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The twin pandemics associated with COVID-19 and endemic bias: Directing our own route onward.
Noticeable genetic differentiation was detected between isolates from living plants and soil biome. In contrast, absence of any noticeable division between primary and alternative plant host communities, indicate the importance of weeds and other segetal plants for FHB control and prevention.Australian macadamia production is threatened by a disorder known as abnormal vertical growth (AVG), for which the aetiology is unknown. AVG is characterized by vigorous upright growth and reduced lateral branching, flowering and nut set that results in over 70% yield loss annually. Six commercial macadamia orchards were surveyed in 2012 and again in 2018 to examine spatio-temporal dynamics of the epidemic. Data were subjected to point-pattern and geostatistical analyses. AVG incidence of all orchards showed better fit to beta-binomial distribution than binomial distribution. AVG incidence level of orchards varied between 5% and 47% in 2012, and 13% and 55% in 2018. AVG spread at a slow pace in all orchards, averaging at about 2% increase in disease incidence per annum. Spatial patterns of AVG were highly aggregated on both survey years by a number of tests at different scales and spread was mainly between neighbouring trees in a row or trees that were opposite to each other in different rows. Semivariograms showed large range values (ca. 15 - 120), indicating aggregation of AVG-affected trees beyond quadrat levels. Furthermore, clusters of disease were mainly at the edge of the orchard on the first survey date and the disease progressed towards the centre of the orchard over time. It is concluded that AVG is caused by an infectious agent, and based on patterns of spread, we hypothesise that spread is facilitated by root grafting or root-to-root contact. Furthermore, a vascular-limited pathogen could be involved that modulates plant hormone production.Squash is one of the most important crops of tropical and temperate regions, and it can be affected by several fungal pathogens. Most of these pathogens infect the seeds, which become an efficient vehicle to disperse seedborne pathogens over long distances, with consequent severe crop losses. The main objective of this study was the identification of the principal seedborne fungi in seeds extracted from 66 samples of asymptomatic and symptomatic squash fruit (Cucurbita maxima, Cucurbita moschata) collected in two countries, Tunisia and Italy. The symptoms of fruit decay were identified and classified according to lesion size. Following the blotter test, 14 fungal species were detected from the seeds. Seedborne fungi were identified in all fruit samples tested, including asymptomatic fruit. The most frequent fungi from Tunisian seeds were Alternaria alternata (25.1%), followed by Stagonosporopsis cucurbitacearum (24.6%), Fusarium solani (16.6%), Rhizopus stolonifer (13.3%), F. fujikuroi (7.8%), Albifimbria verrucaria (3.3%), and Stemphylium vesicarium (2.3%). For the fruits from Italy, the most frequently identified fungal species in seed samples were Alternaria alternata (40.0%), followed by F. fujikuroi (20.8%), Stemphylium vesicarium (3.0%), and Curvularia spicifera (2.1%). Morphological identification was confirmed by molecular diagnosis using the available species-specific primers. Furthermore, specific primers were designed to identify Albifimbria verrucaria, Paramyrothecium roridum, and Stemphylium vesicarium. Application of seed-health testing methods, including such conventional and molecular diagnostic tools, will help to improve seed quality and crop yields.Late and early leaf spot, respectively caused by Nothopassalora personata and Passalora arachidicola, are damaging diseases of peanut (Arachis hypogaea) capable of defoliating canopies and reducing yield. Although one of these diseases may be more predominant in a given area, both are important on a global scale. To assist informed management decisions and quantify relationships between end-of-season defoliation and yield loss, meta-analyses were conducted over 140 datasets meeting established criteria. Slopes of proportion yield loss with increasing defoliation were estimated separately for Virginia and runner market type cultivars. Yield loss for Virginia types was described by an exponential function over the range of defoliation levels, with a loss increase of 1.2 to 2.2% relative to current loss levels per additional percent defoliation. Results for runner market type cultivars showed yield loss to linearly increase 2.2 to 2.8% per 10% increase in defoliation for levels up to approximately 95% defoliation, after which the rate of yield loss was exponential. find more Defoliation thresholds to prevent economic yield loss for Virginia and runner types were estimated at 40 and 50%, respectively. Although numerous factors remain important in mitigating overall yield losses, the integration of these findings should aid recommendations about digging under varying defoliation intensities and peanut maturities to assist in minimizing yield losses.Mindfulness is often associated with meditation. This article presents a distinction between meditation-based mindfulness and Langerian mindfulness. Focusing on Langerian mindfulness as a distinct mode of mindfulness, this article argues how Langerian mindfulness may be used in clinical hypnosis to develop a more radical transformation of consciousness. While meditation-based mindfulness plays a significant role in espousing specific modes of mind that are prone to tranquility, calmness, and equanimity, Langerian mindfulness develops a creative state of mind that is also flexibly tailored toward a peace-oriented mentality with potential features for a foundational change in one's psychological being. The article explores how Langerian mindfulness