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[Reticulocyte hemoglobin comparable being a diagnostic marker for the current a deficiency of iron : Old wine in fresh bottles].
Rater group was significant (p<.032) only for ACL. Procedure (p<.001), baseline VAS (p<.001), change in GD (p≤.002) and rater age (p≤.017) were significant determinants of smile attractiveness change from preoperative to postoperative.

ACL and LRS are two periodontal plastic surgery procedures that deliver significant smile attractiveness improvements, in the eyes of both laypersons and dental professionals.
ACL and LRS are two periodontal plastic surgery procedures that deliver significant smile attractiveness improvements, in the eyes of both laypersons and dental professionals.This commentary focuses on the emerging intersection between BMP/TGF-β signaling roles in nervous system function and the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) disease state. Future research is critical to elucidate the molecular underpinnings of this intersection of the cellular processes disrupted in ALS and those influenced by BMP/TGF-β signaling, including synapse structure, neurotransmission, plasticity, and neuroinflammation. Such knowledge promises to inform us of ideal entry points for the targeted modulation of dysfunctional cellular processes in an effort to abrogate ALS pathologies. It is likely that different interventions are required, either at discrete points in disease progression, or across multiple dysfunctional processes which together lead to motor neuron degeneration and death. We discuss the challenging, but intriguing idea that modulation of the pleiotropic nature of BMP/TGF-β signaling could be advantageous, as a way to simultaneously treat defects in more than one cell process across different forms of ALS.
To identify whether periodontal traits derived from electronic dental records are biologically informative and heritable.

The study included 11,974 adult twins (aged 30-92years) in the Swedish Twin Registry. Periodontal records from dental examinations were retrieved from a national register and used to derive continuous measures of periodontal health. A latent class approach was used to derive categorial measures of periodontal status. The correlation patterns in these traits were contrasted in monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs using quantitative genetic models to estimate the heritability of the traits.

For continuous traits, heritability estimates ranged between 41.5% and 48.3% with the highest estimates for number of missing tooth surfaces and rate of change in number of deep periodontal pockets (≥6mm). For categorial traits, the latent class approach identified three classes (good periodontal health, mild periodontitis signs and severe signs of periodontitis) and there was a clear difference in the hazard for subsequent tooth loss between these three classes. Despite this, the class allocations were only slightly more heritable than a conventional dichotomous disease definition (45.2% vs. 42.6%).

Periodontitis is a moderately heritable disease. Quantitative periodontal traits derived from electronic records are an attractive target for future genetic association studies.
Periodontitis is a moderately heritable disease. Quantitative periodontal traits derived from electronic records are an attractive target for future genetic association studies.
Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common problem among men that occurs when ejaculation happens sooner than a man or his partner would like during sex; it may cause unhappiness and relationship problems. Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which are most commonly used as antidepressants are being used to treat this condition.

To assess the effects of SSRIsin the treatment of PE in adult men.

We performed a comprehensive search using multiple databases (the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, Embase, Scopus, CINAHL), clinical trial registries, conference proceedings, and other sources of grey literature, up to 1 May 2020. We applied no restrictions on publication language or status.

We included only randomized controlled clinical trials (parallel group and cross-over trials)in which men with PE were administered SSRIsor placebo. We also considered 'no treatment' to be an eligible comparator butdid not find any relevant studies.

Two review authors independently classified and abstracted data from td to placebo. Undesirable effects are a small increase in treatment withdrawals due to adverse events as well as substantially increased adverse event rates. Issues affecting the certainty of evidence of outcomes were study limitations andimprecision.
SSRI treatment for PE appears to substantially improve a number of outcomes of direct patient importance such as symptom improvement, satisfaction with intercourse and perceived control over ejaculation when compared to placebo. Undesirable effects are a small increase in treatment withdrawals due to adverse events as well as substantially increased adverse event rates. Issues affecting the certainty of evidence of outcomes were study limitations and imprecision.
To develop a simple score for predicting vesicoureteral reflux after a first febrile urinary tract infection in children.

A retrospective cohort study was conducted for a 12-year period (January 2008 to December 2019), including patients aged <72months who underwent renal ultrasonography and voiding cystourethrography after a first febrile urinary tract infection. Patients with a history of antenatal hydronephrosis were excluded. The prediction model and score for vesicoureteral reflux were developed using multivariate logistic regression analysis.

Out of 260 patients in total (median age 4months, 172 boys), 41 (16%) had vesicoureteral reflux. The score was based on four independent risk factors, including age >6months (odds ratio 2.71, 95% confidence interval 1.27-5.76), presence of sepsis (odds ratio 3.44, 95% confidence interval 1.31-9.04), white blood cell count ≥15000/mm
(odds ratio1.83, 95% confidence interval 0.88-3.8) and abnormal renal ultrasonography results (odds ratio2.08, 95% confidence interval 1-4.31). A lower probability of vesicoureteral reflux (positive likelihood ratio=0.66; P=0.001) was found in the low-risk group (scores 0-2), whereas a higher probability of vesicoureteral reflux (positive likelihood ratio=2.54; P=0.001) was found in the high-risk group (scores 3-5). The predictive ability of the model was 70%.

