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Radiative warmth move on the nanoscale: fresh tendencies and difficulties.
4%) and Firmicutes (27.4%) were the dominant phyla. Prevotella_1 and Rikenellaceae_RC9_gut_group were the dominant genera. The abundance of Prevotella_1 was highest in June (27.8%) and lowest in December (17.8%). In addition, the expression of CLAUDIN4 (Claudin-4) and ZO1 (Zonula occludens 1) was significantly higher in April than in August and December, while the expression of SGLT1 (Sodium glucose linked transporter 1) was highest in August. Correlation analysis showed that there were interactions among rumen fermentation characteristics, the microbiota, and host gene expression, mainly by adjusting the amino acid metabolism pathway and energy metabolism pathway to improve energy utilization. At the same time, we adjusted the balance of the rumen "core microbiota" to promote the development of rumen and maintain the homeostasis of rumen environment, which makes Tibetan sheep better able to adapt to the harsh environment in different periods of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.Dealing with potential stress in species that have high husbandry requirements, such as elephants, is a challenge for zoos. The objective of the present study was to determine whether positive reinforcement training (PRT) and exposure to a novel object (NOV) for enrichment induced a salivary cortisol response indicative of activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and which factors determine individual variation in this regard in captive African elephants. We repeatedly sampled the saliva of ten animals (three zoos) for the analysis of cortisol (SACort) before and up to 60 min (in 10-15 min intervals) after the onset of PRT (three repeats) or NOV (nine repeats), which lasted 10 min. There was considerable individual variation in SACort in response to PRT or NOV. Using mixed models, we were able to control these and to reveal that PRT was associated with high SACort before and relatively low SACort after PRT, while NOV induced a moderate SACort increase. The individual differences in SACort were related to age and sex (NOV), while the effects of zoo, handling method (free vs. protected contact) and reproductive and social status were variable. We conclude that positive affective states, such as anticipation or arousal, should be taken into account when interpreting the differences in the SACort responses between PRT and NOV. In addition, understanding the individuality of stress will support management decisions aimed at promoting captive elephant welfare.In spring 2019, diseased four-month-old tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) from an aquaculture farm in Southern California, USA were received for diagnostic evaluation with signs of lethargy, anorexia, abnormal swimming, and low-level mortalities. At necropsy, non-specific external lesions were noted including fin erosion, cutaneous melanosis, gill pallor, and coelomic distension. Internal changes included ascites, hepatomegaly, renomegaly, splenomegaly, and multifocal yellow-white nodules in the spleen and kidney. Cultures of spleen and kidney produced bacterial colonies identified as Francisella orientalis. Homogenized samples of gill, brain, liver, spleen, and kidney inoculated onto Mozambique tilapia brain cells (OmB) developed cytopathic effects, characterized by rounding of cells and detaching from the monolayer 6-10 days post-inoculation at 25 °C. Transmission electron microscopy revealed 115.4 ± 5.8 nm icosahedral virions with dense central cores in the cytoplasm of OmB cells. A consensus PCR, targeting the DNA polymerase gene of large double-stranded DNA viruses, performed on cell culture supernatant yielded a sequence consistent with an iridovirus. Phylogenetic analyses based on the concatenated full length major capsid protein and DNA polymerase gene sequences supported the tilapia virus as a novel species within the genus Megalocytivirus, most closely related to scale drop disease virus and European chub iridovirus. An intracoelomic injection challenge in Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) fingerlings resulted in 39% mortality after 16 days. Histopathology revealed necrosis of head kidney and splenic hematopoietic tissues.The first known outbreak caused by a viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) strain of genotype III in rainbow trout occurred in 2007 at a marine farm in Storfjorden, Norway. The source of the virus is unknown, and cod and other marine fish around the farms are suspected as a possible reservoir. The main objective of this study was to test the susceptibility of juvenile Atlantic cod to the VHSV isolate from Storfjorden. As the pathology of VHS in cod is sparsely described, an additional aim of the study was to give a histopathological description of the disease. Two separate challenge experiments were carried out, using both intra peritoneal (ip) injection and cohabitation as challenge methods. Mortality in the ip injection experiment leveled at approximately 50% three weeks post challenge. Both immunohistochemical and rRT-PCR analysis of organs sampled from diseased and surviving fish confirmed VHSV infection. No VHSV was detected in the cohabitants. The results indicate that Atlantic cod has a low natural susceptibility to this VHSV genotype III strain. One of the most extensive pathological changes was degeneration of cardiac myocytes. Immunohistochemistry confirmed that the lesions were related to VHSV. In some fish, the hematopoietic tissue of spleen and kidney showed degeneration and immunostaining, classical signs of VHS, as described in rainbow trout. Positive immunostaining of the capillaries of the gills, suggests this organ as a useful alternative when screening for VHSV.The main objective of our current study was evaluating the effects of NFC supplementation and forage type