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[In protection of the biomedical product inside psychiatry. the truth involving depression].
The objectives of this study were to determine the biofilm-forming capability and antimicrobial susceptibility of
recovered from bovine endometritis samples.

A total of 120 uterine specimens were collected from cows suffering from endometritis for bacteriological examination. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was carried out for all isolated
by using the disc diffusion method. The isolates were phenotypically studied for biofilm-forming ability by cultivation on yeast extract -casamino acids Congo red agar (CRA). Some randomly selected isolates were chosen for the molecular identification of some virulence and resistance genes.

A total of 58(48.3%)
isolates could be isolated from the 120 samples. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing exhibited that 91.4%, 79.3%, 79.3%, 74.1%, and 58.6% of the isolates were sensitive to gentamicin, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, ciprofloxacin, cephalexin, and sulfamethoxazole- trimethoprim, respectively. On the other hand, 91.4% and 70.7% isolates were resistant to cefotaxime and doxycycline, respectively. Cultivation on CRA revealed that 46.6% of isolates were biofilm producers. The molecular detection of resistance and virulence genes declared that all isolates harbored

S, bla
, and
H with a percentage of 100%,
C (40%), and
A (10%).
H was the most prevalent biofilm-associated gene.

The present study highlights the high prevalence of multi-drug- resistant
associated with bovine endometritis. The detection of the
H gene is circumstantial evidenced that this gene has a crucial role in biofilm formation in intrauterine pathogenic
The present study highlights the high prevalence of multi-drug- resistant E. coli associated with bovine endometritis. The detection of the fimH gene is circumstantial evidenced that this gene has a crucial role in biofilm formation in intrauterine pathogenic E. coli.
The aim of this experiment was to determine the effect of feeding pineapple waste silage (PWS) as the source of roughage replaced in Napier grass silage (NGS) on the nutrient intakes, energy status, and growth performances of growing Myanmar local cattle.

Eight growing Myanmar local cattle were randomly allocated into two groups, which were adjusted for age, sex, and body weight. Treatments were control (70% NGS + 30% concentrate) and PWS (45% NGS + 25% PWS + 30% concentrate). This experiment lasted for 6 weeks, including adaptation, and feed intake, energy status, and body weight gain were measured.

The higher (
< 0.05) intakes of dry matter, crude protein, non-fiber carbohydrate, neutral detergent fiber and energy, and energy balance were observed in the PSW group than in the control group. Although the initial and final body weights of both groups were not different (
> 0.05), the body weight gain and average daily gain were significantly higher (
< 0.05) in the PSW group than in the control group. Feeding PWS as a roughage source at 25% of diet improved the nutrient intake, energy balance, and body weight gain of growing Myanmar local cattle.

Thus, PWS could be used as the source of roughage replaced in NGS in Myanmar local cattle with the improvement of productive performances.
Thus, PWS could be used as the source of roughage replaced in NGS in Myanmar local cattle with the improvement of productive performances.
The objective of this study was to assess the veracities of most admired strategy discriminant analysis (DA), in comparison to the artificial neural network (ANN) for the anticipation and classification of milk production level in Holstein Friesian cattle using their performances.

A total of 3,460 performance records of imported and locally born Holstein Friesian cows were gathered during the period from 2000 to 2016 to compare two alternative techniques for predicting the level of production based on performance traits in dairy cattle with the use of statistical software (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, version 20.0).

The findings of the comparison indicated that ANN was more impressive in the expectancy of milk production level than did an imitator statistical method based on DA. The accuracy of the ANN model was high for the winter season (79.5%), whereas it was 47.3% for DA. The current findings were assured via the areas under receiver operating characteristic curves (AUROC) for DA and ANN. AUROC curves were smaller in the condition of the DA model across different calving seasons compared with the ANN model. The inaccuracies of variations were significant at a 5% significance level utilizing paired sample

ANN model can be used efficiently to predict the level of production across the different calving seasons compared to the DA model.
ANN model can be used efficiently to predict the level of production across the different calving seasons compared to the DA model.
This study aims at evaluating the anti-diabetic, hypolipidemic, and pancreatic histopathological changes of

The experimental rats were divided into eight groups (
= 15 each). Streptozotocin was used to induce diabetes. Daily oral administration of an aqueous extract from the leaves of
at 400 mg/kg BW, and a mixture of the two extracts for 6 weeks was assessed. The measurements of serum glucose, insulin, and lipid profile were carried out. Pancreatic specimens were collected from all groups and processed for pathological studies.

The study revealed that the plant extracts restored the levels of diabetic markers and lipid profiles of diabetic rats, with no significant changes in non-diabetic ones. The extract of
exhibited more promising anti-diabetic and hypolipidemic effects than
singly or combined.

