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Outline :
Cause of traffic accidents:
- Large number of cars (14 million)
- Speeding
- Bad driving habits (no seatbelt)
- overtaking other cars
- sudden stops without warnings

Effects of traffic accidents:
- Fatal and serious injuries
- Losing jobs
- raising awareness


Paragraph 1 (causes) :

Traffic accidents these days are a serious issue facing humanity and it's becoming increasingly more dangerous for the following reasons. First, the number of cars is increasing in cities and that means there is a bigger chance for accidents to happen. The second cause of accidents is that people have bad driving habits like speeding. Speeding has been known to be the most human-caused and the most dangerous type of cause for accidents. Another cause for accidents is that many people don't wear seat belts anymore and even when there is a big accident that caused someone to be crippled or fatally injured people only respect seat belts for a few days then they go back to their bad driving habits. All in all, reckless, careless, and people that are not evaluating whether they can drive or not are the main cause for accidents and they are endangering other people.

Paragraph 2 (effects):
Accidents are tragic and leave people in bad conditions most of the time. The worst that can happen to you if you're in a traffic accident is that you die from it. There are also patients that are suffering really bad conditions that was there own fault and it could not have happened if they were wearing their seat belts or taking precautions that were provided to them by the police. Ali Ahmed Al Kimdi is a victim of his own fault. He fell asleep during a road trip at night and his car lost balance causing him to crash and he went through the windscreen because he wasn't wearing a seat belt. He suffered multiple injuries in his spinal cord which left him unable to move or take care of himself. This is unfortunate for Ali but we need to learn from other's mistakes. To conclude this paragraph, being safe has never hurt anybody and wearing a seat belt is not embarrassing and it doesn't mean that you're scared it only means that you are smart.
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