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Presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA inside the Cornea regarding Viremic Patients Using COVID-19.
FINDINGS A total of 60.4% (n = 624) of patients had been asked (A1 ) about their smoking status. Among smokers, 46.5% (n = 90) were advised (A2 ), 26.6% (n = 48) assessed (A3 ) and 4.6% (n = 10) received all the components of the 5As (A5 ). Middle-aged smokers [aPR = 3.63; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.69-7.79] with a respiratory disease (aPR = 2.19; 95% CI = 1.11-4.34) were most likely to have been asked, advised and assessed (A3 ). The cessation intervention was most frequently performed by physicians. CONCLUSIONS In the Barcelona province of Spain, it appears that fewer than half of hospitalized patients who smoke were advised to quit and few received the full 'five As' brief intervention for smoking cessation. © 2020 Society for the Study of Addiction.Tube to tube volume difference presents a challenge in obtaining correct external standard quantitative NMR (esqNMR) results. Deuterium (2 H) NMR is easily observable, intrinsically quantitative, present in all samples, free of interfering signals, and insensitive to probe tune/match and sample saltiness. These properties make 2 H peak integral an ideal parameter in esqNMR for correcting volume differences between the reference standard and analyte. We demonstrate a novel and practical technique abbreviated as "2 H SOLCOR" (2 H SOLvent CORrected), where the 2 H peak integral from the solvent is used as a universal internal standard to correct volume variations in NMR tubes, thereby improving accuracy and precision of esqNMR method. Herein, this simple yet effective technique is described, and practical considerations for successful implementation are presented. 2 H SOLCOR can be applied anywhere esqNMR is used, including where precious samples need to be accurately quantified for qualification as an authentic analytical standard. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.OBJECTIVE A collaborative research team of community/public health nursing faculty and public health nurses surveyed public health nurses to explore knowledge, skills, attitudes, and application of the Quad Council Competencies for Public Health Nurses (QCC-PHN). METHODS Evaluate the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and application of the 2011 QCC-PHN by public health nurses. DESIGN A descriptive, cross-sectional design was used to answer the hypothesis related to the study objective. A convenience sample of 308 public health nurses completed an online survey. MEASUREMENTS ANOVA was used to determine the difference between the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and application of community/public health nurses (C/PHNs) regarding the QCC-PHN based on nursing specialty preparation, years of nursing experience, and years of C/PHN experience. RESULTS C/PHNs are described and differences in knowledge, skills, attitudes, and application are delineated. A statistically significant difference was found in knowledge and attitude based upon years of C/PHN experience. CONCLUSIONS Recommendations are proposed for increasing the QCC-PHN awareness, implementation, and evaluation to effectively enhance the practice of nursing C/PHN. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Hydrogen borrowing catalysis represents a powerful method for the alkylation of amine or enolate nucleophiles with unactivated alcohols. This approach relies upon a catalyst which can mediate a strategic series of redox events, enabling the formation of C-C and C-N bonds and producing water as the sole by-product. In the majority of cases these reactions have been employed to target achiral or racemic products. In contrast, the focus of this minireview is upon hydrogen borrowing catalyzed reactions in which the absolute stereochemical outcome of the process can be controlled. Asymmetric hydrogen borrowing catalysis is rapidly emerging as a powerful approach for the synthesis of enantioenriched amine and carbonyl containing products and examples involving both C-N and C-C bond formation are presented. A variety of different approaches are discussed including use of chiral auxiliaries, asymmetric catalysis and enantiospecific processes. © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.The self-assembly of low molecular weight gelators in water usually produces homogeneous hydrogels. However, homogeneous gels are not always desired. Using a photoacid generator, it is shown how to form gels with a transient gradient in stiffness, proved using cavitation and bulk rheology. Small-angle neutron scattering is used to show that the gels formed by photoacid are the result of the same structures as when using a conventional pH trigger. Patterned gels can also be formed, again with transient differences in stiffness. © 2020 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.The early detection of genotoxicity contributes to cutting-edge drug discovery and development, requiring effective identification of genotoxic hazards posed by drugs while providing mode of action (MoA) information in a high throughput manner. In other words, there is a need to complement standard genotoxicity testing according to the test battery given in ICH S2(R1) with new in vitro tools, thereby contributing to a more in-depth analysis of genotoxic effects. Here, we report on a proof-of-concept MoA approach based on post-translational modifications of proteins (PTMs) indicative of clastogenic and aneugenic effects in TK6 cells using imaging technology (with automated analysis). Cells were exposed in a 96-well plate format with a panel of reference (geno)toxic compounds and subsequently analyzed at 4 and 24 hr to detect dose-dependent changes in PTMs, relevant for mechanistic analysis. All tested compounds that interfere with the spindle apparatus yielded a BubR1 (S640) (3/3) and phospho-histone H3 (S28) (7/9) positive dose-response reflecting aneugenicity, whereas compounds inducing DNA double-strand-breaks were associated with positive FANCD2 (S1404) and 53BP1 (S1778) responses pointing to clastogenicity (2/3). The biomarker p53 (K373) was able to distinguish genotoxicants from non-genotoxicants (2/4), while the induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS), potentially causing DNA damage, was associated with a positive Nrf2 (S40) response (2/2). This work demonstrates that genotoxicants and non-genotoxicants induce different biomarker responses in TK6 cells which can be used for reliable classification into MoA groups (aneugens/clastogens/non-genotoxicants/ROS inducers), supporting a more in-depth safety assessment of drug candidates. © 2020 The Authors. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Environmental Mutagen Society.BACKGROUND The Pediatric Inventory for Parents (PIP) is a 42-item measure of pediatric parenting stress that results in 84 responses. While this measure has been extensively validated, the number of items in the instrument may hinder clinical applicability. METHODS The current study reports on the development of a short-form of the PIP using data from 344 fathers of children with type 1 diabetes. Recommendations set forth by Smith, McCarthy, and Anderson (2000) and Item Response Theory (IRT) were used to construct a 13-item PIP Short-Form that results in 26 responses. RESULTS The retained items were chosen to reflect the content domains of the original form of the PIP and demonstrated acceptable item fit under the Partial Credit Model (PCM; Infit and Outfit indices closest to one, items with thresholds across the span of the latent trait). CONCLUSIONS The PIP Short-Form may allow health care professionals to more feasibly assess pediatric parenting stress among parents of children with chronic health conditions. Future studies are needed to validate this new short-form. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.RNA interference (RNAi) is a valuable method for understanding the gene function and holds great potential for insect pest management. While RNAi is efficient and systemic in coleopteran insects, RNAi is inefficient in lepidopteran insects. In this study, we explored the possibility of improving RNAi in the fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda cells by formulating dsRNA with Cellfectin II (CFII) transfection reagent. The CFII formulated dsRNA was protected from degradation by endonucleases present in Sf9 cells conditioned medium, hemolymph and midgut lumen contents collected from the FAW larvae. Lipid formulated dsRNA also showed reduced accumulation in the endosomes of Sf9 cells and FAW tissues. Exposing Sf9 cells and tissues to CFII formulated dsRNA caused a significant knockdown of endogenous genes. CFII formulated dsIAP fed to FAW larvae induced knockdown of iap gene, growth retardation and mortality. Processing of dsRNA into siRNA was detected in Sf9 cells and Spodoptera frugiperda larvae treated with CFII conjugated 32 P-UTP labeled dsGFP. Overall, the present study concluded that delivering dsRNA formulated with CFII transfection reagent helps dsRNA escapes from the endosomal accumulation and improved RNAi efficiency in the FAW cells and tissues. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.During 2010-2012, we surveyed 40,010 3-6-year-old children in seven Chinese cities (Beijing, Taiyuan, Urumqi, Shanghai, Nanjing, Changsha and Chongqing). Their parents reported information on household renovation, including the timing of renovation and the choice of materials for walls and floors in the child's room, and the incidence of their child's rhinitis. Multivariate and two-level (city-child) logistic regression analyses yielding adjusted odds ratios (AOR) with 95% confidence intervals were performed. Sensitivity analyses stratifying data for location and economic level were also performed. 48.0% of the children had ever had allergic rhinitis, 41.2% had current allergic rhinitis and 9.0% had had doctor-diagnosed rhinitis. Exposure to household renovation during early lifetime (birth to 1 year old) had an AOR of 1.43 (1.04-1.9) for allergic rhinitis. The incidence of allergic rhinitis was significantly different in children exposed to different floor and wall covering materials. Floor or wall covering material composed of organic materials significantly increased the risk of childhood allergic rhinitis compared to tile flooring or lime wall covering. Oil paint had an AOR of 1.66 (1.28-2.14) for diagnosed rhinitis compared to lime wall covering. Adding new furniture the year before pregnancy was associated with an AOR of 1.18 (1.10-1.27) and 1.18 (1.11-1.25) for lifetime and current rhinitis. Solid wood or tiles/ceramic as floor materials, and using wallpaper, oil paint, or emulsion panels as wall materials were risk factors for doctor-diagnosed rhinitis. Sensitivity analyses showed that children living in southern or higher economic level China cities were more likely to have allergic rhinitis with household renovation. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Sedentary lifestyle is a major modifiable risk factor for many chronic diseases. Global guidelines recommend for maintaining health in adults, at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity of physical activity throughout the week, but compliance is insufficient and health problems arise. One obvious way to overcome this is to integrate physical activity into the daily routine for example by active commuting to work. Scientific evidence, however, is scarce and therefore we set out to perform this systematic review of the available literature to improve understanding of the efficiency of active commuting initiatives on health. Literature searches were performed in PubMed and Cochrane database. Altogether, 37 studies were screened. Thereof, eight publications were reviewed, which included 555 participants. The mean study duration of the reviewed research was 36 ± 26 (8-72) weeks. Overall, active commuting in previously untrained subjects of both sexes significantly improved exercise capacity maximal power, blood pressure, lipid parameters including cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein and waist circumference.
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