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Medical Popular features of Venous Thromboembolism in Individuals With Coronavirus Condition 2019 (COVID-19) in Japan - In a situation Series Research.
Self-collected HPV screening may improve cervical cancer screening coverage in low resource countries, yet data guiding implementation and follow-up of abnormal results are sparse.

This is a prospective cohort implementation study of HPV self-testing program in Mbarara, Uganda with mobile phones to facilitate result notification and referral for treatment at a regional hospital. The effectiveness of the interventions was analyzed using Proctor's model of implementation. Women were interviewed following screening and at 6 months to assess acceptability and barriers to follow-up. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics.

159 of 194 (82%) of eligible women underwent HPV self-sampling; of these, 27 (17%) returned positive for high-risk HPV subtypes. We sent SMS messages providing test results and follow-up instructions to all participants. Seventeen (63%) hrHPV-positive participants reported receiving SMS text instructions for follow-up, of whom 6 (35%) presented for follow-up. The most common reasons for not returning were lack of transportation (n = 11), disbelief of results (n = 5), lack of childcare (n = 4), and lack of symptoms (n = 3). Confidence in test results was higher for self-screening compared to VIA (Likert score 4.8 vs 4.4,
 = 0.001).

Despite the use of SMS text-based referrals, only one-third of women presented for clinical follow-up after abnormal HPV testing.
Despite the use of SMS text-based referrals, only one-third of women presented for clinical follow-up after abnormal HPV testing.Xu et al. (2021) recently recommended a new parameterization of BWA-mem as a superior alternative to the widely-used BWA-aln algorithm to map ancient DNA sequencing data. Here, we compare the BWA-mem parameterization recommended by Xu et al. with the best-performing alignment methods determined in the recent benchmarks of Oliva and colleagues (2021), demonstrating that BWA-aln is still the gold-standard for ancient DNA read alignment .Neonicotinoid insecticides have been implicated in honey bee declines, with many studies showing that sublethal exposure impacts bee behaviors such as foraging, learning, and memory. Despite the large number of ecotoxicological studies carried out to date, most focus on a handful of worker phenotypes leading to a "streetlight effect" where the a priori choice of phenotypes to measure may influence the results and conclusions arising from the studies. This bias can be overcome with the use of toxicological transcriptomics, where changes in gene expression can provide a more objective view of how pesticides alter animal traits. Here, we used RNA sequencing to examine the changes in neurogenomic states of nurse and forager honey bees that were naturally exposed to neonicotinoids in the field and artificially exposed to neonicotinoids in a controlled experiment. We found that neonicotinoid exposure influenced the neurogenomic state of foragers and nurses in different ways; foragers experienced shifts in expression of genes involved in cognition and development, while nurses experienced shifts in expression of genes involved in metabolism. Our study suggests that neonicotinoids influence nurse and forager bees in a different manner. We also found no to minimal overlap in the differentially expressed genes in our study and in previously published studies, which might help reconcile the seemingly contradictory results often reported in the neonicotinoid literature.Hemidactylus mabouia is one of the most successful, widespread invasive reptile species and has become ubiquitous across tropical urban settings in the Western Hemisphere. Its ability to thrive in close proximity to humans has been linked to the rapid disappearance of native geckos. However, aspects of Hemidactylus mabouia natural history and ecomorphology, often assumed to be linked with this effect on native populations, remain understudied or untested. Here, we combine data from ∂15N and ∂13C stable isotopes, stomach contents, and morphometric analyses of traits associated with feeding and locomotion to test alternate hypotheses of displacement between H. mabouia and a native gecko, Phyllodactylus martini, on the island of Curaçao. We demonstrate substantial overlap of invertebrate prey resources between the species, with H. mabouia stomachs containing larger arthropod prey as well as vertebrate prey. We additionally show that H. mabouia possesses several morphological advantages, including larger sizes in feeding-associated traits and limb proportions that could offer a propulsive locomotor advantage on vertical surfaces. Together, these findings provide the first support for the hypotheses that invasive H. mabouia and native P. martini overlap in prey resources and that H. mabouia possess ecomorphological advantages over P. martini. This work provides critical context for follow-up studies of H. mabouia and P. martini natural history and direct behavioral experiments that may ultimately illuminate the mechanisms underlying displacement on this island and act as a potential model for other systems with Hemidactylus mabouia invasions.Understanding competition between scelionid parasitoids that exploit the same host may provide insight into strategies that allow coexistence on a shared resource. Competition studies typically focus on interactions between native and exotic parasitoids that do not share an evolutionary history; however, coevolved parasitoids may be more likely to demonstrate strategies to avoid or exploit a shared resource. We examined intrinsic and extrinsic competition between Asian Trissolcus japonicus (Ashmead) and T. cultratus (Mayr) (Hymenoptera Scelionidae) associated with Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera Pentatomidae) that share an evolutionary history. Interspecific interactions were assessed by providing parasitized egg masses to each species at various intervals post-parasitism, and measuring host acceptance, developmental suitability, and guarding behaviour. Trissolcus japonicus