on rumen microbiota and metabolism, by comparing microbial structures and composition among samples collected from cows fed AH (alfalfa-based diet), H-NFC (CS-based diet with high NFC) and L-NFC (CS-based diet with low NFC) diets. Our results show that microbial communities were structurally different but functionally similar among groups. When compared with L-HFC, NFC increased the population of Treponema, Ruminobacter, Selenomonas and Succinimonas that were negatively correlated with ruminal NH3-N, and urea nitrogen in blood, milk and urine, as well as significantly increasing the number of genes involved in amino acid biosynthesis. However, when compared to the AH group, H-NFC showed a higher abundance of bacteria relating to starch degradation and lactate production, but a lower abundance of bacteria utilizing pectin and other soluble fibers. This may lead to a slower proliferation of lignocellulose bacteria, such as Ruminococcus, Marvinbryantia and Syntrophococcus. Lower fibrolytic capacity in the rumen may reduce rumen rotation rate and may limit dry matter intake and milk yield in cows fed H-NFC. The enzyme activity assays further confirmed that cellulase and xylanase activity in AH were significantly higher than H-NFC. In addition, the lower cobalt content in Gramineae plants compared to legumes, might have led to the significantly down-regulated microbial genes involved in vitamin B12 biosynthesis in H-NFC compared to AH. A lower dietary supply with vitamin B12 may restrict the synthesis of milk lactose, one of the key factors influencing milk yield. In conclusion, supplementation of a CS-based diet with additional NFC was beneficial for nitrogen conversion by increasing the activity of amino acid biosynthesis in rumen microbiota in dairy cattle. However, lower levels of fibrolytic capacity may limit dry matter intake of cows fed H-NFC and may prevent increased milk yield.The objective of this study was to determine the pharmacokinetics and safety of multiple injections of meloxicam (MLX) administered subcutaneously (SQ) in Kemp's ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) and green (Chelonia mydas) sea turtles. Based on results from a previously published single-injection study, a multiple-injection regimen was derived for the Kemp's ridleys, which consisted of administering MLX at a dose of 1 mg/kg SQ every 12 h for 5 days, and for green turtles at a dose of 1 mg/kg SQ every 48 h for three treatments. Six turtles of each species were used for the study, and blood samples were taken at multiple time intervals. The terminal half-life after the last dose for the Kemp's ridley sea turtles was calculated at 7.18 h, and for the green sea turtles at 23.71 h. Throughout the multiple injections, MLX concentrations remained above 0.57 µg/mL, a concentration targeted in humans for the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. No negative side effects or changes to blood parameters evaluated were observed during the study in either species. The results of this study suggest MLX should be administered SQ to Kemp's ridley sea turtles at a dosage of 1 mg/kg every 12 h and in green sea turtles at a dose of 1 mg/kg every 48 h. The novelty of this work is that it is a multiple-injection study. Multiple injections were administered and produced concentrations that were considered therapeutic in humans, and the turtles did not have any adverse side effects. Furthermore, there were large differences in the pharmacokinetic values between green and Kemp's ridley sea turtles.The development of new drugs or formulations for central nervous system (CNS) diseases is a complex pharmacologic and pharmacokinetic process; it is important to evaluate their access to the CNS through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and their distribution once they have acceded to the brain. The gold standard tool for obtaining this information is the animal microdialysis technique; however, according to 3Rs principles, it would be better to have an "animal-free" alternative technique. Because of that, the purpose of this work was to develop a new formulation to substitute the brain homogenate in the in vitro tests used for the prediction of a drug's distribution in the brain. Fresh eggs have been used to prepare an emulsion with the same proportion in proteins and lipids as a human brain; this emulsion has proved to be able to predict both the unbound fraction of drug in the brain (fu,brain) and the apparent volume of distribution in the brain (Vu,brain) when tested in in vitro permeability tests. The new formulation could be used as a screening tool; only the drugs with a proper in vitro distribution would pass to microdialysis studies, contributing to the refinement, reduction and replacement of animals in research.Little to no research has been conducted thus far regarding aquarium fish nutrition. In order to ensure the welfare of house-kept ornamentals, such studies should take into account that there are distinct biological differences occurring between different fish species/taxa, especially in regard to the structure of their digestive organs. Accordingly, a 12-week trial was executed to assess the effects of two commercial flakes and a mix of lyophilized natural food on the condition of co-reared neon tetras, Paracheirodon innesi (Characidae), and glowlight rasboras, Trigonostigma hengeli (Danionidae). The four feeding groups were as follows (T)-Tetra flakes; (O)-Omega flakes; (TO)-Tetra + Omega; (TOL)-Tetra + Omega + Lyophilizate (twice a week). There were no differences in final body weight (FBW) between the feeding groups of either species, but in the case of neon tetras, FBW increased significantly from the initial value only for the T group. However, histological observations and measurements of digestive organs (livers, intestines) showed pronounced differences between the two species.
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