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Tetramethylpyrazine inhibits spreading involving colon cancer tissue in vitro.
The presence of schizophrenia among patients with GD was around 4 times higher than the prevalence rate estimated in the reference general population. The differences in the profiles of GD patients with and without schizophrenia suggest that individuals with the dual diagnosis condition require unique assessment considerations and tailored treatment interventions specifically designed for the clinical and functioning higher risk.
The presence of schizophrenia among patients with GD was around 4 times higher than the prevalence rate estimated in the reference general population. The differences in the profiles of GD patients with and without schizophrenia suggest that individuals with the dual diagnosis condition require unique assessment considerations and tailored treatment interventions specifically designed for the clinical and functioning higher risk.During the course of their lives, most individuals experience at least one potentially traumatic event. For some individuals this experience may result in them developing depression and/or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. The aim of the present study was to test the interactive effect of traumatic exposure and impaired cognitive flexibility on the tendency to develop either depression or PTSD symptoms. Eighty-two college students (M age = 25.32, SD age = 4.09) were assessed for exposure to traumatic events, depressive and PTSD symptoms. In addition, they completed a performance-based learning paradigm to evaluate the unique patterns of cognitive flexibility, defined as reduced and enhanced updating of prior knowledge in the face of new information. We predicted and found that for individuals with reduced updating, greater exposure to trauma was associated with elevated depressive symptoms. Contrary to our prediction, for individuals with enhanced updating, greater exposure was associated with elevated PTSD symptoms. While cognitive flexibility is traditionally associated with adaptive outcomes, our results illuminate the important role of a delicate updating balance to adaptively cope with aversive life events. selleckchem The findings highlight the possible different roles of cognitive flexibility in the development of psychopathology and may serve as a first step toward developing tailored prevention and treatment methods.
Many governments are using contact tracing mobile applications (CTMAs) yet public adoption of such systems has been relatively low. The main objective of this paper is to profile adopters (and non-adopters) of Australia's COVIDSafe CTMA.

We use latent profile analysis to examine predictors of CTMA download behaviour. Specifically, we draw on a representative Australian sample (N = 2575) to examine the interplay between age, education, income, dispositional desire for privacy and political ideology on download behaviour. We examine trust in government as a mediating mechanism between profiles and download behaviour.

Our analysis produces seven profiles. Trust in government mediates the relationship between most profiles and download behaviour. A combination of wealth and education appear to be key explanatory factors of CTMA download behaviour. Two profiles -- comprising individuals with high income and education -- had the highest rates of download behaviour. Profiles with low download percentages comprised politically left-leaning participants with average to low income and education.

Our findings clearly indicate the profiles of people who are (not) likely to download a CTMA. Practical ways to improve widespread adoption include providing structural support to the more vulnerable members of society, making clear the societal benefits of downloading CTMAs, and engaging in bipartisan promotion of such apps.
Our findings clearly indicate the profiles of people who are (not) likely to download a CTMA. Practical ways to improve widespread adoption include providing structural support to the more vulnerable members of society, making clear the societal benefits of downloading CTMAs, and engaging in bipartisan promotion of such apps.
OpenMRS is an open source medical record system that was first released in 2004. This research study analyzed OpenMRS implementations by conducting a survey of implementers and by reviewing publicly available data reported to the OpenMRS Community to learn about the utilization and impact of OpenMRS over the past 15 years.

Data about the use of OpenMRS were collected by conducting a survey of OpenMRS implementers that included both quantitative and qualitative questions. Data were also gathered from the OpenMRS community-hosted Atlas website and the OpenMRS Community Annual report to arrive at a comprehensive view of OpenMRS implementations.

