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Or because you happened to be right and its something that is true often, you see them sitting there often and saw that in your internally generated and inconsistent but lucid hypnogogic experience and its still all besides the point that you both agree with and are arguing against amongst All this stuff that doesn't matter or correlate with what your original bone of contention was, and saying you cant account for what they think and feel, but im not asking you to, the overall general consensus and average discussion on the matter involves many magickal thinking and terms and experiences, they cant seperate and be objective from how it feels versus whats going on internally or be scientific about it by definition science is about taking subjective observations and being objective and repeating and breaking things down into the elemental parts and trying to understand more about whats going on in consensus objective reality and about knowing we have biases and only percieve things in a certain way and trying to eliminate that as much as possible, and knowing there's an objective real external world that exists regardless of anything existing to percieve it and it doesn't care about our thoughts and opinions or our perceptions, and we only percieve a certain amount of this and need tools and instruments and models to percieve any more, etc

it ls an internally generated experience that feels the opposite to many, not all, lots that are honest agree its impossible to tell the difference between a dream and AP and they have to use 'diagnostic criteria' where they often still dont have a clear answer and its completely arbritrary, its like when they use the god helmet to induce a similar brain state using magnetic fields and you are guaranteed to have religious and spiritual experiences that feel realer than real and external but can be shown to entirely generated in the mind, just like psychedelics, and we all have lots of psychedelic chemicals coursing our body naturally at all times and we all are constantly hallucinating a consistent objective world constantly based upon inputs from our organs, we didn't evolve to percieve the true base reality that underpins that tho, it's a simplified model for us to be able to function and survive only, when we remove our filter and allow more data in it becomes impossible to function in a way anybody would agree to be useful and it just chops and changes all sorts of things and nothing is consistent any more, it becomes not useful in the slightest in the consistent objective base reality and impossible to navigate in any meaningful way except from how the experience impacts you as an individual and how you act and think in the world.

we can see when we are recieving input from the these organs recieving and transforming then transmitting to us to consciously experience and this phenomena and it's in ability to be described to another is called qualia and we can see when we are recieving an external output through these orgrans or if its being generated internally, and we never see it matching anything other than these two states that would suggest any other information or way to sense and percieve anything thats external in any other way than we already do with our sensory organs, or that there is input being generated and recieved from something external but through an unknown mechanism and other than our sensory organs and not matching with the objective consensus real world in a way that can be argued to be real or even not matching in a way where although subjective still shown to be 'real' in a way that means anything and is useful, or shown to exist outside of their mind and not just an imagined experience, If remote viewing or AP was above random chance then one person out of the thousands and millions who have tried would have got it 1 time. The government would still have funding into creating operatives that use it, programs that utilise it, all have been shut down for lack of results over multiple decades of different programs and studies into it, the type of people that came out of the program (and all after some time became anti government and conspiracy theorists) were the unabomber, charles manson etc. Which nobody can argue that these people are sane and capable of psychic abilities and when every single participant of the government psy ability programmes is coming out totally messed up and doing crazy stuff to push messages like they did and all becoming anti government and full of magical thinking and conspiracy theories its not a good look and even the government doesnt see anything in it and embarrassed they ever did and what they ended up creating out of it has been a royal pain in their ass, but thankfully we dont have to worry about AP being real when the argument comes down to "why cant inconsistent dreamlike experiences where it has to be interpreted after the fact like a dream and then find many inconsistancies and things that are wrong such that its impossible to know what is right or wrong or why, and can only after you know something to be the case in consensus objective reality look back and go look my inconsistent internal experience showed that thing before i should know even tho it got everything else wrong, that means its REAL! AND USEFUL!" And if you repeat the ap or rv attempt multiple times, you will get different results making it even more confusing and less useful and those feelings of certainty shift, not a single criminal case or missing person case has been solved by any tips coming from people that do AP and RV either, it's not from a lack of understanding of how this stuff works, it's just not 'real' in an external or spiritual sense, it's a synesthesia type experience of a different modal of communication in the brain with more data being sent from different parts to the visual cortex etc, but all physically internal hallucinatory experiences not extra sensory perception or seperation of the soul and body, that's why it's perfectly safe and no risk of accidentally getting trapped out your body, because you never left into another space that exists but can't be consistently percieved and is constantly changing uniquely for the individual such that you dont know what is right or wrong except in hindsight, but only if you can delude yourself and maybe not even then! which is immediately apparent as useless in our consistent objective base reality world

There are many tests and examples people have setup since people first were talking about it and labelled it with such labels, some arent setup against anybody or counter to how it works, some are designed by known APers and RVers who setup it all up in their favor and still not a single person has gotten a single part of one of them correct even one time, over decades, its worse than random chance in that aspect

Also He wasn't commited because of the idea but his hysteria in response to how people treated him, by your own admission they drove him to a nervous breakdown it wasnt because literally nobody could comprehend the idea and was so fantastical to be magical and labelled him insane and locked him up for even suggesting it, that they couldn't give any rational thought to the idea and think critically about it or see the data and see the effect whether or not they believed the rationale is a problem with dogma and ego and that they could only laugh it off and bully him into hysteria is its own matter, there were people who saw the claims and data and trialled it and thus recreated the findings and pushed for it, and tried to explain it and the idea of small invisible things being the cause for disease when they are in the wrong place at the right time and is an opportunistic thing was already an idea that had cropped up independently a few times so wasn't a totally new or out of the world concept, that 'bad air' or miasma existed although filled with many now obviously wrong or outlandish belief there's obviously elements of truth to and is just one example where people made the connection between cleanliness, disease, air as a transmission vector and some invisible force being responsible etc but it obviously happens in pockets and had to take hold etc like any idea, pasteur and his work eventually was able to prove the existance of microorgranisms as the cause of diseases from beverages and crucially able to popularise the idea, many individuals had the intuation independently just there didnt exist a way to popularise these ideas like there is now, especially with a lack of proof other than subjective observations that hadnt been followed up or verifiable, there were always examples like this where it should be obvious, like with cholera in London, the water pumps and the person taking to the government his findings of specific water pumps being used resulting in more disease in increasing concentration of a radius to that pump and that removing the pump resulted in decreases etc and his idea of it being transmitted through that means etc he was also laughed and and rejected and had a terrible time of it but there were people who knew there was truth to it, it just all has no bearing right now to what we're talking about, we live in a far better time of science where pretty much all ideas can be equally and fairly examined and there just isn't the data to support that there's anything more to AP or RV phenomena than there is in prophetic dreams that happens to be correct and the background processes involved, a broken clock is right twice a day, APers with thousands of experiences will find a handful of details about specific aspects of their AP that in hindsight seemed to have Pre-cognitive details, had only they noticed and been aware that that one part was correct at that time, it's all rather silly and you conveniently don't touch upon the whole psychic abilities and operatives and the government funding into studying the phenomena being a psyop and not 'real' in the sense people would naturallh think when they heard these programmes were real, they did exist and had purpose, just not actually psychic or useful as such, they were psyops to mess with other governments and agencies
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