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Thrombotic microangiopathy boosts the probability of long-term renal disease however, not overall fatality throughout long-term transplant survivors.
Here, we discuss ZIKV vaccine development with the perspective of the immunological concerns implicated by DENV-ZIKV cross-reactivity and the use of a controlled human infection model (CHIM) as a tool to accelerate vaccine development.Flaviviruses cause a significant amount of mortality and morbidity, especially in regions where they are endemic. A recent example is the outbreak of Zika virus throughout the world. Development of antiviral drugs against different viral targets is as important as the development of vaccines. During viral replication, a single polyprotein precursor (PP) is produced and further cleaved into individual proteins by a viral NS2B-NS3 protease complex together with host proteases. Flavivirus protease is one of the most attractive targets for development of therapeutic antivirals because it is essential for viral PP processing, leading to active viral proteins. In this review, we have summarized recent development in drug discovery targeting the NS2B-NS3 protease of flaviviruses, especially Zika, dengue, and West Nile viruses.Biofilms are intricate bacterial assemblages that attach to diverse surfaces using an extracellular polymeric substance that protects them from the host immune system and conventional antibiotics. Biofilms cause chronic infections that result in millions of deaths around the world every year. Since the antibiotic tolerance mechanism in biofilm is different than that of the planktonic cells due to its multicellular structure, the currently available antibiotics are inadequate to treat biofilm-associated infections which have led to an immense need to find newer treatment options. Over the years, various novel antibiofilm compounds able to fight biofilms have been discovered. In this review, we have focused on the recent and intensively researched therapeutic techniques and antibiofilm agents used for biofilm treatment and grouped them according to their type and mode of action. We also discuss some therapeutic approaches that have the potential for future advancement.Pyrenophora teres is the causal agent of barley net blotch (NB), a disease that can be found in two different forms net form (NFNB), caused by P. teres f. teres, and spot form (SFNB), caused by P. teres f. maculata. A two-year field experiment was carried out to evaluate the response to NB of six different barley cultivars for malt or feed/food production. In addition, the efficacy of several recently developed foliar fungicides with different modes of action (SDHI, DMI, and QoI) towards the disease was examined. After NB leaf symptom evaluation, the identification of P. teres forms was performed. Grain yield was determined, and pathogen biomass was quantified in the grain by qPCR. In the two experimental years characterized by different climatic conditions, only P. teres f. teres was detected. The tested cultivars showed different levels of NFNB susceptibility. In particular, the two-row cultivars for malt production showed the highest disease incidence. All applied fungicides exhibited a high efficacy in reducing disease symptoms on leaves and pathogen accumulation in grains. In fact, high levels of fungal biomass were detected only in the grain of the untreated malting barley cultivars. For some cultivars, grain yield was positively influenced by the application of fungicides.Phenotypic polymorphism is a commonly observed phenomenon in nature, but extremely rare in free-living stages of parasites. We describe a unique case of somatic polymorphism in conspecific cercariae of the bird schistosome Trichobilharzia sp. "peregra", in which two morphs, conspicuously different in their size, were released from a single Radix balthica snail. A detailed morphometric analysis that included multiple morphological parameters taken from 105 live and formalin-fixed cercariae isolated from several naturally infected snails provided reliable evidence for a division of all cercariae into two size groups that contained either large or small individuals. Almonertinib Large morph (total body length of 1368 and 1339 μm for live and formalin-fixed samples, respectively) differed significantly nearly in all morphological characteristics compared to small cercariae (total body length of 976 and 898 μm for live and formalin samples, respectively), regardless of the fixation method. Furthermore, we observed that small individuals represent the normal/commonly occurring phenotype in snail populations. The probable causes and consequences of generating an alternative, much larger phenotype in the parasite infrapopulation are discussed in the context of transmission ecology as possible benefits and disadvantages facilitating or preventing the successful completion of the life cycle.Rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus 2 (RHDV2; GI.2) is a pathogenic lagovirus that emerged in 2010, and which now has a global distribution. Outbreaks have been associated with local population declines in several lagomorph species, due to rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD)-associated mortality raising concerns for its potential negative impact on threatened or vulnerable wild populations. The Irish hare (Lepus timidus hibernicus) is endemic to Ireland, and is of conservation interest. The first cases of RHDV2 in Ireland were reported in domestic rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in 2016, soon followed by the first known case in a wild rabbit also in 2016, from a population reported to be experiencing high fatalities. During summer 2019, outbreaks in wild rabbits were confirmed in several locations throughout Ireland. Six cases of RHDV2 in wild hares were confirmed between July and November 2019, at four locations. Overall, 27 cases in wildlife were confirmed in 2019 on the island of Ireland, with a predominantly southern distribution. Passive surveillance suggests that the Irish hare is susceptible