The scores developed based on the patient characteristics and renal ultrasonography are useful in predicting presence of vesicoureteral reflux after a first febrile urinary tract infection in children and could guide clinicians' decisions to perform additional imaging studies.
The scores developed based on the patient characteristics and renal ultrasonography are useful in predicting presence of vesicoureteral reflux after a first febrile urinary tract infection in children and could guide clinicians' decisions to perform additional imaging studies.Naringenin, the biochemical precursor for predominant flavonoids in grasses, provides protection against UV damage, pathogen infection and insect feeding. To identify previously unknown loci influencing naringenin accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa), recombinant inbred lines derived from the Nipponbare and IR64 cultivars were used to map a quantitative trait locus (QTL) for naringenin abundance to a region of 50 genes on rice chromosome 7. Examination of candidate genes in the QTL confidence interval identified four predicted uridine diphosphate-dependent glucosyltransferases (Os07g31960, Os07g32010, Os07g32020 and Os07g32060). In vitro assays demonstrated that one of these genes, Os07g32020 (UGT707A3), encodes a glucosyltransferase that converts naringenin and uridine diphosphate-glucose to naringenin-7-O-β-d-glucoside. The function of Os07g32020 was verified with CRISPR/Cas9 mutant lines, which accumulated more naringenin and less naringenin-7-O-β-d-glucoside and apigenin-7-O-β-d-glucoside than wild-type Nipponbare. Expression of Os12g13800, which encodes a naringenin 7-O-methyltransferase that produces sakuranetin, was elevated in the mutant lines after treatment with methyl jasmonate and insect pests, Spodoptera litura (cotton leafworm), Oxya hyla intricata (rice grasshopper) and Nilaparvata lugens (brown planthopper), leading to a higher accumulation of sakuranetin. Feeding damage from O. hyla intricata and N. lugens was reduced on the Os07g32020 mutant lines relative to Nipponbare. Modification of the Os07g32020 gene could be used to increase the production of naringenin and sakuranetin rice flavonoids in a more targeted manner. These findings may open up new opportunities for selective breeding of this important rice metabolic trait.
What is the topic of this review? It is generally accepted that sleep deprivation constitutes a predisposing factor to the development of thermal injury. This review summarizes the available human-based evidence on the impact of sleep loss on autonomic and behavioural thermoeffectors during acute exposure to low and high ambient temperatures. What advances does it highlight? Limited to moderate evidence suggests that sleep deprivation per se impairs thermoregulatory defence mechanisms during exposure to thermal extremes. Future research is required to establish whether inadequate sleep enhances the risk for cold- and heat-related illnesses.

Relatively short periods of inadequate sleep provoke physiological and psychological perturbations, typically leading to functional impairments and degradation in performance. It is commonly accepted that sleep deprivation also disturbs thermal homeostasis, plausibly enhancing susceptibility to cold- and heat-related illnesses. Herein, we summarize the current state ofew is to highlight knowledge gaps in the area and stimulate future research to investigate whether sleep deprivation constitutes a predisposing factor for the development of thermal injuries.Disparities are prevalent in numerous areas of healthcare. We sought to investigate whether there were racial/ethnic disparities among pregnant women with the most severe form of alloimmunization who require intrauterine transfusions (IUT). We reviewed patients who underwent IUT for alloimmunization at a single fetal treatment center between 2015 and 2020. This "IUT cohort" was compared to an "Alloimmunization cohort" patients seen at our institution with a diagnosis of alloimmunization during pregnancy, who did not receive IUT. We collected maternal demographics including self-identified race/ethnicity and primary language, transfusion, and antibody characteristics. The cohorts were compared using unpaired t-tests, Mann-Whitney tests, and Fischer's exact tests, as appropriate. The IUT cohort included 43 patients and the alloimmunization cohort included 1049 patients. Compared to the alloimmunization cohort, there were significantly more patients of Latina descent in the IUT cohort (23.3% vs. 3.4%, p  less then  .0001), and more non-English speakers (18.6% vs. 4.6%, p = .001). Twenty-one percent (9/43) of patients had immigrated to the United States, all of whom had pregnancies or miscarriages in their country of origin. A third of patients had new antibodies identified on serial screens during the current pregnancy. Significantly more women of Latina ethnicity and non-English speakers required IUTs compared to the cohort of women with alloimmunization. Insufficient access to care prior to arriving in the United States and among racial and ethnic minorities in the United States may contribute to these findings. Providers should be cognizant of potential, racial, and ethnic inequalities among women receiving intrauterine transfusions.A Chinese Han man was confirmed to carry an RHD variation by serological tests, and exons 1 through 10 of the RHD gene were analyzed by sequence-specific primer-polymerase chain reaction. To clarify the nature of this mutation, Sanger sequencing was used and a c.491A > T mutation was identified in exon 4. The proband inherited this mutation from his father, as determined from a family pedigree.Early life stress (ELS) programs hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity and affects synaptic plasticity and cognitive performance in adults; however, the effects of ELS during the temporal window of vulnerability are poorly understood. This study aimed to thoroughly characterize the effects of ELS in the form of periodic maternal separation (MS180) during the time of exposure to stress. Hippocampal corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) gene expression and baseline HPA axis activity were analyzed at postnatal (P) days 6, 12, 15, and 21, and in adulthood (P75); these factors were correlated with plasticity markers and adult behavior. Our results indicate that MS180 induces an increase in hippocampal CRH expression at P9, P12, and P15, whereas an increase in hypothalamic CRH expression was observed from P12 to P21. Increased arginine-vasopressin expression and corticosterone levels were observed only at P21. Moreover, MS180 caused transient alterations in hypothalamic synaptophysin expression during early life. As adults, MS180 rats showed a passive coping strategy in the forced swimming test, cognitive impairments in the object location test, increased hypothalamic CRH expression, and decreased oxytocin (OXT) expression. Spearman's analysis indicated that cognitive impairments correlated with CRH and OXT expression. In conclusion, our data indicate that MS180 induces a transient increase in hippocampal CRH expression in neonates that precedes the effects on hypothalamic neuropeptides, confirming the role of increased CRH during the temporal window of vulnerability as a mediator of some of the detrimental effects of ELS on brain development and adult behavior.
Inappropriate request for laboratory tests is a challenging problem and an important cause for additional healthcare costs. Indeed, it may have further ambiguity for the clinicians. This study aimed to design an education-based program to reduce unnecessary laboratory testing orders and the associated costs.

