiment.

Each participant was randomly assigned to view ZIKV disease 2017 incidence data presented in one of the three formats a choropleth map, a graduated-circle map, and a table, after which they answered questions about comprehension and memory of risk magnitudes. Each participant was then randomly assigned to view or not to view incidence data of the previous occurrence of ZIKV outbreaks in 2016, after which they answered questions about risk perception and risk avoidance intention.

The results revealed the effectiveness of thematic maps over tabular data in comprehension, risk perception, and risk avoide match between the information emphasized in the presentation and that required by the tasks. The findings also suggest that data presentation format and past occurrence information are important judgmental heuristics that help to form risk perception and risk avoidance intention.
The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) is one of the most frequently used depression assessment scales. In Tunisia, psychiatrists commonly use this scale in a Tunisian dialect. However, to the best of our knowledge, this scale has never been validated in Tunisia. This study aims to investigate the reliability and the validity of the HDRS among Tunisian patients who have been hospitalised for a suicide attempt. A secondary objective is to describe the sociodemographic characteristics of the study population.

This is a cross-sectional study performed in the emergency department.

Patients who were hospitalised for a suicide attempt were eligible for inclusion in this study. The Tunisian version of the HDRS was developed using a forward-backward translation procedure. Psychometric properties of the Tunisian version of the HDRS were tested, including (i) construct validity with a confirmatory one-factor analysis; (ii) internal validity with Pearson correlations and Cronbach alpha coefficients; and (iii)attempted suicide.Stormwater runoff typically contains significant quantities of metal contaminants that enter urban waterways over short durations and represent a potential risk to water quality. The origin of metals within the catchment and processes that occur over the storm can control the partitioning of metals between a range of different forms. Understanding the fraction of metals present in a form that is potentially bioavailable to aquatic organisms is useful for environmental risk assessment. To help provide this information, the forms and dynamics of metal contaminants in an urban system were assessed across a storm. Temporal patterns in the concentration of metals in dissolved and particulate (total suspended solids; TSS) forms were assessed from water samples, and diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGTs) were deployed to measure the DGT-labile time-integrated metal concentration. Results indicate that the concentrations of dissolved and TSS-associated metals increased during the storm, with the metals Al, Cd, Co, Cu, Pb and Zn representing the greatest concern relative to water quality guideline values (GVs). The portion of labile metal as measured by DGT devices indicated that during the storm a substantial fraction (∼98%) of metals were complexed and pose a lower risk of acute toxicity to aquatic organisms. Comparison of DGT results to GVs indicate that current GVs are likely quite conservative when assessing stormwater pollution risks with regards to metal contaminants. This study provides valuable insight into the forms and dynamics of metals in an urban system receiving stormwater inputs and assists with the development of improved approaches for the assessment of short-term, intermittent discharge events.Human urine can be used as a fertilizer, however, due to the high water content (97%), concentration is required to make transportation economically feasible. Reverse osmosis (RO) has been identified as an energy efficient concentration method. Furthermore, to maximize nitrogen recovery from source-separated urine it should be stabilized with an acid or base to prevent urea hydrolysis. However, the method of stabilization will have an impact on the downstream RO process. Calcium hydroxide is often used as a base stabilization method for human urine but would require pre-treatment to remove excess calcium and subsequent membrane scaling. Three pre-treatment methods such as air bubbling, NaHCO3 addition, and NH4HCO3 addition, were investigated in this study. Each method successfully reduced the scaling potential and air bubbling was determined to be the most effective method as it resulted in the highest nutrient recovery during concentration and did not require the addition of any chemicals. Base stabilization with air bubbling pre-treatment was then compared to urine stabilized with citric acid.
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