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Mix of levetiracetam and also IFN-α greater temozolomide effectiveness throughout MGMT-positive glioma.
During error-processing, OCD patients versus controls showed less activation in the pre-SMA before treatment. These group differences did not change after treatment. Pre-treatment task performance, brain activation, and connectivity were unrelated to the degree of symptom improvement after treatment. In conclusion, inferior frontal gyrus hypoactivation and increased fronto-limbic connectivity are likely trait markers of OCD that remain after effective exposure therapy.DNA methylation changes consistently throughout life and age-dependent alterations in DNA methylation can be used to estimate one's epigenetic age. Post-mortem studies revealed higher epigenetic age in brains of patients with major depressive disorder, as compared with controls. Since MDD is highly correlated with anxiety, we hypothesized that symptoms of anxiety, as well as lower volume of grey matter (GM) in depression-related cortical regions, will be associated with faster epigenetic clock in a community-based sample of young adults. Participants included 88 young adults (53% men; 23-24 years of age) from the European Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood (ELSPAC) who participated in its neuroimaging follow-up and provided saliva samples for epigenetic analysis. Epigenetic age was calculated according to Horvath (Horvath, 2013). Women had slower epigenetic clock than men (Cohen's d = 0.48). In women (but not men), slower epigenetic clock was associated with less symptoms of anxiety. In the brain, women (but not men) with slower epigenetic clock had greater GM volume in the cerebral cortex (brain size-corrected; R2 = 0.07). Lobe-specific analyses showed that in women (but not men), slower epigenetic clock was associated with greater GM volume in frontal lobe (R2 = 0.16), and that GM volume in frontal lobe mediated the relationship between the speed of epigenetic clock and anxiety trait (ab = 0.15, SE = 0.15, 95% CI [0.007; 0.369]). These findings were not replicated, however, in a community-based sample of adolescents (n = 129; 49% men; 12-19 years of age), possibly due to the different method of tissue collection (blood vs. saliva) or additional sources of variability in the cohort of adolescents (puberty stages, socioeconomic status, prenatal exposure to maternal smoking during pregnancy).Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is a clinical neurodegenerative syndrome with word finding problems as a core clinical symptom. Many aspects of word finding have been clarified in psycholinguistics using picture naming and a picture-word interference (PWI) paradigm, which emulates naming under contextual noise. However, little is known about how word finding depends on white-matter tract integrity, in particular, the atrophy of tracts located ventrally to the Sylvian fissure. To elucidate this question, we examined word finding in individuals with PPA and healthy controls employing PWI, tractography, and computer simulations using the WEAVER++ model of word finding. Twenty-three individuals with PPA and twenty healthy controls named pictures in two noise conditions. Mixed-effects modelling was performed on naming accuracy and reaction time (RT) and fixel-based tractography analyses were conducted to assess the relation between ventral white-matter integrity and naming performance. Naming RTs were longer for individuals with PPA compared to controls and, critically, individuals with PPA showed a larger noise effect compared to controls. Moreover, this difference in noise effect was differentially related to tract integrity. Whereas the noise effect did not depend much on tract integrity in controls, a lower tract integrity was related to a smaller noise effect in individuals with PPA. Computer simulations supported an explanation of this paradoxical finding in terms of reduced propagation of noise when tract integrity is low. By using multimodal analyses, our study indicates the significance of the ventral pathway for naming and the importance of RT measurement in the clinical assessment of PPA.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) are developing joint estimates of the work-related burden of disease and injury (WHO/ILO Joint Estimates), with contributions from a large network of experts. Evidence from mechanistic and human data suggests that occupational exposure to ergonomic (or physical) risk factors may cause osteoarthritis and other musculoskeletal diseases (excluding rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and back and neck pain). In this paper, we present a systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of occupational exposure to physical ergonomic risk factors for estimating the number of disability-adjusted life years from these diseases that are attributable to exposure to this risk factor, for the development of the WHO/ILO Joint Estimates.

We aimed to systematically review and meta-analyse estimates of the prevalence of occupational exposure to ergonomic risk factors for osteoarthritis and other musculoskeletal diseases.