In this interventional prospective study that took place in an educational hospital, the type and frequency of selected laboratory testing requested by gynecology, and obstetrics residents in the patients with gestational diabetes mellitus, preeclampsia, preterm labor, and premature preterm rupture of the membrane as well as cesarean section and normal vaginal delivery were analyzed periodically in a 1-year interval. At the same time, continuous educational supports and monitoring were performed. The results were compared before and after interventions.

The educational intervention regardless of the etiologies of the admission, decreased the requested laboratory testing significantly (p<0.001), except for CBC. Indeed, no near misses or delays in treatment were observed. Cost analysis showed a 31.3% reduction of expenses per inpatient day due to the decrease in the number of daily laboratory testing ordered.

Appropriate education and continuous monitoring of the residents could reduce the unrequired laboratory testing as well as healthcare costs.
Appropriate education and continuous monitoring of the residents could reduce the unrequired laboratory testing as well as healthcare costs.
Methyldibromo glutaronitrile (MDBGN) was one of the most frequent and relevant allergens found in patch testing at the beginning of this century. In 2008, this preservative was banned from cosmetics in Europe and ever since the prevalence of contact allergy to MDBGN has progressively decreased. Despite that gradual decline, MDBGN is still patch-tested in most baseline series. This study assessed the frequency of MDBGN sensitization, epidemiological characteristics of allergic patients, and the relevance of positive patch tests in a nationwide Spanish registry (REIDAC).

We evaluated consecutively patch-tested patients in all participating centres. Using these data, we calculated the proportion of patients with positive patch tests to MDBGN from June 2018 to June 2020 and evaluated the relevance of the positive patch tests.

One hundred and fourteen out of 5072 (2.24 %) tested patients were sensitized to MDBGN. Clinical current relevance was confirmed in only one case.

Although the frequency of contact allergy to MDBGN remains high, no clinical significance was found in most of these patients (5072 tests needed to obtain one relevant positive result). The clinical usefulness of this allergen seems weak and its continued inclusion in the European baseline series is questionable.

In 2008 methyldibromo glutaronitrile (MDBGN) was banned from cosmetics in Europe and since then, the prevalence of allergy to it has progressively decreased. Nevertheless, it is still being tested in European baseline series. This study assessed the frequency of MDBGN sensitization, epidemiological characteristics of allergic patients as well as the relevance of positive patch tests in a nationwide registry (REIDAC). The frequency of allergy to MDBGN remains high, but no clinical significance was found. Most of these patients are aged >40 years and probably represent historical sensitizations.
40 years and probably represent historical sensitizations.
To identify loci associated with stages III/IV, grade C periodontitis (PIII/IV-C) through a genome-wide association study (GWAS).

441 Caucasian Spanish PIII/IV-C cases from the SEPA Network of Research Clinics and 1141 controls from the Banco Nacional de ADN were genotyped with "Axiom Spain Biobank Array," which contains 757836 markers, including rare and low-frequency Spanish variants. The analysis of the individual association and subsequently the gene-level analysis with Sequence Kernel Association Test (SKAT) were carried out adjusting for age, sex and PC1 covariates. Pathway Analysis was additionally performed with Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software on the top associated genes.

In the individual analyses, no genome-wide significant signals were detected. However, 8 SNPs of 8 loci reached suggestive evidence of association with PIII/IV-C, including FAT3 rs35709256, CSNK1G2 rs4807188, MYH13 rs2074872, CNTN2 rs116611488, ANTXR1 rs4854545, 8p23.2 rs78672540, ANGPT1 rs13439823 and PLEC rs11993287 significantly associated with PIII/IV-C.
The margin of human viability has extended to the extremes of gestational age (<24 weeks) when the lungs are immature and ventilator-induced lung injury is common. Artificial placenta technology aims to extend gestation ex utero in order to allow the lungs additional time to develop prior to entering an air-breathing environment. We compared the haemodynamics and cerebral oxygenation of piglets in the immediate period post-oxygenator (OXY) transition against both paired in utero measures and uniquely against piglets transitioned onto mechanical ventilation (VENT). Post-transition, OXY piglets became hypotensive with reduced carotid blood flow in comparison with both paired in utero measures and VENT piglets. The addition of a pump to the oxygenator circuit may be required to ensure haemodynamic stability in the immediate post-transition period.

