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Practical use of an recently designed laser-cut material stent having an anchoring catch as well as thin shipping method pertaining to EUS-guided hepaticogastrostomy throughout trial and error options (with video clip).
With a registered nurse shortage and workforce calls for increased gender, race, and ethnic diversity, the findings suggest nursing education programs designed for veterans are a viable solution.
Hybrid program delivery became the single predictor influencing VBSN progression and graduation. As non-traditional students in higher education with a history of social isolation and help-seeking stigma, this delivery mode may have assisted SV retention and persistence. With a registered nurse shortage and workforce calls for increased gender, race, and ethnic diversity, the findings suggest nursing education programs designed for veterans are a viable solution.
Debate regarding the role of Doctor of Nursing Practice-prepared faculty in academic settings continues. Perceived barriers to successful integration include a lack of respect, inadequate infrastructure, and insufficient resources.

The purpose of this study was to compare differences in self-reported marginalization in doctorally prepared (Doctor of Philosophy/Doctor of Nursing Practice) nursing faculty working in academic settings.

A descriptive cross-sectional design was implemented to compare differences in self-reported marginalization between doctorally prepared faculty teaching in Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education accredited colleges. Marginality was measured using the Englund Marginality Index.

Results of an independent-samples t-test indicate that Doctor of Nursing Practice -prepared faculty self-reported higher levels of marginalization (M = 41.7, SD = 9.6) than Doctor of Philosophy -prepared faculty (M = 39.1, SD = 10.5); t(583) = 2.8, p = .006.

Strategies to decrease marginalization include improving systemic issues surrounding shared governance and outdated tenure systems as well as enhancing infrastructures that improve collaboration among doctorally prepared faculty.
Strategies to decrease marginalization include improving systemic issues surrounding shared governance and outdated tenure systems as well as enhancing infrastructures that improve collaboration among doctorally prepared faculty.Racism affects the nursing profession by routinely producing an over representation of Whites. Since the Sullivan Commission on Diversity in the Healthcare Workforce (Sullivan, 2004) reported that people of Color (POC) found it difficult to gain admission into health professions schools, regulatory agencies have made recommendations to the nursing profession to create program strategies to increase diversity. Many strategies were implemented to recruit, educate, retain, and graduate POC from university-based nursing programs, but these have had little effect on diversity in nursing. Simply put, these strategies were only band-aids attempting to heal a much larger issue within the profession precisely because programs do not address the underlying problem the pervasiveness of whiteness. Whiteness has been normalized and influential in the manifestation of racism in nursing practice. The pervasiveness of whiteness has resulted in nursing education being seen through a White lens (Scammell & Olumide, 2011). This paper explores whiteness and its effect on the profession of nursing and nursing education.
Meeting the learning needs and developing the thinking skills of nursing students in caring for injured patients with complex, emergency, and unpredictable conditions is essential.

The present study aimed to compare the effects of case-based learning (CBL) with multi-episode case studies and lecture-based learning (LBL) on the perceived problem-solving ability and learning motivation of undergraduate nursing students in an emergency care course.

This study was conducted with a quasi-experimental, within-subjects, pretest-posttest design. Forty-three third-year undergraduate nursing students (as a single cohort) enrolled in the fall semester were selected using convenience sampling. The theoretical course of emergency nursing was taught to them using the LBL method (control group) during the first six weeks of the semester and then using the CBL method (intervention group) during the second six weeks of the semester through multi-episode cases in five steps. Outcomes including perceived problem-solving ability and learning motivation were measured using the Problem-Solving Inventory (PSI) and the Instructional Materials Motivation Scale (IMMS).

There was a significant difference (P < 0.001) between the changes in the total mean score of perceived problem-solving ability and its subscales on the three measurement points, i.e. before lectures (pre-test), after lectures (mid-term test) and after CBL (final test). There was a significant difference between the LBL and CBL groups in terms of the students' total learning motivation score (t = 16.91, P = 0.000) and all its subscales after the CBL intervention.

The study suggests that the CBL method applied through multi-episode cases is an effective approach to improving the perceived problem-solving ability and learning motivation of nursing students.
The study suggests that the CBL method applied through multi-episode cases is an effective approach to improving the perceived problem-solving ability and learning motivation of nursing students.
Nursing in the world has developed exponentially in the past few decades, and Croatia is no exception as one of the Eastern European Countries.

This paper will attempt to outline the main changes that have been central to nursing education evolution in the country, and how nursing has developed as an profession and intellectual discipline.