Leaf extracts from
, singly or combined, and
, induced a potent anti-diabetic and hypolipidemic potential in diabetic rats.
Leaf extracts from R. mucronata, singly or combined, and A. marina, induced a potent anti-diabetic and hypolipidemic potential in diabetic rats.
Knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of rabies in the community are essential for developing post-exposure behavioral treatment and for understanding current prevention and control policy on rabies. This was a cross-sectional study in Gaibandha Sadar, a northern district of Bangladesh, investigating the level of KAP about rabies.

A total of 368 interviewed respondents, of whom 280 (76.09%) were male, and 88 (23.91%) were female. A structured questionnaire was used for the data collection from respondents on socio-demographic information and KAP regarding rabies. The data analyzed with STATA-IC-11.0 and the association of independent variables with rabies KAP scores were calculated using Pearson's Chi-square.

Most respondents had adequate KAP levels and positive thoughts on rabies prevention. The KAP scores were strongly associated with education and employment status (
< 0.05). Most respondents said that stray dogs are a headache in the area and believed that control of the dog population in Gaibandha is essential.

These outcomes also revealed that there is an information gap about rabies that might improve by developing an education program for awareness.
These outcomes also revealed that there is an information gap about rabies that might improve by developing an education program for awareness.
This experiment was conducted to assess the effects of the housing system on the welfare and growth performance of the Muscovy duck.

A total number of 48 Muscovy duck aged 3-week old were divided randomly into two groups (24 duck on each) deep litter system and cage system. Each group was subdivided into three replicates (8 birds on each) were identified with wing rings.

The study showed that feeding and drinking behaviors significantly increased (
< 0.05) in duck reared at the cage system. While there was no noticeable effect on lying and feather pecking, duck raised in the deep litter had better growth performance with a substantial difference, which achieve a higher feed conversion rate with lower feed efficiency. Physical conditions were significantly better at cage management. The level of stress indicating hormones indicating free Thyroxin was increased with the cage. Therefore, the litter system improves duck welfare and their performance.

It is concluded that the duck managed under the litter system has more opportunities that facilitate the expression of more natural behavior, and thus improve their health and performance, as a result of improved feed conversion rate and feed efficiency.
It is concluded that the duck managed under the litter system has more opportunities that facilitate the expression of more natural behavior, and thus improve their health and performance, as a result of improved feed conversion rate and feed efficiency.
Mastitis is considered as an economically important disease of dairy buffaloes in Asia. This study examined the mastitis milk and nasal swab samples for the detection and genotyping of methicillin-resistant
(MRSA) in water buffaloes.

was identified based on biochemical tests and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) detection of
gene, whereas MRSA on
gene. The disc diffusion test was used to determine the antibiotic resistance and staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (
, and multilocus sequence typing for the genotyping of isolates.

was detected on 39/93 milk (41.94%) and 27/384 nasal swab (7.03%) samples. However, only nine isolates (23.08%) harbored the mecA gene from milk samples and three isolates (11.11%) from the nasal carriage. All MRSA isolates exhibited resistance to cefoxitin and penicillin, whereas 50% were found resistant to clindamycin. All these isolates were found susceptible to sulfa-trimethoprim and chloramphenicol, whereas the majority of the isolates were susceptible to gentamicin, ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, and rifampicin. The
types of the MRSA isolates were type IVc (50.00%), type II (8.33%), type I (8.33%), and non-typeable (33.33%). The spa types and sequence type (ST) identified were t019 (ST30), t701 (ST1649), t311 (ST5), t657 (ST1148), t015 (ST508), t1939 (ST12), t800 (ST9), t091 (ST2454), t138 (ST5991), and t1642 (ST5992).

Milk and nasal swab samples from dairy water buffaloes were found positive for MRSA. The MRSA isolates were still susceptible to most antibiotics tested. Moreover, the genotypes of some MRSA isolates were found similar to some human MRSA strains, suggesting a possible human to animal transmission.
Milk and nasal swab samples from dairy water buffaloes were found positive for MRSA. The MRSA isolates were still susceptible to most antibiotics tested. Moreover, the genotypes of some MRSA isolates were found similar to some human MRSA strains, suggesting a possible human to animal transmission.
The objective of this study was to determine the comparative larvicidal efficacy of commercial ylang-ylang
essential oils from India and Thailand against the
mosquito to be used as a guideline for
mosquito control.

The bioassay for the larvicidal activity of commercial ylang-ylang essential oils in this experiment was modified from the World Health Organization standard protocols. The concentration ranges at 0.025, 0.050, 0.075, 0.100, 0.125, and 0.150 ppm in each treatment were used for testing, and four replicates were used per concentration. The larval mortality was observed and recorded 24- and 48-h after exposure.

The results of this study clearly revealed that commercial ylang-ylang essential oils from India and Thailand were highly toxic to the larvae of the dengue vector
, and Indian ylang-ylang had an LC
value of 0.064 ppm, whereas Thai ylang-ylang had an LC
value of 0.042 ppm after 24-h exposure.

This study revealed the efficacy of commercial Indian and Thai ylang-ylang essential oils as natural vector control for the larval stage of the dengue vector
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