Gestational age at birth is a major predictor of wellbeing; the lower the gestational age, the greater the risk of mortality and morbidity. At the margins of huder these conditions for a prolonged period is yet to be determined. Improvements to OXY piglet oxygenation may lie in maintaining piglet BP at in utero levels and enhancing oxygenator circuit flow.Groundwater is one of the major valuable water resources for the use of communities, agriculture, and industries. In the present study, we have developed three novel hybrid artificial intelligence (AI) models which is a combination of modified RealAdaBoost (MRAB), bagging (BA), and rotation forest (RF) ensembles with functional tree (FT) base classifier for the groundwater potential mapping (GPM) in the basaltic terrain at DakLak province, Highland Centre, Vietnam. Based on the literature survey, these proposed hybrid AI models are new and have not been used in the GPM of an area. Geospatial techniques were used and geo-hydrological data of 130 groundwater wells and 12 topographical and geo-environmental factors were used in the model studies. One-R Attribute Evaluation feature selection method was used for the selection of relevant input parameters for the development of AI models. The performance of these models was evaluated using various statistical measures including area under the receiver operation curve (AUC). Results indicated that though all the hybrid models developed in this study enhanced the goodness-of-fit and prediction accuracy, but MRAB-FT (AUC = 0.742) model outperformed RF-FT (AUC = 0.736), BA-FT (AUC = 0.714), and single FT (AUC = 0.674) models. Therefore, the MRAB-FT model can be considered as a promising AI hybrid technique for the accurate GPM. Accurate mapping of the groundwater potential zones will help in adequately recharging the aquifer for optimum use of groundwater resources by maintaining the balance between consumption and exploitation.
Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) has moderate-to-large effects on insomnia among young adult drinkers, with preliminary data indicating that improvements in insomnia may have downstream effects on alcohol-related consequences. However, the mechanism(s) by which insomnia treatment may facilitate reductions in alcohol-related problems is unclear. Secondary outcome data from a randomized pilot trial were used to examine CBT-I effects on four proposed mediators of the insomnia/alcohol link alcohol craving, delay discounting, negative affect, and difficulties with emotion regulation.

Young adults (ages 18 to 30years) with insomnia who reported 1+ binge drinking episode (4/5+ drinks for women/men) in the past month were randomized to receive CBT-I (n=28) or to a sleep hygiene control (n=28). Outcomes were assessed at baseline, after 5 weeks of treatment, and at 1-month posttreatment.

Relative to those in sleep hygiene, CBT-I participants reported greater decreases in alcohol craving (d=0.33) at the end of treatment and greater 1-month posttreatment decreases in delay discounting of large rewards (d=0.42). CBT-I did not have a significant effect on delay discounting of smaller rewards or momentary negative affect. There was also no significant treatment effect on difficulties with emotion regulation, although findings were confounded by a significant group difference at baseline in difficulties with emotion regulation.

Treatment of insomnia may lead to improvements in alcohol craving and delay discounting of large rewards among young adult drinkers with insomnia. Additional research examining whether improvement in insomnia is a mechanism for improvement in addiction domains is warranted.
Treatment of insomnia may lead to improvements in alcohol craving and delay discounting of large rewards among young adult drinkers with insomnia. Additional research examining whether improvement in insomnia is a mechanism for improvement in addiction domains is warranted.We model the locational determinants of nine categories of healthcare services in the contiguous United States using restricted access federal establishment data. These data enable close examination of rural health services, which are subject to suppression in publicly published data sources. After reviewing differences in public and unsuppressed restricted data and testing underlying data generation processes for each healthcare industry, including the Poisson, negative binomial, and their zero-inflated counterparts, we estimate marginal effects for four categories of independent variables place-based factors, financial access, characteristics of population, and industry interdependencies. Findings show establishments are less likely to be found with high concentrations of Medicare and Medicaid recipients, while agglomerations are associated with more establishments. Nonemployer establishments serve a broader spectrum of people, but the rural poor still experience less access to health care.A 3-year-old dog was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the University of California-Davis for further evaluation of episodes of epistaxis of 1-year duration and peripheral lymphadenopathy. The patient had a history of atopic dermatitis with no travel history outside of California. Hyperglobulinemia with a polyclonal gammopathy was noted on serum protein electrophoresis. Microscopic evaluation of a bone marrow aspirate sample revealed many free and intra-cellular amastigotes of Leishmania sp. that was further confirmed by qPCR as L infantum. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first reported case of canine leishmaniasis in the state of California. The patient is believed to have been vertically infected from the dam who is from Serbia and remained subclinical until presentation. Because the clinical progression of leishmaniasis is variable, it is important that precautions be discussed with owners acquiring puppies with dams from endemic regions of leishmaniasis to prevent zoonotic exposure in states where competent vectors are present.The perception and representation of objects in the world are foundational to all animals. The relative importance of objects' physical properties versus how the objects are interacted with continues to be debated. Neural evidence in humans and nonhuman primates suggests animate-inanimate and face-body dimensions of objects are represented in the temporal cortex. However, because primates have opposable thumbs and interact with objects in similar ways, the question remains as to whether this similarity represents the evolution of a common cognitive process or whether it reflects a similarity of physical interaction. Here, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in dogs to test whether the type of interaction affects object processing in an animal that interacts primarily with its mouth. In Study 1, we identified object-processing regions of cortex by having dogs passively view movies of faces and objects. In Study 2, dogs were trained to interact with two new objects with either the mouth or the paw. Then, we measured responsivity in the object regions to the presentation of these objects. Mouth-objects elicited significantly greater activity in object regions than paw-objects. Mouth-objects were also associated with activity in somatosensory cortex, suggesting dogs were anticipating mouthing interactions. These findings suggest that object perception in dogs is affected by how dogs expect to interact with familiar objects.
It is unknown how often patients with electrodiagnostic evidence of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP), a potentially treatable condition, present with a distal symmetric polyneuropathy (DSP) phenotype.