OpenMRS has been implemented in over 62 countries worldwide (Community Annual report). The survey was responded to by 16 organizations with projects spanning 16 countries, which were launched over 15 years (2004-2019). Fourteen of these sites reported a total of 1,436,357 patients; 4,248,248 visits; 18,028,204 encounters; 312,068,205 observations; and 5088 users, offter implementing OpenMRS. Several risks and challenges were identified by implementers that need to be addressed to deliver successful implementations. Continued investment in the development of OpenMRS is needed to sustain and scale its impact.
OpenMRS has a broad reach globally in a variety of settings. Organizations have reported a positive impact on health care delivery after implementing OpenMRS. Several risks and challenges were identified by implementers that need to be addressed to deliver successful implementations. Continued investment in the development of OpenMRS is needed to sustain and scale its impact.The peritrich genus Epistylis is speciose, however many species lack complete morphological description based on modern criteria and/or molecular data. In the present study, one new species, i.e., E. foissneri n. sp., and two morphologically similar species, i.e., E. hentscheli Kahl, 1935 and E. vaginula Stokes, 1884, collected from freshwater habitats in China, were studied. Epistylis foissneri n. sp. is characterized by its extremely slender zooids encased in a gelatinous sheath, symmetrically dichotomously branched stalk, trochal band located at mid-body, contractile vacuole located on dorsal wall of infundibulum, infundibular polykinety 3 (P3) composed of three equal-length rows that terminate above infundibular polykinety 1 (P1), 105-110 silverlines between the peristome and the trochal band, and about 110 silverlines between the trochal band and the scopula. Epistylis hentscheli is characterized by its asymmetric pyriform zooids (average length ca. 160 μm in vivo), dichotomously branched stalk with transverse striations on the surface of the upper portion, P3 three-rowed and terminating slightly above P1, 60-75 silverlines between the peristome and the trochal band, and 55-90 silverlines between the trochal band and the scopula. Epistylis vaginula is characterized by its elongated body shape (about 100 μm in length in vivo), dichotomously branched and smooth stalk, P3 three-rowed and terminating above P1, 80-100 silverlines between the peristome and the trochal band, and 45-80 silverlines between the trochal band and the scopula. The small subunit ribosomal DNA gene (SSU rDNA) of these three species was sequenced and supported the validity of each. Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rDNA sequence data revealed that all three morphospecies group with other congeners within the major clade of Epistylis.Cowpea is the poor man's crop that lacks variability due to its autogamous nature. Induced mutation serves as a potential source in the induction of variability in crops. On the other hand, the effectiveness and efficiency of mutagens will vary between species and even varieties. In the present study, a novel mutagen electron beam was used in cowpea for the first time along with commonly used mutagens gamma rays (physical) and ethyl methanesulfonate (chemical). The biological damages on eight quantitative characters in M1 generation and chlorophyll mutants in M2 generation were recorded. Two popular varieties viz., P 152 and VBN 1 constituted as the biological material of study. The rate of reduction in biological damage on quantitative characters was directly proportional to the dose of mutagen irrespective of the varieties and mutagens used. Physical mutagens showed the highest biological damage (EB- 37.5% and G- 37.3% overall reduction from control) than chemical mutagen (EMS- 30.4%). Comparing the physical mutagens at similar doses, 200 Gy or 300 Gy of electron beam showed more biological damage than 200 Gy or 300 Gy of gamma rays. Eleven different types of chlorophyll mutants were identified in the M2 generation. Xantha is the most occurred chlorophyll mutants (44.44%), while aurea and yellow viridis have least occurred mutants. Chemical mutagen (EMS) is considered to be the most effective (6.47%) and efficient mutagen (27.09%) based on the chlorophyll mutants and it was followed by an electron beam and gamma rays. Among the physical mutagens, electron beam showed the highest biological damage (37.50% overall reduction from control) and higher effectiveness and efficiency (3.80% and 23.38%) compared to gamma rays (1.87% and 13.38%). Hence, the electron beam can also be used as an effective mutagen in creating variation in cowpea and other crops as it is highly effective, cost less and safe mutagen.
The aim of the study was to develop and validate a deep learning radiomic nomogram (DLRN) for preoperatively assessing breast cancer pathological complete response (pCR) after neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) based on the pre- and post-treatment ultrasound.

Patients with locally advanced breast cancer (LABC) proved by biopsy who proceeded to undergo preoperative NAC were enrolled from hospital #1 (training cohort, 356 cases) and hospital #2 (independent external validation cohort, 236 cases). Deep learning and handcrafted radiomic features reflecting the phenotypes of the pre-treatment (radiomic signature [RS] 1) and post-treatment tumour (RS2) were extracted. The minimum redundancy maximum relevance algorithm and the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator regression were used for feature selection and RS construction. A DLRN was then developed based on the RSs and independent clinicopathological risk factors. The performance of the model was assessed with regard to calibration, discriminationand cpCR in LABC, which could provide valuable information for individual treatment.
The sympathetic nervous system drives breast cancer progression through β-adrenergic receptor signalling. This discovery has led to the consideration of cardiac β-blocker drugs as novel strategies for anticancer therapies. Carvedilol is a β-blocker used in the management of cardiovascular disorders, anxiety, migraine and chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity. However, little is known about how carvedilol affects cancer-related outcomes.

To address this, we investigated the effects of carvedilol on breast cancer cell lines, in mouse models of breast cancer and in a large cohort of patients with breast cancer (n=4014).

Treatment with carvedilol blocked the effects of sympathetic nervous system activation, reducing primary tumour growth and metastasis in a mouse model of breast cancer and preventing invasion by breast cancer cell lines. A retrospective analysis found that women using carvedilol at breast cancer diagnosis (n=136) had reduced breast cancer-specific mortality compared with women who did not (n=3878) (5-year cumulative incidence of breast cancer deaths 3.
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