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Aftereffect of Gender to be able to Excess fat Deposit within Yaks According to Transcriptomic along with Metabolomics Investigation.
Neoplasia (7%) was less frequent, followed by cardiovascular (5%), genital (3%), and viral (3%) disorders. Extensive, self-induced alopecia on the tail and dorsum was the most frequently reported dermatological disease, which is proposed to be called the "clouded leopard alopecia syndrome." The most common neoplasm was pheochromocytoma (1%), followed by squamous cell carcinoma of the paw pads, pleural mesothelioma and multicentric lymphomas ( less then 1% each). Dilated cardiomyopathy (2%) was the most common cardiovascular disease. Bronchopneumonia (7%), enteritis (4%), and nephritis (4%) were the most frequently reported respiratory, digestive, and renal diseases, respectively. Diagnosed disease incidence was significantly higher in Europe. This paper reports the results of a comprehensive study of the causes of morbidity and mortality in European, Asian, and Australian clouded leopard zoo populations.Vector-borne Plasmodium spp. infect a wide range of bird species. Although infections may be asymptomatic, certain genera, especially those that evolved in regions without endemic malaria, appear particularly susceptible to symptomatic disease, leading to morbidity and mortality. High mortalities associated with malaria infections have been documented in captive species of Sphenisciformes, Somateria, and Larosterna, all genera that evolved in climates with low mosquito exposure. To better characterize trends in Plasmodium-related mortality in a zoological collection in New York, necropsy reports for birds of all three genera that died between 1998 and February 2018 were analyzed; comparisons were made between birds that died with or without evidence of malaria infection. A seasonal peak in deaths was observed in birds regardless of their malaria status. There was no significant difference in the age of birds at death between malaria-positive and malaria-negative animals. These results suggest that age and season of death were not associated with malaria status. To investigate an association between parasite lineage and clinical outcome, polymerase chain reaction was used to identify parasite lineage in necropsied birds as well as healthy birds sampled as part of surveillance studies. Twelve different Plasmodium lineages were identified. The relative prevalence of parasite lineages was compared between necropsy and surveillance samples. A single parasite lineage, SGS1 (species Plasmodium relictum), was significantly more likely to be found in surveillance samples; it was detected in a plurality of surveillance data but found in only one necropsy case. Other parasite lineages were more likely to be found in necropsies than in surveillance samples, most notably SEIAUR01 (species Plasmodium cathemerium). These data may be consistent with a difference in virulence between parasite lineages. This investigation has implications for the monitoring and care of vulnerable avian species.There are limited reports of the genetic characterization of Toxoplasma gondii infecting captive macropods in North America. A novel genotype, ToxoDB PCR-RFLP genotype 263, was reported from six wallabies at a zoological facility in Virginia, USA, prompting an investigation into the genotypes from T. gondii strains infecting macropods at a zoological park in Florida, USA. Cardiac muscle and/or lung samples from an agile wallaby (Macropus agilis, n = 1), red kangaroos (Macropus rufus, n = 8), red-necked wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus, n = 1), and a tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii, n = 1) that died between 2014 and 2018 were collected. All 11 cases were confirmed to have died from systemic toxoplasmosis by histopathology and immunohistochemical staining. Multilocus PCR-RFLP genotyping of T. gondii was performed directly on tissue samples or on parasites isolated from myocardium by mouse bioassay. Two cases of toxoplasmosis were identified as the reported novel genotype, ToxoDB PCR-RFLP genotype 263, but no common source of exposure could be identified. Five cases were identified as genotype 2 (type III strain, haplogroup 3), and four cases were identified as genotype 216, which has been previously reported in North American wildlife. There were no overt differences in lesion severity or distribution related to genotype. These results suggest that the premise was contaminated with at least three genotypes of T. gondii causing systemic toxoplasmosis in macropods. The largest cluster of fatal toxoplasmosis in macropods in the study period occurred following severe rainfall flooding of the exhibit, suggesting the transmission of T. gondii by water and pointing out the importance of this transmission mechanism. In summary, our study revealed three T. gondii outbreaks that caused significant loss of macropods within 5 yr in a zoological facility in Florida. More studies are needed to understand transmission and prevention of toxoplasmosis in sensitive zoo animals.Agarose gel electrophoresis (AGE) has been widely implemented throughout veterinary medicine and for analysis of plasma proteins of avian and reptile species. Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) is becoming a standard method in human clinical pathology laboratories but has not widely been used for the analysis of animal samples. The objective of the present study was to compare protein fractions derived from AGE and CZE methods using plasma from the green turtle (Chelonia mydas). Plasma samples were analyzed by AGE and CZE per manufacturer guidelines. The methods were assessed by CV analysis, Spearman's correlation, Passing-Bablok regression, and Bland Altman plots. CZE consistently resolved more fractions than AGE with three fractions observed in the prealbumin migrating region versus one for AGE and two fractions in the γ globulin region versus one for AGE. Compared with AGE, CZE showed a lower CV in intra-assay tests (1.0-4.9% vs 2.0-28.3%) and a lower or overlapping CV in interassay tests (1.0-10.6 vs 2.3-22.0). The prealbumin, α2 globulin, and β globulin fractions correlated the least