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Micronutrient present from global marine fisheries below climate change and also overfishing.
The use of Au or graphene overlayers increases the refractive index sensing dynamic range, which can be significant for In with these overlayers under certain operating conditions.Broadband emission at 2.7 µm is observed in an Er3+-doped PbO-PbF2-Bi2O3-Ga2O3 glass. The measured emission band full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) is ∼184.4nm, approximately 36 nm wider than that of fluoride glasses. The 2.7 µm emission intensity is almost twice as strong as that of fluoride glasses. The peak values of emission and absorption cross-sections are calculated to be 1.54×10-20cm2 and 1.19×10-20cm2, respectively. This oxyfluoride heavy metal glass shows potential as broadband mid-infrared emission gain material.Wavefield drift or wobbling occurs quite often in coherent scanning systems such as satellite laser communication, laser pointing of high-power lasers, or microscopy. The uncertainty of wavefront positions might result in blurred images or large measurement errors. Here we propose an iterative approach that can retrieve both the drift positions and complex-valued distribution of the wavefield from a ptychographic diffraction intensity dataset. We demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the method in numerical simulation and an optical experiment. The method requires little a priori knowledge and thus would open up new opportunities in many fields.The introduction of non-Hermiticity into photonics has enabled new design principles for photonic devices. Here we propose the design of a tunable non-Hermitian on-chip mode converter working at telecommunication wavelengths. The key component of the converter is a phase change material, and switching its working state can enable a topological change in the energy surface of the system. The conversion functionality can be realized by dynamically encircling an exceptional point in the parameter space of the device. The device based on this non-Hermitian principle is robust to perturbations of structural parameters and works in broadband. The non-Hermitian principle can be applied for the design of more complex on-chip photonic devices.A resonantly pumped ErYAG vector laser emitting at 1645 nm with selective polarization states is demonstrated. A compact five-mirror resonator incorporated a pair of quarter-wave plates (QWPs), and a pair of q-plates (QPs) is employed. Cylindrical vector beams of all states on a single high-order Poincaré sphere could be obtained by rotating the QWPs and QPs relatively.Nonlinear microresonators are very desired for a wide variety of applications. Up-conversion processes responsible for the transformation of IR laser radiation into visible are intensity-dependent and thus rather sensitive to all involved effects, which can mask each other. In this work we study the phenomena that are the most important for possible lasing in 4-(dicyanomethylene)-2-methyl-6-(4-dimethylaminostyryl)-4 H-pyran dye spherical microresonators the two-photon absorption and photobleaching. Based on the suggested model of the threshold-like dependence of the two-photon luminescence (TPL) on pump power, we demonstrate the role of intensity-dependent photobleaching in the appearance of the TPL and find a good agreement with the experiment. This finding is important for the analysis of lasing in nonlinear dye-based resonators.Energy transfer from a submonolayer of rhodamine 6G molecules to a 130 nm thick crystalline silicon (Si) waveguide is investigated. The dependence of the fluorescence lifetime of rhodamine on its distance to the Si waveguide is characterized and modeled successfully by a classical dipole model. The energy transfer process could be regarded as photon tunneling into the Si waveguide via the evanescent waves. The experimentally observed tunneling rate is well described by an analytical expression obtained via a complex variable analysis in the complex wavenumber plane.Optical grade Dy2O3 ceramics was successfully produced by adding a small amount of ZrO2 as a sintering aid and hot isostatic pressing treatment at 1500∘C after pre-sintering at 1550∘C. No residual pores, grain boundary phases, or second phases were detected inside the transparent ceramics. Since birefringence was not observed under the polarizer, the produced Dy2O3 ceramics is an optically isotropic body. There was almost no beam distortion during the laser irradiation test, and the optical loss was extremely small ( less then 0.1%/cm). The Verdet constant was 422radT-1m-1 at a wavelength of 633 nm, and the extinction ratio was 34 dB.The electro-optic effect in two-dimensional (2D) MgO nanoflakes synthesized by a microwave-assisted process is demonstrated using a designed optical fiber modulator. The guiding properties of intense core modes excited by the material cavity are modulated by the external electric field. The feasibility of 2D MgO nanoflakes as an effective electro-optic modulator and switching are experimentally verified for the first time, to the best of our knowledge. The proposed optical-fiber-based electro-optic modulator achieves a linear wavelength shift with a high sensitivity of 12.87 pm/V(77.22 nm/kV/mm, in the electric field). The results show that MgO, as a metal oxide 2D material, is a very promising material for electro-optic modulators and switching.We establish the ultimate limits that quantum theory imposes on the accuracy attainable in optical ellipsometry. We show that the standard quantum limit, as usually reached when the incident light is in a coherent state, can be surpassed with the use of appropriate squeezed states and, for tailored beams, even pushed