may facilitate the process of implementing clinical hypnosis.Dzogchen meditation has been practiced by Bonpo and Buddhist yogis for at least 1,200 years. Dzogchen utilizes methods of meditation and yogic exercises that are said to help one fully awaken from illusions of self and reality that cause suffering in life. The philosophy and experiential practice of Dzogchen is very similar to hypnosis. Dzogchen techniques utilize hypnotic-like practices of selective attention, visualization, and posthypnotic suggestion to help yogis experience advanced insights into the nature of mind. The experience of Dzogchen can be likened to the experience of hypnosis in terms of their phenomenological and psychophysiological effects. Finally, there are also many theoretical similarities between aspects of the ego state therapy, neo-dissociation, sociocognitive, and Ericksonian theories of hypnosis with the tradition of Dzogchen meditation.The feasibility of mindful hypnotherapy (MH) intervention for stress reduction was investigated in a randomized trial. Forty-two college-age participants with elevated stress were randomized into MH intervention or wait-list control condition. MH participants completed an 8-week intervention with 1-hour individual sessions and self-hypnosis audio recordings for daily mindfulness. Results indicated excellent feasibility, determined by participant satisfaction, treatment adherence (84% compliance rate), and low rate of adverse events (4.5%). There were significant differences between the MH and control groups postintervention, with the mindful hypnotherapy intervention resulting in significant and large decrease in perceived distress, p less then .001, 15.35 (1.54), Hedge's g = - 1.14, and increase in mindfulness, p less then .001, 50.07 (2.04), Hedge's g = 1.36. link2 This study indicates that MH is a feasible intervention for stress reduction and increasing mindfulness.The science of contemplation has focused on mindfulness in a manner quite disproportionate to its use in contemplative traditions. Mindfulness, as understood within the scientific community, is a practice that invites practitioners to disattend to words and images. link3 The practitioner is meant to experience things as they "really are," unfolding here and now in the flux of embodied sensations. Yet the use of words and images, together with intentions, is a far more common contemplative practice. The authors present ethnographic research with a syncretic contemplative tradition, Integral Transformative practice (ITP), which grew out of the Human Potential Movement of the 1960s. The authors focus on the practice of "affirmations," in which practitioners seek to actualize spiritual goals by imagining future possibilities. Our ethnographic account invites new avenues for psychological research to illuminate the role of words and images in contemplation.A distinctive feature common to many contemplative practices is a focus of attention and procedure of induction toward achieving an altered state of consciousness. In recent years, practices like mindfulness have become increasingly popular, and there has been increased interest in the relationship between hypnosis and mindfulness-based practices as well as other contemplative practices including meditation, music, and spirituality. However, questions remain such as What are the similarities and differences between hypnosis and mindfulness/other contemplative practices?; What is the role of suggestion in mindfulness-based interventions?; Do some contemplative practices have hypnotic-like aspects in their application?; What is the role of words, images, and intentions in contemplative practices?; Can hypnosis be integrated with music and spiritual practices for beneficial effects? This special issue includes eight articles that provide insights and empirical research into contemplative practices and hypnosis. Emerging perspectives and future directions for research and practice are presented.Initially inspired by Buddhist philosophy and practice, mindfulness has become ubiquitous in psychotherapy, counseling, and popular psychology. Several mindfulness interventions have been developed and investigated, many of them attaining strong empirical support for a variety of conditions. However, the authors argue that mindfulness interventions should not be used uncritically and indiscriminately, because, for instance, there is not enough efficacy evidence for all the uses and applications of mindfulness (e.g., mobile apps). Second, following the definition of the concept, the authors argue that detachment may decrease motivational relevance in the face of personal goals and may encourage low intensity affect in cases where this would not be either needed or desirable. On the other hand, they argue that mindfulness-based interventions can be particularly useful treating chronic and severe cases, particularly in depression, pain conditions, and addictions.Mindfulness has been transformed over recent years from a spiritual practice to a method of clinical intervention. This is a new evolutionary step in applying mindfulness in ways that move it much, much closer to the related domain of hypnosis. Both approaches now share a goal-oriented, purposeful clinical pragmatism. This contribution is an "op-ed" piece regarding the author's view of the distant relationship between mindfulness and hypnosis practitioners. Understanding of the similar and differential aspects of mindfulness and hypnosis can be enhanced by recognizing that "what is focused upon is amplified." Similarities between hypnosis and mindfulness should be more widely recognized. Differences between hypnosis and mindfulness exist but not because of innately different structures. Rather, differences exist because of what each general approach is likely to focus upon in regard to goals and content.
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