to lethal RHDV2 infection, and that spillover infection to hares is geographically widespread in eastern areas of Ireland at least, but there is a paucity of data on epidemiology and population impacts. A literature review on RHD impact in closely related Lepus species suggests that intraspecific transmission, spillover transmission, and variable mortality occur in hares, but there is variability in reported resistance to severe disease and mortality amongst species. Several key questions on the impact of the pathogen in Irish hares remain. Surveillance activities throughout the island of Ireland will be important in understanding the spread of infection in this novel host.Schistosomiasis is a chronic helminthic disease of both humans and animals and the second most prevalent parasitic disease after malaria. Through a complex migration process, schistosome eggs trapped in the liver can lead to the formation of granulomas and subsequent schistosome-induced liver damage, which results in high mortality and morbidity. Although praziquantel can eliminate mature worms and prevent egg deposition, effective drugs to reverse schistosome-induced liver damage are scarce. High mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) is a multifunctional cytokine contributing to liver injury, inflammation, and immune responses in schistosomiasis by binding to cell-surface Toll-like receptors and receptors for advanced glycation end products. HMGB1 is increased in the serum of patients with schistosomiasis and enables hepatic stellate cells to adopt a proliferative myofibroblast-like phenotype, which is crucial to schistosome-induced granuloma formation. Inhibition of HMGB1 was found to generate protective responses against fibrotic diseases in animal models. Clinically, HMGB1 presents a potential target for treatment of the chronic sequelae of schistosomiasis. Here, the pivotal role of HMGB1 in granuloma formation and schistosome-induced liver damage, as well the potential of HMGB1 as a therapeutic target, are discussed.Schistosomiasis japonica caused by the trematode flukes of Schistosoma japonicum was one of the most grievous infectious diseases in China in the mid-20th century, while its elimination has been placed on the agenda of the national strategic plan of healthy China 2030 after 70 years of continuous control campaigns. Diagnostic tools play a pivotal role in warfare against schistosomiasis but must adapt to the endemic status and objectives of activities. With the decrease of prevalence and infection intensity of schistosomiasis in human beings and livestock, optimal methodologies with high sensitivity and absolute specificity are needed for the detection of asymptomatic cases or light infections, as well as disease surveillance to verify elimination. In comparison with the parasitological methods with relatively low sensitivity and serological techniques lacking specificity, which both had been widely used in previous control stages, the molecular detection methods based on the amplification of promising genes of the schistosome genome may pick up the baton to assist the eventual aim of elimination. In this article, we reviewed the developed molecular methods for detecting S. japonicum infection and their application in schistosomiasis japonica diagnosis. Concurrently, we also analyzed the chances and challenges of molecular tools to the field application process in China.The appearance of the severe acute respiratory syndrome virus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) has had a significant impact on the balance of public health and social life. The data available so far show that newborns and young children do not develop severe forms of COVID-19, but a small proportion of them will still need hospitalization. Even though young children represent an important vector of the infection, vaccination at such a young age was not yet considered. Thus, the question of whether potentially protective antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 could be provided to them via breast milk or across the placenta, as "passive immunity", still stands.
Between January-July 2021, we have conducted a prospective study that aimed to measure the immunoglobulin (Ig) A and IgG anti-SARS-CoV-2 titers in the breast milk of 28 vaccinated lactating mothers, sampled at 30 and 60 days after the second dose of the anti-SARS-CoV-2 Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccines. Anti-RBD reactive IgA and IgG antibodies were detected and quantified by a sandfound in the milk secretion of mothers vaccinated with mRNA vaccines and, presumably, these antibodies should offer protection to the newborn, considering that the antibodies' titers did not decrease after 60 days. The antibody response is directly proportional to the breastfed child's age, but the amount of anti-RBD IgA decreases with the baby's rank. The antibody response did not depend on the vaccine type, or on the mother's age.Anisakiasis is a zoonosis caused by the ingestion of raw or undercooked seafood infected with third-stage larvae (L3) of the marine nematode Anisakis. Based on L3 localization in human accidental hosts, gastric, intestinal or ectopic (extra-gastrointestinal) anisakiasis can occur, in association with mild to severe symptoms of an allergic nature. Given the increasing consumption of fish worldwide, the European Food Safety Authority declared Anisakis as an emerging pathogen. Despite its importance for public health and economy, the scientific literature is largely characterized by taxonomic, systematic and ecological studies, while investigations on clinical aspects, such as the inflammatory and immune response during anisakiasis, using a proper model that simulates the niche of infection are still very scarce. The aims of this review are to describe the clinical features of anisakiasis, to report the main evidence from the in vivo and in vitro studies carried out to date, highlighting limitations, and to propose future perspectives in the study field of anisakiasis.
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