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What's the best way associated with rectovaginal fistula fix? A 25-year single-center experience.
Our model was experimentally evaluated on University of Southern California Human Activity Dataset (USC-HAD) as a benchmark dataset and on an Intelligent Mediasporting behavior (IMSB), which is a new self-annotated sports dataset. For evaluation, we used the "leave-one-out" cross validation scheme and the results outperformed existing well-known statistical state-of-the-art methods by achieving an improved recognition accuracy of 91.25%, 93.66% and 90.91% when compared with USC-HAD, IMSB, and Mhealth datasets, respectively. The proposed system should be applicable to man-machine interface domains, such as health exercises, robot learning, interactive games and pattern-based surveillance.This study considers the problem of detecting a change in the conditional variance of time series with time-varying volatilities based on the cumulative sum (CUSUM) of squares test using the residuals from support vector regression (SVR)-generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (GARCH) models. To compute the residuals, we first fit SVR-GARCH models with different tuning parameters utilizing a time series of training set. We then obtain the best SVR-GARCH model with the optimal tuning parameters via a time series of the validation set. Subsequently, based on the selected model, we obtain the residuals, as well as the estimates of the conditional volatility and employ these to construct the residual CUSUM of squares test. We conduct Monte Carlo simulation experiments to illustrate its validity with various linear and nonlinear GARCH models. A real data analysis with the S&P 500 index, Korea Composite Stock Price Index (KOSPI), and Korean won/U.S. dollar (KRW/USD) exchange rate datasets is provided to exhibit its scope of application.Recently, there has been increasing interest in techniques for enhancing working memory (WM), casting a new light on the classical picture of a rigid system. One reason is that WM performance has been associated with intelligence and reasoning, while its impairment showed correlations with cognitive deficits, hence the possibility of training it is highly appealing. However, results on WM changes following training are controversial, leaving it unclear whether it can really be potentiated. This study aims at assessing changes in WM performance by comparing it with and without training by a professional mnemonist. Two groups, experimental and control, participated in the study, organized in two phases. In the morning, both groups were familiarized with stimuli through an N-back task, and then attended a 2-hour lecture. For the experimental group, the lecture, given by the mnemonist, introduced memory encoding techniques; for the control group, it was a standard academic lecture about memory systems. In the afternoon, both groups were administered five tests, in which they had to remember the position of 16 items, when asked in random order. The results show much better performance in trained subjects, indicating the need to consider such possibility of enhancement, alongside general information-theoretic constraints, when theorizing about WM span.In this paper, we present a new algorithm to generate two-dimensional (2D) permutation vectors' (PV) code for incoherent optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) system to suppress multiple access interference (MAI) and system complexity. The proposed code design approach is based on wavelength-hopping time-spreading (WHTS) technique for code generation. All possible combinations of PV code sets were attained by employing all permutations of the vectors with repetition of each vector weight (W) times. Further, 2D-PV code set was constructed by combining two code sequences of the 1D-PV code. The transmitter-receiver architecture of 2D-PV code-based WHTS OCDMA system is presented. Results indicated that the 2D-PV code provides increased cardinality by eliminating phase-induced intensity noise (PIIN) effects and multiple user data can be transmitted with minimum likelihood of interference. Simulation results validated the proposed system for an agreeable bit error rate (BER) of 10-9.Malware concealment is the predominant strategy for malware propagation. Black hats create variants of malware based on polymorphism and metamorphism. Malware variants, by definition, share some information. Although the concealment strategy alters this information, there are still patterns on the software. Given a zoo of labelled malware and benign-ware, we ask whether a suspect program is more similar to our malware or to our benign-ware. Normalized Compression Distance (NCD) is a generic metric that measures the shared information content of two strings. This measure opens a new front in the malware arms race, one where the countermeasures promise to be more costly for malware writers, who must now obfuscate patterns as strings qua strings, without reference to execution, in their variants. Our approach classifies disk-resident malware with 97.4% accuracy and a false positive rate of 3%. We demonstrate that its accuracy can be improved by combining NCD with the compressibility rates of executables using decision forests, paving the way for future improvements. We demonstrate that malware reported within a narrow time frame of a few days is more homogeneous than malware reported over two years, but that our method still classifies the latter with 95.2% accuracy and a 5% false positive rate. Due to its use of compression, the time and computation cost of our method is nontrivial. We show that simple approximation techniques can improve its running time by up to 63%. We compare our results to the results of applying the 59 