We searched electronPERO registration number CRD42018102631.
Our systematic review and meta-analysis found that occupational exposure to ergonomic risk factors is highly prevalent. The current body of evidence is, however, limited, especially by risk of bias and indirectness. Producing estimates for the burden of disease attributable to occupational exposure to ergonomic risk factors appears evidence-based, and the pooled effect estimates presented in this systematic review may perhaps be used as input data for the WHO/ILO Joint Estimates. Protocol identifierhttps// PROSPERO registration number CRD42018102631.Recent studies suggested a link between long-term exposure to air-pollution and COVID-19 mortality. However, due to their ecological design based on large spatial units, they neglect the strong localised air-pollution patterns, and potentially lead to inadequate confounding adjustment. We investigated the effect of long-term exposure to NO2 and PM2.5 on COVID-19 mortality in England using high geographical resolution. In this nationwide cross-sectional study in England, we included 38,573 COVID-19 deaths up to June 30, 2020 at the Lower Layer Super Output Area level (n = 32,844 small areas). We retrieved averaged NO2 and PM2.5 concentration during 2014-2018 from the Pollution Climate Mapping. We used Bayesian hierarchical models to quantify the effect of air-pollution while adjusting for a series of confounding and spatial autocorrelation. We find a 0.5% (95% credible interval -0.2%, 1.2%) and 1.4% (95% CrI -2.1%, 5.1%) increase in COVID-19 mortality risk for every 1 μg/m3 increase in NO2 and PM2.5 respectively, after adjusting for confounding and spatial autocorrelation. This corresponds to a posterior probability of a positive effect equal to 0.93 and 0.78 respectively. The spatial relative risk at LSOA level revealed strong patterns, similar for the different pollutants. This potentially captures the spread of the disease during the first wave of the epidemic. Our study provides some evidence of an effect of long-term NO2 exposure on COVID-19 mortality, while the effect of PM2.5 remains more uncertain.Every day humans are exposed to mixtures of chemicals, such as lead (Pb) and manganese (Mn). An underappreciated aspect of studying the health effects of mixtures is the role that the exposure biomarker media (blood, hair, etc.) may play in estimating the effects of the mixture. Different biomarker media represent different aspects of each chemical's toxicokinetics, thus no single medium can fully capture the toxicokinetic profile for all the chemicals in a mixture. A potential solution to this problem is to combine exposure data across different media to derive integrated estimates of each chemical's internal concentration. This concept, formalized as a multi-media biomarker (MMB) has proven effective for estimating the health impacts of Pb exposure, but may also be useful to estimate mixture effects, such as the joint effects of metals like Pb and Mn, while factoring in how the association changes based upon the biomarker media. Levels of Pb and Mn were quantified in five media blood, hair, nails, urine, anals to the joint effect highlighted that the contribution of the Pb-Mn was 72-28% for Full Scale IQ and 42-58% for Verbal IQ. We found that the joint effects of Pb and Mn are strongly affected by the medium used to measure exposure and that the joint effects of the Pb and Mn MMBs on cognition were the stronger than any individual biomarker. Thus, increase power and accuracy for measuring mixture effects compared to individual biomarkers. As the number of chemicals in mixtures increases, appropriate biomarker selection will become increasingly important and MMBs are a natural way to reduce bias in such analyses.
Human exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) has been primarily attributed to contaminated food and drinking water. However, additional PFAS exposure pathways have been raised by a limited number of studies reporting correlations between commercial and industrial products and PFAS levels in human media and biomonitoring. Systematic review (SR) methodologies have been widely used to evaluate similar questions using an unbiased approach in the fields of clinical medicine, epidemiology, and toxicology, but the deployment in exposure science is ongoing. Here we present a systematic review protocol that adapts existing systematic review methodologies and study evaluation tools to exposure science studies in order to investigate evidence for important PFAS exposure pathways from indoor media including consumer products, household articles, cleaning products, personal care products, plus indoor air and dust.

We will systematically review exposure science studies that present both PFAS concentratiportion of blood, serum or plasma) PFAS concentrations that can be explained by exposure to PFAS in indoor media.
Studies will be prefiltered at the title and abstract level using computationally intelligent search strings to expedite the screening process for reviewers. Two independent reviewers will screen the prefiltered studies against inclusion criteria at the title/abstract level and then full-text level, after which the reviewers will assess the studies' risk of bias using an approach modified from established systematic review tools for exposure studies. Exposure estimates will be calculated to investigate the proportion of blood, serum or plasma) PFAS concentrations that can be explained by exposure to PFAS in indoor media.Decabrominated diphenyl ether (BDE-209) and decabromodiphenyl ethane (DBDPE) are common flame retardants utilized in many kinds of electronic and textile products. Due to their persistence and bioaccumulation, BDE-209 and DBDPE extensively exist in the surrounding environment and wild animals. Previous studies have indicated that BDE-209 could induce male reproductive toxicity, whereas those of DBDPE remains relatively rare. In this study, we investigated the effects of both BDE-209 and DBDPE on reproductive system in male SD rats, and explored the potential mechanisms under the reproductive toxicity of BDE-209 and DBDPE. Male rats were orally administered with BDE-209 and DBDPE (0, 5, 50 and 500 mg/kg/day) for a 28-day exposure experiment. The current results showed that BDE-209 and DBDPE led to testicular damage in physiological structure, decreased the sperm number and motility, and increased the sperm malformation rates in rat. Moreover, BDE-209 and DBDPE could damage the telomeric function by shortening telomere length and reducing telomerase activity, which consequently caused cell senescence and apoptosis in testis of rat.
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