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[Expression and also syndication associated with calprotectin in healthy and also swollen nicotine gum tissues].
The method proves to be suitable to simulate moving rigid objects or surfaces moving following either the rigid body dynamics or a prescribed kinematic. Also, it applies uniformly and without modifications in the whole domain for any shape, including corners, narrow gaps, or any other singular geometry.The lattice-Boltzmann method is convenient for simulating flow fields in porous media. However, due to its lattice characteristics, the velocity near a solid surface is not accurate, which results in significant errors when simulating colloid transport in porous media. Based on the general properties of a flow field close to a solid surface, we propose an alternative velocity interpolation method in which the velocity at a solid surface is strictly zero. Numerical simulation results show that the proposed method can give more accurate results than the usual bilinear interpolation. In addition, we use this method to simulate the contact efficiency of colloids in porous media and obtain a new power-law form of the contact efficiency.We study the wetting critical behavior of the three-state (s=±1,0) Blume-Emery-Griffiths model using numerical simulations. This model provides a suitable scenario for the study of the role of vacancies on the wetting behavior of a thin magnetic film. To this aim we study a system confined between parallel walls with competitive short-range surface magnetic fields (h_L=-|h_1|). We locate relevant critical curves for different values of the biquadratic interaction and use a thermodynamic integration method to calculate the surface tension as well as the interfacial excess energy and determine the wetting transition. Furthermore, we also calculate the local position of the interface along the film and its fluctuations (capillary waves), which are a measure of the interface width. To characterize the role played by vacancies on the interfacial behavior we evaluate the excess density of vacancies, i.e., the density difference between a system with and without interface. We also show that the temperature dependence of both the local position of the interface and its width can be rationalized in term of a finite-size scaling description, and we propose and successfully test the same scaling behavior for the average position of the center of mass of the vacancies and its fluctuations. This shows that the excess of vacancies can be associated to the presence of the interface that causes the observed segregation. This segregation phenomena is also evidenced by explicitly evaluating the interfacial free energy.Chimera states refer to the dynamical states in which the inherent symmetry of the system is broken. The system composed of two interacting identical subpopulations of phase oscillators provides a platform to study chimera states. In this system, different types of chimera states have been identified and the transitions between them have been investigated. However, the parameter space is not fully explored in this system. In this work, we study a system comprised of two interacting subpopulations of nonidentical phase oscillators. Through numerical simulations and theoretical analyses, we find three symmetry-reserving states, including incoherent state, in-phase synchronous state, and antiphase synchronous state, and three types of symmetry-breaking states, including in-phase chimera states, antiphase chimera states, and weak chimera states. The stability diagrams of these dynamical states are explored on different parameter planes and transition scenarios amongst these states are investigated. We find that the weak chimera states act as the bridge between in-phase and antiphase chimera states. We also observe the existence of a period-two chimera state, chaotic chimera state, and drifting chimera states.We study the relation between stochastic thermodynamics and nonequilibrium thermodynamics by evaluating the entropy production and the relation between fluxes and forces in a harmonic system with N particles in contact with N different reservoirs. We suppose that the system is in a nonequilibrium stationary state in a first phase and we study the relaxation to equilibrium in a second phase. During this relaxation, we can identify the linear relation between fluxes and forces satisfying the Onsager reciprocity and we obtain a nonlinear expression for the entropy production. Only when forces and fluxes are small does the entropic production turn into a quadratic form in the forces, as predicted by the Onsager theory.Three-dimensional (3D) instabilities on a (potentially turbulent) two-dimensional (2D) flow are still incompletely understood, despite recent progress. Here, based on known physical properties of such 3D instabilities, we propose a simple, energy-conserving model describing this situation. It consists of a regularized 2D point-vortex flow coupled to localized 3D perturbations ("ergophages"), such that ergophages can gain energy by altering vortex-vortex distances through an induced divergent velocity field, thus decreasing point-vortex energy. We investigate the model in three distinct stages of evolution (i) The linear regime, where the amplitude of the ergophages grows or decays exponentially on average, with an instantaneous growth rate that fluctuates randomly in time. The instantaneous growth rate has a small auto-correlation time, and a probability distribution featuring a power-law tail with exponent between -2 and -5/3 (up to a cutoff) depending on the point-vortex base flow. Consequently, the logaritisting theories, our model provides a new perspective on 3D instabilities growing on 2D