showed high acceptance of parasitized hosts up to 72 h following oviposition by T. cultratus, despite a very poor developmental outconot coevolved with H. halys or T. japonicus.Most Central African rainforests are characterized by a remarkable abundance of light-demanding canopy species long-lived pioneers (LLP) and non-pioneer light demanders (NPLD). A popular explanation is that these forests are still recovering from intense slash-and-burn farming activities, which abruptly ended in the 19th century. This "human disturbance" hypothesis has never been tested against spatial distribution patterns of these light demanders. Here, we focus on the 28 most abundant LLP and NPLD from 250 one-ha plots distributed along eight parallel transects (~50 km) in the Yangambi forest. Four species of short-lived pioneers (SLP) and a single abundant shade-tolerant species (Gilbertiodendron dewevrei) were used as reference because they are known to be strongly aggregated in recently disturbed patches (SLP) or along watercourses (G. dewevrei). Results show that SLP species are strongly aggregated with clear spatial autocorrelation of their diameter. This confirms that they colonized the patch followirm this alternative hypothesis.We evaluated whether evolution is faster at ecotones as niche shifts may be needed to persist under unstable environment. We mapped diet evolution along the evolutionary history of 350 sigmodontine species. Mapping was used in three new tip-based metrics of trait evolution - Transition Rates, Stasis Time, and Last Transition Time - which were spatialized at the assemblage level (aTR, aST, aTL). Assemblages were obtained by superimposing range maps on points located at core and ecotone of the 93 South American ecoregions. Using Linear Mixed Models, we tested whether ecotones have species with more changes from the ancestral diet (higher aTR), have maintained the current diet for a shorter time (lower aST), and have more recent transitions to the current diet (lower aLT) than cores. We found lower aTR, and higher aST and aLT at ecotones than at cores. Although ecotones are more heterogeneous, both environmentally and in relation to selection pressures they exert on organisms, ecotone species change little from the ancestral diet as generalist habits are necessary toward feeding in ephemeral environments. The need to incorporate phylogenetic uncertainty in tip-based metrics was evident from large uncertainty detected. Our study integrates ecology and evolution by analyzing how fast trait evolution is across space.Intergroup conflict is widespread in nature and is proposed to have strong impacts on the evolution of social behavior. The conflict-cohesion hypothesis predicts that exposure to intergroup conflict should lead to increased social cohesion to improve group success or resilience in future conflicts. There is evidence to support this prediction from studies of affiliative responses to outgroup threats in some animal societies. However, most of these studies have focused on behavioral changes over short time periods (minutes and hours after exposure to an outgroup), and hence very little is known about the dynamics and durability of responses to intergroup conflict over the longer term. We investigated this question by simulating intergroup encounters in wild banded mongooses (Mungos mungo) and measuring social behavior before, during, and after these encounters over a 5-day period. We also ran control trials with non-threatening stimuli. Banded mongooses reacted immediately to intrusion stimuli by vocalizing, goup threat on measures of social cohesion in this species, but cannot confirm longer-term changes.One mechanism for morphologically similar and sympatric species to avoid competition and facilitate coexistence is to feed on different prey items within different microhabitats. In the current study, we investigated and compared the diet of the two most common and similar-sized bat species in Japan-Murina ussuriensis (Ognev, 1913) and Myotis ikonnikovi (Ognev, 1912)-to gain more knowledge about the degree of overlap in their diet and their foraging behavior. We found that both bat species consumed prey from the orders of Lepidoptera and Diptera most frequently, while the proportion of Dipterans was higher in the diet of M. ikonnikovi. Furthermore, we found a higher prey diversity in the diet of M. ikonnikovi compared to that of M. ussuriensis that might indicate that the former is a more generalist predator than the latter. In contrast, the diet of M. ussuriensis contained many Lepidopteran families. The higher probability of prey items likely captured via gleaning to occur in the diet of M. ussuriensis in contrast to M. ikonnikovi indicates that M. ussuriensis might switch between aerial-hawking and gleaning modes of foraging behavior. We encourage further studies across various types of habitats and seasons to investigate the flexibility of the diet composition and foraging behavior of these two bat species.Effective communication requires a match among signal characteristics, environmental conditions, and receptor tuning and decoding. The degree of matching, however, can vary, among others due to different selective pressures affecting the communication components. For evolutionary novelties, strong selective pressures are likely to act upon the signal and receptor to promote a tight match among them. We test this prediction by exploring the coupling between the acoustic signals and auditory sensitivity in Liolaemus chiliensis, the Weeping lizard, the only one of more than 285 Liolaemus species that vocalizes. Individuals emit distress calls that convey information of predation risk to conspecifics, which may respond with antipredator behaviors upon hearing calls. Specifically, we explored the match between spectral characteristics of the distress calls and the tympanic sensitivities of two populations separated by more than 700 km, for which previous data suggested variation in their distress calls. We found that populations differed in signal and receptor characteristics and that this signal variation was explained by population differences in body size.
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