We reviewed the records of patients who presented to our electrodiagnostic laboratory between January 1, 2011, to December 31, 2019, and fulfilled electrodiagnostic criteria for CIDP to identify those who presented with a sensory predominant DSP phenotype.

One hundred sixty-two patients had a chronic acquired demyelinating neuropathy, of whom 138 met criteria for typical or atypical CIDP. Nine of these patients presented with a sensory predominant DSP phenotype, among whom six were eventually diagnosed with distal acquired demyelinating symmetric (DADS) neuropathy; one with Polyneuropathy, Organomegaly, Endocrinopathy, Monoclonal protein, Skin changes (POEMS) syndrome; and two with idiopathic DSP. The prevalence of acquired chronic demyelinating neuropathies among all patients presenting with a DSP phenotype was estimated to be 0.34%.

Patients who meet electrodiagnostic criteria for CIDP rarely present with a sensory predominant DSP phenotype, and electrodiagnostic testing rarely identifies treatable demyelinating neuropathies in patients who present with a DSP phenotype.
Patients who meet electrodiagnostic criteria for CIDP rarely present with a sensory predominant DSP phenotype, and electrodiagnostic testing rarely identifies treatable demyelinating neuropathies in patients who present with a DSP phenotype.
Mutations in the ATXN2 gene (CAG expansions ≥32 repeats) can be a rare cause of Parkinson's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We recently reported that the stress granule (SG) protein Staufen1 (STAU1) was overabundant in neurodegenerative disorder spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) patient cells, animal models, and ALS-TDP-43 fibroblasts, and provided a link between SG formation and autophagy. We aimed to test if STAU1 overabundance has a role in the pathogenesis of other neurodegenerative diseases.

With multiple neurodegenerative patient-derived cell models, animal models, and human postmortem ALS tissue, we evaluate STAU1 function using biochemical and immunohistological analyses.

We demonstrate STAU1 overabundance and increased total and phosphorylated mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) in fibroblast cells from patients with ALS with mutations in TDP-43, patients with dementia with PSEN1 mutations, a patient with parkinsonism with MAPT mutation, Huntington's disease (HD) mutations,
The study aims to investigate the short-term efficacy of low-dose rituximab and its effect on immunological biomarker levels in myasthenia gravis (MG) patients with antibodies against muscle-specific tyrosine kinase (MuSK-MG).

Twelve MuSK-MG patients were enrolled in this prospective, open-label, self-controlled pilot study. Clinical severity was evaluated at baseline and 6mo after a single rituximab treatment (600 mg). B lymphocyte subtypes, MuSK antibody titers, together with levels of immunoglobulins, serum B-cell activating factor (BAFF), a proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL), soluble CD40L, and four exosomal microRNAs were evaluated. A correlation matrix to reveal pairwise relationships among above variables was also generated.

The single rituximab treatment significantly lowered the clinical severity scores and reduced daily dosage of prednisone (P=.032) at 6mo. MuSK antibody titers decreased (P=.035) without significant changes in immunoglobulin levels. Serum BAFF level increased (P=.010), which negatively correlated with the percentages of B cells in lymphocytes as well as clinical severity. Additionally, serum exosomal miR-151a-3p showed a reduction of 28.1% (P=.031).

We confirmed the clinical efficacy of low-dose rituximab in MuSK-MG, accompanied by a decrease in MuSK antibody titers and an increase in serum BAFF. Serum BAFF levels negatively correlated with B-cell counts as well as clinical severity.
We confirmed the clinical efficacy of low-dose rituximab in MuSK-MG, accompanied by a decrease in MuSK antibody titers and an increase in serum BAFF. Serum BAFF levels negatively correlated with B-cell counts as well as clinical severity.We read with great interest the study by Luo et al. on the comparison of cyanoacrylate glue injection versus balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration (BRTO) for prevention of rebleeding from gastric varices (GV) The results are important because this is the first randomized controlled trial that has demonstrated superiority of BRTO in secondary prophylaxis in patients with GV-related bleeding. We would like to highlight a few points relevant to the study that require clarification.
Outcome discrepancies between protocols and respective publications represent a concerning bias. The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of selective outcome reporting (SOR) in root coverage randomized clinical trials (RCTs).

Published root coverage RCTs (July 2005 to March 2020) were included if a corresponding protocol could be identified in a public registry. Discrepancies between protocol and its correspondent publication(s) were compared regarding primary and secondary outcomes and other study characteristics. Associations between trial characteristics and SOR were evaluated.

Forty four studies (54 publications) were included. The majority of studies (77.3%) were retrospectively registered. SOR was frequent (40.9% of trials) and consisted of primary outcome downgrade (22.7%); secondary outcome upgrade (11.4%); new primary outcome introduced in publication (25%); protocol primary outcome omitted from publication (13.6%) and discrepancy in primary outcome timing (18.2%). SOR was unclear in 20.5% of studies and favoured statistical significance in 12 studies (27.3%). SOR was significantly associated with study significance (p<0.001) and unclear outcome definition in the publication (p<0.001). Only a third (32.8%) of primary outcomes were completely defined.

