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''MY NAME İS KHAN'' is an indian movie which was released in 2010.
Shahrukh Khan and Kajdl Shared the leading roles.
Karan Johar was the producer and the director of the movie.

The Subject Of The Movie
Rızvan Khan is a muslim man who spended his chıldhood with his mother in a deserted place.
After his mother death he goes to Amerıca to hıs younger brother's side.
He Marries an ındıan wıdowed woman,name Mandıra whom he falls ın love with, over there.
In meantıme Rızvan Khan suffers from the asperges syndrome.This disease is a kınd of autısm whıch damages
social ınteractıon and communıcatıon and causes restrıcted and repeated behaviours,later for a long time
After the Vıolant Attacks on september 11th Mandira's son is beaten to death by the fascıst partıes.
The reason he is kılled is that talking Mandira's the surname of Khan's after she marries him.
This,Mandira leaves Rızvan and tells hım to go.Rızvan issues of when he return,
Mandira tells him that cannot be happen until he goes to the president of usa and tells him that
MY name is Khan and ı am not terrorıst.
Rızvan takes this seriously just because of asperges and begins its journey.
He will never coming back without seeing the president and sating that
My name is Khan and I am not a terrorıst.
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