anti-malware programs used on the VirusTotal website to our malware. Our approach outperforms each one used alone and matches that of all of them used collectively.Underwater quantumkey distribution (QKD) is tough but important formodern underwater communications in an insecure environment. It can guarantee secure underwater communication between submarines and enhance safety for critical network nodes. To enhance the performance of continuous-variable quantumkey distribution (CVQKD) underwater in terms ofmaximal transmission distance and secret key rate as well, we adopt measurement-device-independent (MDI) quantum key distribution with the zero-photon catalysis (ZPC) performed at the emitter of one side, which is the ZPC-based MDI-CVQKD. Numerical simulation shows that the ZPC-involved scheme, which is a Gaussian operation in essence, works better than the single photon subtraction (SPS)-involved scheme in the extreme asymmetric case. We find that the transmission of the ZPC-involved scheme is longer than that of the SPS-involved scheme. In addition, we consider the effects of temperature, salinity and solar elevation angle on the system performance in pure seawater. The maximal transmission distance decreases with the increase of temperature and the decrease of sunlight elevation angle, while it changes little over a broad range of salinity.Estimating the parameters of the autoregressive (AR) random process is a problem that has been well-studied. In many applications, only noisy measurements of AR process are available. The effect of the additive noise is that the system can be modeled as an AR model with colored noise, even when the measurement noise is white, where the correlation matrix depends on the AR parameters. Because of the correlation, it is expedient to compute using multiple stacked observations. Performing a weighted least-squares estimation of the AR parameters using an inverse covariance weighting can provide significantly better parameter estimates, with improvement increasing with the stack depth. LOXO-292 The estimation algorithm is essentially a vector RLS adaptive filter, with time-varying covariance matrix. Different ways of estimating the unknown covariance are presented, as well as a method to estimate the variances of the AR and observation noise. The notation is extended to vector autoregressive (VAR) processes. Simulation results demonstrate performance improvements in coefficient error and in spectrum estimation.We use Langevin dynamics simulations to study dense 2d systems of particles with both size and energy polydispersity. We compare two types of bidisperse systems which differ in the correlation between particle size and interaction parameters in one system big particles have high interaction parameters and small particles have low interaction parameters, while in the other system the situation is reversed. We study the different phases of the two systems and compare them to those of a system with size but not energy bidispersity. We show that, depending on the strength of interaction between big and small particles, cooling to low temperatures yields either homogeneous glasses or mosaic crystals. We find that systems with low mixing interaction, undergo partial freezing of one of the components at intermediate temperatures, and that while this phenomenon is energy-driven in both size and energy bidisperse systems, it is controlled by entropic effects in systems with size bidispersity only.The continuously expanding toolbox of nonlinear time series analysis techniques has recently highlighted the importance of dynamical complexity to understand the behavior of the complex solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupling system and its components. Here, we apply new such approaches, mainly a series of entropy methods to the time series of the Earth's magnetic field measured by the Swarm constellation. We show successful applications of methods, originated from information theory, to quantitatively study complexity in the dynamical response of the topside ionosphere, at Swarm altitudes, focusing on the most intense magnetic storm of solar cycle 24, that is, the St. Patrick's Day storm, which occurred in March 2015. These entropy measures are utilized for the first time to analyze data from a low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellite mission flying in the topside ionosphere. These approaches may hold great potential for improved space weather nowcasts and forecasts.Taylor's law quantifies the scaling properties of the fluctuations of the number of innovations occurring in open systems. Urn-based modeling schemes have already proven to be effective in modeling this complex behaviour. Here, we present analytical estimations of Taylor's law exponents in such models, by leveraging on their representation in terms of triangular urn models. We also highlight the correspondence of these models with Poisson-Dirichlet processes and demonstrate how a non-trivial Taylor's law exponent is a kind of universal feature in systems related to human activities. We base this result on the analysis of four collections of data generated by human activity (i) written language (from a Gutenberg corpus); (ii) an online music website (; (iii) Twitter hashtags; (iv) an online collaborative tagging system ( While Taylor's law observed in the last two datasets agrees with the plain model predictions, we need to introduce a generalization to fully characterize the behaviour of the first two datasets, where temporal correlations are possibly more relevant. We suggest that Taylor's law is a fundamental complement to Zipf's and Heaps' laws in unveiling the complex dynamical processes underlying the evolution of systems featuring innovation.
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