flows, which will be useful in analyzing and understanding the much more complex results of DNS and potentially guide further theoretical developments.We consider the propagation of flexural waves across a nearly flat, thin membrane, whose stress-free state is curved. The stress-free configuration is specified by a quenched height field, whose Fourier components are drawn from a Gaussian distribution with power-law variance. Gaussian curvature couples the in-plane stretching to out-of-plane bending. Integrating out the faster stretching modes yields a wave equation for undulations in the presence of an effective random potential, determined purely by geometry. We show that at long times and lengths, the undulation intensity obeys a diffusion equation. The diffusion coefficient is found to be frequency dependent and sensitive to the quenched height field distribution. Finally, we consider the effect of coherent backscattering corrections, yielding a weak localization correction that decreases the diffusion coefficient proportional to the logarithm of the system size, and induces a localization transition at large amplitude of the quenched height field. The localization transition is confirmed via a self-consistent extension to the strong disorder regime.A concise operator form of the Fokker-Planck equation agreeing with that proposed by Weizenecker [Phys. Med. Biol. 63, 035004 (2018)10.1088/1361-6560/aaa186] for the joint orientational distribution of the coupled physical and magnetodynamic rotational diffusion of a single-domain ferromagnetic nanoparticle suspended in a liquid is written from the postulated Langevin equations for the stochastic dynamics. Series expansion of its solution in a complete set yields, using the theory of angular momentum, differential-recurrence equations for statistical moments for coupled motion with uniaxial symmetry of the internal anisotropy-Zeeman energy of a nanoparticle. The numerical results via the matrix iteration method suggest that the susceptibility is adequately approximated by a single Lorentzian with peak frequency given by the inverse integral relaxation time and are discussed in relation to those of the well-known "egg model".Harmonic oscillator chains connecting two harmonic reservoirs at different constant temperatures cannot act as thermal diodes, irrespective of structural asymmetry. However, here we prove that perfectly harmonic junctions can rectify heat once the reservoirs (described by white Langevin noise) are placed under temperature gradients, which are asymmetric at the two sides, an effect that we term "temperature-gradient harmonic oscillator diodes." This nonlinear diode effect results from the additional constraint-the imposed thermal gradient at the boundaries. find more We demonstrate the rectification behavior based on the exact analytical formulation of steady-state heat transport in harmonic systems coupled to Langevin baths, which can describe quantum and classical transport, both regimes realizing the diode effect under the involved boundary conditions. Our study shows that asymmetric harmonic systems, such as room-temperature hydrocarbon molecules with varying side groups and end groups, or a linear lattice of trapped ions may rectify heat by going beyond simple boundary conditions.First passage under restart has recently emerged as a conceptual framework to study various stochastic processes under restart mechanism. Emanating from the canonical diffusion problem by Evans and Majumdar, restart has been shown to outperform the completion of many first-passage processes which otherwise would take longer time to finish. However, most of the studies so far assumed continuous time underlying first-passage time processes and moreover considered continuous time resetting restricting out restart processes broken up into synchronized time steps. To bridge this gap, in this paper, we study discrete space and time first-passage processes under discrete time resetting in a general setup without specifying their forms. We sketch out the steps to compute the moments and the probability density function which is often intractable in the continuous time restarted process. A criterion that dictates when restart remains beneficial is then derived. We apply our results to a symmetric and a biased random walker in one-dimensional lattice confined within two absorbing boundaries. Numerical simulations are found to be in excellent agreement with the theoretical results. Our method can be useful to understand the effect of restart on the spatiotemporal dynamics of confined lattice random walks in arbitrary dimensions.We introduce the "leaking elastic capacitor" (LEC) model, a nonconservative dynamical system that combines simple electrical and mechanical degrees of freedom. We show that an LEC connected to an external voltage source can be destabilized (Hopf bifurcation) due to positive feedback between the mechanical separation of the plates and their electrical charging. Numerical simulation finds regimes in which the LEC exhibits a limit cycle (regular self-oscillation) or strange attractors (chaos). The LEC acts as an autonomous engine, cyclically performing work at the expense of the constant voltage source. We show that this mechanical work can be used to pump current, generating an electromotive force without any time-varying magnetic flux and in a thermodynamically irreversible way. We consider how this mechanism can sustain electromechanical waves propagating along flexible plates. We argue that the LEC model can offer a qualitatively new and more realistic description of important properties of active systems with electrical double layers in condensed-matter physics, chemistry, and biology.
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