The present study identified high prevalence of SOR in root coverage RCTs.
The present study identified high prevalence of SOR in root coverage RCTs.Global warming threatens food security by decreasing crop yields through damage to photosynthetic systems, especially Rubisco activation. We examined whether co-overexpression of Rubisco and Rubisco activase improves the photosynthetic and growth performance of rice under high temperatures. We grew three rice lines-the wild-type (WT), a Rubisco activase-overexpressing line (oxRCA) and a Rubisco- and Rubisco activase-co-overexpressing line (oxRCA-RBCS)-and analysed photosynthesis and biomass at 25 and 40°C. Compared with the WT, the Rubisco activase content was 153% higher in oxRCA and 138% higher in oxRCA-RBCS, and the Rubisco content was 27% lower in oxRCA and similar in oxRCA-RBCS. The CO2 assimilation rate (A) of WT was lower at 40°C than at 25°C, attributable to Rubisco deactivation by heat. On the other hand, that of oxRCA and oxRCA-RBCS was maintained at 40°C, resulting in higher A than WT. Notably, the dry weight of oxRCA-RBCS was 26% higher than that of WT at 40°C. These results show that increasing the Rubisco activase content without the reduction of Rubisco content could improve yield and sustainability in rice at high temperature.
The amino acid composition, and rheological, thermal and colloidal stability of plant protein-based oil-in-water emulsion systems containing 1.90, 3.50 and 7.70 g 100 mL
protein, fat and carbohydrate, respectively, using quinoa and lentil protein ratios of 1000 and 6040 were investigated. The emulsion containing lentil protein showed lower initial, peak and final viscosity values (22.7, 61.7 and 61.6 mPa s, respectively) than the emulsion formulated with quinoa protein alone (34.3, 102 and 80.0 mPa s, respectively) on heat treatment.

Particle size analysis showed that both samples had small particle sizes (~1.36 μm) after homogenization; however, the sample with 6040 quinoalentil protein ratio showed greater physical stability, likely related to the superior emulsifying properties of lentil protein. However, upon heat treatment, large aggregates (~100 μm) were formed in both samples, reducing the physical stability of the samples. This physical stability was increased with the addition of 0.20% sodium dprotein-based emulsions, in addition to contributing to a more nutritionally complete amino acid profile - both important considerations in the development of plant-based beverages. © 2021 The Authors. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.Cerebellar ataxia, neuropathy and vestibular areflexia syndrome (CANVAS) has been recently linked to biallelic expansions of a pentanucleotide repeat in the replication factor C subunit 1 (RFC1) gene. Herein, we sought to investigate the presence of pathological RFC1 expansions in selected Greek patients with late-onset ataxia and delineate the phenotypic spectrum of genetically confirmed CANVAS in the Greek population. We screened genetically a total of 77 selected index patients, 67 originating from a cerebellar ataxia cohort and 10 from a hereditary neuropathy cohort. We identified five index cases (6.5%) with biallelic pathological RFC1 expansions, two in the cerebellar ataxia cohort (3%) and three in the neuropathy cohort (30%). Overall, four out of five of cases with full-blown CANVAS and one case with sensory ataxic neuropathy had biallelic pathological expansions. The phenotypic spectrum of positive cases (including two affected siblings) was consistent with previous reports and implied that the sensory neuropathy may be the earliest feature in genetically confirmed CANVAS. Screening for biallelic RFC1 expansions is recommended in all cases with late-onset ataxia of unknown cause, particularly when a sensory neuropathy is present.
To evaluate the correlation between standard clinical findings, radiographic (OPT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as well as to assess whether MRI is capable of providing additional information related to the severity and extent of periodontal disease.

42 patients with generalized periodontitis received pre-interventional MRI scans. These were compared to MR images of a periodontal healthy control group (n=34). The extent of the osseous oedema, detected by MRI, was set in correlation with clinical periodontitis-associated findings.

A highly significant correlation between bone oedema and clinical testings such as probing depth (p<0.0001) and bleeding on probing (p<0.0001) was revealed. The oedema exceeded the extent of demineralized bone. Patients with a positive BOP test showed a 2.51-fold increase in risk of already having a bone oedema around the respective tooth even if probing depth was ≤3mm (logistic binary regression analysis, OR 2.51; 95% CI 1.54-4.11; p<0.0001).

MRI findings correlated with standard clinical findings, and MRI was able to depict intraosseous changes before any osseous defect had occurred.
MRI findings correlated with standard clinical findings, and MRI was able to depict intraosseous changes before any osseous defect had occurred.
The use of whole blood (WB) to treat trauma patients is becoming more common. Similar to the treatment of individual components, pathogen inactivation (PI) technologies are available to treat WB. The impact of PI on WB function is not well understood. This study investigated the impact of PI of WB with riboflavin/ultraviolet (UV) light on its hemostatic function by modeling transfusion scenarios for trauma patients and assessing transfusion efficacy by rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM). As fibrinogen is affected by PI of WB, the effect of fibrinogen supplementation commonly used in trauma patients was also analyzed in this model.