to the ultimate Heisenberg limit.We develop a dispersive phase filter design framework suitable for compact integration using waveguide Bragg gratings (WBGs) in silicon. Our proposal is to utilize an equivalent "discrete" spectral phase filtering process, in which the original continuous quadratic spectral phase function of a group velocity dispersion (GVD) line is discretized and bounded in a modulo 2π basis. Through this strategy, we avoid the phase accumulation of the GVD line, leading to a significant reduction in device footprint (length) as compared to conventional GVD devices (e.g., using a linearly chirped WBG). The proposed design is validated through numerical simulations and proof-of-concept experiments. Specifically, using the proposed methodology, we demonstrate 2× pulse repetition-rate multiplication of a 10 GHz picosecond pulse train by dispersion-induced Talbot effect on a silicon chip.We demonstrate the impact of the optics roughness in Öffner stretchers used in chirped pulse amplification laser chains and how it is possible to improve the temporal contrast ratio in the temporal range of 10-100 ps by adequately choosing the optical quality of the key components. Experimental demonstration has been realized in the front-end source of the multi-petawatt (PW) laser facility Apollon, resulting in an enhancement of the contrast ratio by two to three orders of magnitude.We report a high energy, narrow spectral linewidth mid-infrared laser pulse output from a NdY3Al5O12 laser-pumped BaGa4Se7 (BGSe) crystal-based optical parametric oscillator (OPO). Output pulse energy of 21.5 mJ was obtained at 3816 nm, with spectral width of 12 nm and pulse width of 11.4 ns, corresponding to peak power as high as 1.89 MW. A BGSe crystal with aperture size of 10mm×10mm and length of 16 mm was applied as the nonlinear crystal in a pump fed back OPO for achieving such high pulse energy output from the simple oscillator scheme.Introducing a dielectric inclusion inside an epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) host has been shown to dramatically affect the effective permeability of the host for a TM-polarized incident wave, a concept coined as photonic doping [Science355, 1058 (2017)SCIEAS0036-807510.1126/science.aal2672]. Here, we theoretically study the prospect of doping the ENZ host with infinitesimally thin perfect electric conductor (PEC) inclusions, which we call "zero-area" PEC dopants. First, we theoretically demonstrate that zero-area PEC dopants enable the design of soft surfaces with an arbitrary cross-sectional geometry. Second, we illustrate the possibility of engineering the PEC dopants with the goal of transforming the electric field distribution inside the ENZ while maintaining a spatially invariant magnetic field. We exploit this property to enhance the effective nonlinearity of the ENZ host.We report a resource-efficient scheme in which a single pump laser was used to achieve frequency conversion by Bragg-scattering four-wave mixing in a photonic crystal fiber. We demonstrate bidirectional conversion of coherent light between Sr+2P1/2→2D3/2 emission wavelength at 1092 nm and the telecommunication C band with conversion efficiencies of 4.2% and 37% for up- and down-conversion, respectively. We discuss how the scheme may be viably scaled to meet the temporal, spectral, and polarization stability requirements of a hybrid light-matter quantum network.Optical diagnostics of highly dynamic supersonic and hypersonic flows requires laser sources with a combination of high pulse intensities and fast repetition rates. A burst-mode NdYAG laser system is presented for increasing the overall energy of 532 nm pulse trains by ∼100× and the number of high-energy pulses by 30× for extended duration megahertz-rate flow diagnostics. At a lower repetition rate of 100 kHz, unprecedented energies near 1 J/pulse are achieved at 532 nm over a 1.1 ms burst. The laser performance is characterized and demonstrated for megahertz-rate laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy in a Mach 2 turbulent jet.The distributions of resonant frequencies in an astigmatic cavity are theoretically confirmed to be analogously equivalent to the quantum energy structures of two-dimensional commensurate harmonic oscillators. In the first part [Opt. Lett.45, 4096 (2020)OPLEDP0146-959210.1364/OL.399251] of this two-part series study, the lasing modes were verified to reveal a variety of vortex array structures. Here, in the second part of this two-part series study, the lasing modes are confirmed to agree very well with the quantum Green's functions that correspond to a bundle of Lissajous figures in the high-order regime.A recently introduced nonlinear pth root delay-and-sum (NL-p-DAS) beamforming (BF) technique for ultrasound (US) and photoacoustic (PA) imaging, achieving better spatial and contrast resolution compared to a conventional delay and sum (DAS) technique. Selleck Rutin While the method is advantageous for better resolution, it suffers from grainy speckles and dark areas in the image mainly due to the interference of non-sinusoidal functions. In this Letter, we introduce a modified NL-p-DAS technique called nonlinear pth root spectral magnitude scaling (NL-p-SMS), which performs the pth root on the spectral magnitude instead of the temporal amplitude. We evaluated the US and PA images of NL-p-SMS against those of NL-p-DAS by comparing the axial and lateral line profiles, contrasts, and contrast-to-noise ratios (CNRs) in both phantom and in vivo imaging studies with various p values. As a result, we found that the NL-p-SMS has better axial resolution and CNR than the NL-p-DAS, and reduces the grainy speckles and dark area artifacts.
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