This discussion paper examined journal articles, books and legislative documents that documented the development of nursing education and profession in Croatia.

In the past three decades nursing in Croatia has been characterized by a series of changes leading to its professionalization. The Croatian Nursing Act has been established, nurses have defined their competencies, and a regulatory body and vertical education up to the highest levels has been set up.

Croatian nursing profession has made significant progress in its development. Rapamycin mw The main challenges are related to nurse shortages and poor working conditions e.g. overtime work, low salaries, decreased nursing autonomy and the impossibility of working in the full scope of practice. Besides, the image of nurses in society still needs to be improved to achieve the level of more recognized health professions.
Croatian nursing profession has made significant progress in its development. The main challenges are related to nurse shortages and poor working conditions e.g. overtime work, low salaries, decreased nursing autonomy and the impossibility of working in the full scope of practice. Besides, the image of nurses in society still needs to be improved to achieve the level of more recognized health professions.The lack of diversity in nursing and the projected nursing shortage is a clarion call for higher education to create inclusive programs where all students can thrive. Despite an increase in enrollment, attrition remains an issue. To address the looming nursing shortage, colleges and universities are expected to increase the enrollments in baccalaureate and accelerated baccalaureate programs. As traditional and nontraditional students are admitted into nursing programs, institutions and nursing programs will be faced with tackling issues students who are historically labeled as "at-risk" may have. To help these students succeed, colleges and universities must come up with new ways to work with at-risk students. In this paper, we are proposing a new framework for how faculty in nursing programs can perceive "at-risk" students by systematically examining the factors that lead to this at-risk status. The framework proposes that students encounter a plethora of individual and institutional critical elements, categorized into domains. By understanding the critical elements that impact student outcomes, nursing programs will be better able to strategize ways to effectively support and sustain student success.
Final-year nursing students in Spain augmented the health care workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic.

To understand the lived experience of nursing students who joined the health care workforce during the first wave of the COVID-19 outbreak (March-May 2020).

Qualitative content analysis of the reflective journals of 40 nursing students in Spain.

The analysis identified four main themes 1) Willingness to help; 2) Safety and protective measures Impact and challenges; 3) Overwhelming experience Becoming aware of the magnitude of the epidemic; and 4) Learning and growth.

The wish to help, the sense of moral duty, and the opportunity to learn buffered the impact of the students' lived experience. Despite the challenges they faced, they saw their experiences as a source of personal and professional growth, and they felt reaffirmed in their choice of career. Promoting opportunities for reflection and implementing adequate support and training strategies is crucial for building a nursing workforce that is capable of responding to future health crises.
The wish to help, the sense of moral duty, and the opportunity to learn buffered the impact of the students' lived experience. Despite the challenges they faced, they saw their experiences as a source of personal and professional growth, and they felt reaffirmed in their choice of career. Promoting opportunities for reflection and implementing adequate support and training strategies is crucial for building a nursing workforce that is capable of responding to future health crises.
Tenure is a hallmark of higher education, but its value and relevance is questioned.

This study examined faculty perceptions of the value of tenured and non-tenured nursing faculty appointments.

A descriptive correlational design using an anonymous survey was sent to members of the American Association of College of Nursing. Participants (N=542) from 44 states completed the survey.

Significant differences in workload were found in teaching, administrative responsibilities, scholarship, and academic service. Compared to non-tenured faculty, tenured faculty had higher scores on Career Opportunities (p<0.001), lower Life Balance scores (p=0.001) and higher Academic Support scores (p=0.014). Non-tenured faculty were less likely to agree than tenured faculty that tenure improves quality of education (χ2=86.48, p<0.001) or is relevant to the modern university (χ2=75.20, p<0.001). Narrative responses revealed six themes about tenure. Faculty on both tracks questioned the value of tenure.

Faculties in schools of nursing nationwide need to re-evaluate the purpose of tenure and the tenure criteria in light of each institution's unique mission and expectations to determine how they are meeting the needs of both academic institution and nursing faculty. Although the idea of tenure is institutional, implementation is initiated at the school level. Our study revealed naivete about tenure among nursing faculty at the school level.
Faculties in schools of nursing nationwide need to re-evaluate the purpose of tenure and the tenure criteria in light of each institution's unique mission and expectations to determine how they are meeting the needs of both academic institution and nursing faculty. Although the idea of tenure is institutional, implementation is initiated at the school level. Our study revealed naivete about tenure among nursing faculty at the school level.
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