between the methods (for all three fractions rs ≤ 0.28, P > 0.21). Moderate, significant correlations between AGE and CZE methods were observed for albumin (rs = 0.78, P less then 0.0001) and γ globulins (rs = 0.78, P less then 0.0001). CZE has a higher precision and ease of use over AGE and offers the opportunity to resolve additional protein fractions. This will necessitate the development of new conventions in placement of fraction delimits, definition of species-specific reference intervals, and evaluation of clinical utility in abnormal turtles.The processing of blood samples can be delayed during health assessments of wildlife populations in distant locations. The use of whole blood preservatives may be useful in these situations. However, there is scant information regarding their use in nonmammalian species. This study tested the efficacy of two cell preservatives on whole blood collected from 12 Attwater's prairie chickens (Tympanuchus cupido attwateri). The preservatives used were Streck Cell Preservative© (SCP), a proprietary proteinaceous stabilizer developed for human flow cytology and validated in other mammalian species, and formalin, which is commonplace in histopathology, but its use in whole blood has been limited to fish. Grouped blood samples were treated with heparin, SCP, or formalin and analyzed at 0, 1, 4, and 7 days after collection for packed cell volume (PCV), complete blood count (CBC), and cellular morphology. SCP effectively preserved most cell types in Attwater's prairie chicken blood samples over a period of 7 days, with the exception of monocyte cell counts, which were significantly reduced from day 0. Formalin maintained total white blood cell counts at baseline levels measured by hemocytometer, but irregular staining characteristics prevented accurate analysis of differential counts or cellular morphology. check details Both preservatives altered PCV compared with the heparin control, but these values remained constant over time, highlighting the need for method-specific reference intervals. The validation of SCP in Attwater's prairie chickens supports its potential for use in other avian species for the collection of accurate hematologic data when the processing of blood samples may be delayed.This study assessed the in vitro temporal changes that occur in blood pH and lactate concentrations for an elasmobranch species and a chelonian species, as well as blood gases (partial pressures of carbon dioxide [pCO2] and oxygen [pO2]) for a chelonian species, with a portable clinical point-of-care analyzer. Blood samples were collected from 10 cownose rays (Rhinoptera bonasus) and 10 red-eared sliders (Pseudemys scripta elegans), stored on ice, and serially analyzed at six time points up to 90 min postcollection. Results indicate that analysis should be conducted as soon as possible after blood collection for these species, with immediate analysis being preferred. However, if analysis must be delayed, syringes may be capped, placed on ice, and analyzed at a later time. Analysis within 90 min provided clinically acceptable results for pH and lactate in both species and for pCO2 in red-eared sliders, whereas substantial artifactual increases of pO2 were seen in red-eared sliders.Anesthesia is commonly employed in aquatic medicine to facilitate physical exams, diagnostics, and surgical interventions. Tricaine methanesulfonate (MS-222) is the most commonly used anesthetic for fish and is currently the only anesthetic approved by the US Food and Drug Administration Center for Veterinary Medicine for food-producing fish. Despite the frequency of anesthetic procedures in fish, anesthetic monitoring remains rudimentary in many facilities. This study evaluated the impact on blood gases, acid-base balance, and electrolytes in koi (Cyprinus carpio) anesthetized at concentrations of 100 mg/L and 150 mg/L MS-222. Blood samples from 25 fish per treatment were collected at 5 and 20 min of anesthetic immersion. Forty-nine of 50 fish recovered uneventfully from anesthesia; one fish did not recover and was euthanatized. Results showed significant increases in partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) (P = 0.006) and hyperglycemia (P = less then 0.0001) with increasing anesthetic concentration and time under anesthesia and a significant decrease in partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) with increased anesthetic time (P = 0.021). There were several electrolyte changes observed with both increasing anesthetic time and concentration. All electrolytes except potassium remained within published reference ranges for koi, while potassium showed a significant decrease in concentration associated with anesthetic time and concentration. The results of this study indicate that MS-222 at 100 mg/L and 150 mg/L represent safe anesthetic concentrations for koi undergoing minimally invasive diagnostics; however, koi anesthetized with MS-222 at a concentration of 150 mg/L experienced more significant changes in blood gases, acid-base balance, and electrolyte concentrations.Alfaxalone is a neurosteroid anesthetic agent that has been extensively used in both human and veterinary medicine for more than 50 yr. Previous studies involving avian species demonstrated various dose ranges and multiple routes of administration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the short-term sedative, cardiorespiratory, and thermoregulatory effects of an intramuscular injection of alfaxalone on budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus). A crossover study was performed with a sample size of 10 male budgerigars, previously determined to be healthy based on physical examination. Alfaxalone was administered intramuscularly at two doses 15 and 20 mg/kg. The lower dose resulted in mild to moderate sedation for 29 ± 5 min, whereas the higher dose resulted in moderate to profound sedation for 29 ± 7 min. A statistically significant decrease in heart rate was observed 2 min after administration of alfaxalone at 15 mg/kg; however, this finding was noted to be transient. A statistically significant decrease in respiratory rate was observed at 6 and 10 min after injection in both groups.
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