Trauma transfusion scenarios were simulated by mixing untreated WB or WB treated with the Mirasol PI technology (riboflavin/UV) in different ratios with hemodiluted blood, and the thromboelasticity was monitored by ROTEM. The impact of supplementation with the fibrinogen concentrate RiaSTAP was investigated in this model.

Pathogen-inactivated WB (PI-WB) showed decreased activity in the hemostatic profile compared to the untreated control. Hemodiluted blood at a hematocrit (hct) of 20%, which was reconstituted with PI-WB or untreated WB, exhibited increased alpha values, maximum clot firmness, and clot formation time. Simulating transfusion scenarios by blood replacement with PI-WB resulted in a significant difference in ROTEM parameters between reconstituted PI-treated and -untreated WB (p≥ .05). The effect of PI treatment waned when PI-WB was enriched with fibrinogen.

ROTEM investigations suggest that PI treatment has a negative impact on WB clot formation unless fibrinogen supplementation is used.
ROTEM investigations suggest that PI treatment has a negative impact on WB clot formation unless fibrinogen supplementation is used.Mass balance calculations and hydrodynamics of groundwater flow suggest that the solutes in brines of the coastal sabkha aquifer from the Emirate of Abu Dhabi are derived largely from ascending geologic brines into the sabkha from the underlying formations. Solute interpretation for the ascending brine model (ABM) was based on two independent but secondary lines of evidence (solute ratios and solute fluxes). In the current study, direct primary evidence for this ABM was provided through analyses of δ81 Br, δ37 Cl, and 87 Sr/86 Sr. Different solute histories of geologic brine and sea water provide an "isotopic fingerprint" that can uniquely distinguish between the two possible sources. Samples from the coastal sabkha aquifer of Abu Dhabi were determined to have a mean δ81 Br of 1.17‰ that is statistically equal, at the 95% confidence level, to the mean of 1.11‰ observed in the underlying geologic brine and statistically different than sea water. Similarly, the δ37 Cl in sabkha brine has a mean of 0.25‰ and is statistically equal to a mean of 0.21‰ in the underlying geologic brines at the 95% confidence level and statistically different from sea water. Also, dissolved strontium isotope data are consistent with the ABM and even with the complex set of processes in the sabkha, the variance in strontium isotope results is similar to the geologic brine. These observations provide primary direct evidence consistent that the major source of these solutes (and presumably others in the aquifer) is from discharging geologic brines, not from adjacent sea water.
The woody plant group Memecylon (Melastomataceae) is a large clade occupying diverse forest habitats in the Old World tropics and exhibiting high regional endemism. Its phylogenetic relationships have been previously studied using ribosomal DNA with extensive sampling from Africa and Madagascar. However, divergence times, biogeography, and character evolution of Memecylon remain uninvestigated. We present a phylogenomic analysis of Memecylon to provide a broad evolutionary perspective of this clade.

One hundred supercontigs of 67 Memecylon taxa were harvested from target enrichment. The data were subjected to coalescent and concatenated phylogenetic analyses. A timeline was provided for Memecylon evolution using fossils and secondary calibration. The calibrated Memecylon phylogeny was used to elucidate its biogeography and ancestral character states.

Relationships recovered by the phylogenomic analyses are strongly supported in both maximum likelihood and coalescent-based species trees. Memecylon is inf World tropics. Memecylon includes a number of evolutionarily derived morphological features that contribute to diversity within the clade.Groundwater models have evolved to encompass more aspects of the water cycle, but the incorporation of realistic boundary conditions representing surface water remains time-consuming and error-prone. We present two Python packages that robustly automate this process using readily available hydrography data as the primary input. SFRmaker creates input for the MODFLOW SFR package, while Linesink-maker creates linesink string input for the GFLOW analytic element program. These programs can reduce weeks or even months of manual effort to a few minutes of execution time, and carry the added advantages of reduced potential for error, improved reproducibility and facilitation of step-wise modeling through reduced dependency on a particular conceptual model or discretization. Two real-world examples at the county to multi-state scales are presented.
The processes through which social support exerts its influence in daily life are not well understood. Arguably, its salutary effects as an environmental variable might be construed as shared effects of personality.

To test this possibility, we investigated the unique and shared effects of personality and social support on daily stressor exposure (social conflict, task strain) and on the within-person association of stressor exposure with perceived stress. A community-sample of N=391 adults completed an ambulatory assessment protocol for two 2-day periods with fixed hourly intervals spread across 16hr.

Consistent with our preregistered hypotheses, multilevel structural equation models returned that both, personality and perceived social support, predicted daily stressor exposure and moderated within-person effects of daily stressors on perceived stress. In contrast to our hypotheses, received social support had no effect on daily stress processes. When Extraversion, Neuroticism, and social support were added as joint predictors, Neuroticism and Extraversion were related to stressor exposure, and further moderated the within-person link between stressor exposure and stress experience, while perceived social support had an incremental beneficial effect on social conflict exposure and stress appraisal.

Social support does not increment the well-established relationships between Neuroticism or Extraversion and stress reactivity.
Social support does not increment the well-established relationships between Neuroticism or Extraversion and stress reactivity.
Critical illness myopathy (CIM) is a frequently observed negative consequence of modern critical care. Chronic Janus kinase (JAK)/signal transducer and activator of transcription activation impairs muscle size and function and is prominent following mechanical ventilation. We identify pSTAT-3 activation in tibialis anterior of CIM patients, before examining the potential benefits of JAK1/2 inhibition in an experimental model of CIM, where muscle mass and function are impaired. CIM activates complement cascade and increased monocyte infiltration in the soleus muscle, which was ameliorated by JAK1/2 inhibition, leading to reduced muscle degeneration and improved muscle force. Here, we demonstrate that JAK1/2 inhibition augments CIM muscle function through regulation of the complement cascade.

Critical illness myopathy (CIM) is frequently observed in response to modern critical care with negative consequences for patient quality of life, morbidity, mortality and healthcare costs. Janus kinase (JAK)/signal trr corresponded with complement activity, leading to reduced muscle degeneration and augmented muscle function (P less then 0.05). Thus, JAK/STAT inhibition improves soleus function by modulating the complement cascade and muscle monocyte infiltration. Collectively, we demonstrate that JAK/STAT inhibition augments muscle function in CIM.For spinal load and muscle force estimation as well as for numerical model and experimental setup validation, data on human intradiscal pressure are essential. Therefore, the aim of the present meta-analysis was to summarise all in vitro measurements of human intradiscal pressure performed under defined boundary conditions, i.e. without external loading (intrinsic pressure), under axial loading (compression, traction, shear) and under single-planar bending loading (flexion, extension, lateral bending, axial rotation). Data were evaluated based on segmental level and normalised to force and moment. Regression analysis was performed to investigate coefficients of determination and statistical significance of relationships between intradiscal pressure and segmental level for the single loading conditions. 35 studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria, from which a total of 451 data points were collected for the meta-analysis. High coefficients of determination were found in axial compression (r2 = 0.875) and flexion (r2 = 0.781), while being low for intrinsic pressure (r2 = 0.266) and lateral bending (r2 = 0.385), all showing significant regression fitting (p less then 0.01). Intradiscal pressure decreases from the upper cervical spine to the sacrum in all loading conditions, considering the same amount of loading for all segmental levels, while the intrinsic pressure exhibits a minimum of the regression curve in the mid-thoracic spine. Apart from its potential for numerical and experimental model validation, this dataset may help to understand the load distribution along the human spine.
It is unclear whether polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) should be considered an inflammatory disease or an autoimmune disease.

Eighteen untreated early PMR patients and 18 sex- and age-matched healthy controls (HCs) were included. PMR patients received tocilizumab from week 0 to week 12 and glucocorticoids from week 12 to week 24. Leukocytes, neutrophils, platelets, hemoglobin, γ-globulins, IgG, IgA, and IgM were compared between the PMR patients and HCsand before and after tocilizumab treatment in the PMR group.

The mean age was 68 ± 7 and 66 ± 11years, and the mean serum C-reactive protein level was 82 ± 16 and 5 ± 2mg/l for PMR patients and HCs, respectively. At inclusion, leukocytes (p < 0.0001), neutrophils (p < 0.0001), and platelets (p < 0.0001) were increased and hemoglobin (p < 0.0001) decreased in the PMR group compared to the HC group. After tocilizumab therapy, leukocytes, neutrophils, and platelets decreased, and hemoglobin increased. At inclusion, all four parameters were significantly associated with the serum IL-6 level, though it was not associated after tocilizumab therapy. Levels of γ-globulin were increased in the PMR patients compared to HCs (p = 0.0087), and PMR patients with γ-globulins levels over 11g/l at inclusion responded more quickly to tocilizumab therapy. Autoantibody profiles did not differ between the PMR patients and HCs.

This study suggests that PMR is more an inflammatory disease than an autoimmune disease. Tocilizumab improves all markers of inflammation. Patients with elevated γ-globulins respond more quickly to tocilizumab.
This study suggests that PMR is more an inflammatory disease than an autoimmune disease. Tocilizumab improves all markers of inflammation. Patients with elevated γ-globulins respond more quickly to tocilizumab.
17q12 Deletion Syndrome is heterogeneous and the reasons remain unclear. We clarified the clinical characteristics of adulthood diabetes onset 17q12 deletion syndrome and investigated the unclear phenotype-genotype correlation.

We collected the clinical history and laboratory results of a family with autosomal dominant inheritance diabetes and renopathy. Sanger sequencing of HNF1B and a panel of monogenic diabetic genes were performed to identify the monogenetic diabetes. Semiquantitative PCR and Chromosome 100 K sequence analysis were performed to analyze the copy numbers variation of diabetes related genes. Allelic specific quantitative PCR were used for TBC1D3 and paralogues diagnosis. The reported cases were reviewed and assessed to compare with patients in this study.

Differential variants in genomic DNA and clinical presentations among family members were explored to determine the probable phenotype-genotypes correlation. The four patients were diagnosed with 17q12 deletion syndrome with 1.47-1.76 Mb heterogeneous deletion, which led to the haploinsufficiency of HNF1B, ACACA, LHX1, PIGW, miRNA2909 and other genes. The patients had different amount of genes deletion in TBC1D3 and paralogues, which might associate with the heterogeneous clinical phenotypes.

We first reported an adulthood diabetes onset 17q12 deletion syndrome family with the largest number of patients. The heterogeneous clinical phenotypes might be related to the haploinsufficiency of TBC1D3 and its paralogues.
We first reported an adulthood diabetes onset 17q12 deletion syndrome family with the largest number of patients. The heterogeneous clinical phenotypes might be related to the haploinsufficiency of TBC1D3 and its paralogues.
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