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Due to the extremely low charge dose required, Cryo-FEBID and Cryo-FIBID are found to excel in terms of growth rate, which is typically a few hundred/thousand times higher than room-temperature deposition
Cryo-FIBID using the W(CO)6 precursor has demonstrated the growth of metallic deposits, with resistivity not far from the corresponding deposits grown at room temperature. This paves the way for its application in circuit edit and the fast and direct growth of micro/nano-electrical contacts with decreased ion damage. The last part of the contribution is dedicated to the comparison of these techniques with other charge-based lithography techniques in terms of the charge dose required and process complexity. The comparison indicates that Cryo-FIBID is very competitive and shows great potential for future lithography funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to Aberration-Corrected Electron Beam Lithography at the One Nanometer Length Patterning materials efficiently at the smallest length scales is a longstanding challenge in nanotechnology. Electron-beam lithography (EBL) is the primary method for patterning arbitrary features, but EBL has not reliably provided sub-4 nm patterns. The few competing techniques that have achieved this resolution are orders of magnitude slower than EBL.

In this work, we employed an aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscope for lithography to achieve unprecedented resolution. Here we show aberration-corrected EBL at the one nanometer length scale using poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and have produced both the smallest isolated feature in any conventional resist (1 ± 0 nm) and the highest density patterns in PMMA (10 nm pitch for negative-tone and 17 nm pitch for positive-tone PMMA). We also demonstrate pattern transfer from the resist to semiconductor and metallic materials at the sub-5 nm scale. These results indicate that polymer-based nanofabrication can achieve feature sizes comparable to the Kuhn length of PMMA and ten times smaller than its radius of gyration. Use of aberration-corrected EBL will increase the resolution, speed, and complexity in nanomaterial fabrication.Perovskite-Compatible Electron-Beam-Lithography Process Based on Nonpolar University, Box 124, Lund 22100, Sweden.Metal halide perovskites (MHPs) have been studied intensely as the active material for optoelectronic devices.

Applications of 6-butyl-n-hydroxynaphthimide trifluoromethanesulfonic acid in Cross-Coupling Reactions for perovskites remain limited because of the solubility of perovskites in polar solvents. Here, we demonstrate an electron-beam-lithography process with a poly(methyl methacrylate) resist based on the nonpolar solvents o-xylene, hexane, and toluene. Features down to 50 nm size are created, and photoluminescence of CsPbBr3 nanowires exhibits no degradation. We fabricate metal contacts to single CsPbBr3 nanowires, which show a strong photoresponsivity of 09 A W-1. The presented method is an excellent tool for nanoscale MHP science and technology, allowing for the fabrication of complex nanostructuresD electron-beam writing at sub-15 nm resolution using spider silk as a resist.Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, Electron beam lithography (EBL) is renowned to provide fabrication resolution in the deep nanometer scale. One major limitation of current EBL techniques is their incapability of arbitrary 3d nanofabrication.

Resolution, structure integrity and functionalization are among the most important factors. Here we report all-aqueous-based, high-fidelity manufacturing of functional, arbitrary 3d nanostructures at a resolution of sub-15 nm using our developed voltage-regulated 3d EBL. Creating arbitrary 3d structures of high resolution and high strength at nanoscale is enabled by genetically engineering recombinant spider silk proteins as the resist. The ability to quantitatively define structural transitions with energetic electrons at different depths within the 3d protein matrix enables polymorphic spider silk proteins to be shaped approaching the molecular level. Furthermore, genetic or mesoscopic modification of spider silk proteins provides the opportunity to embed and stabilize physiochemical and/or biological functions within as-fabricated 3d nanostructures. Our approach empowers the rapid and flexible fabrication of heterogeneously functionalized and hierarchically structured 3d nanocomponents and nanodevices, offering opportunities in biomimetics, therapeutic devices and Plasma-assisted filling electron beam lithography for high throughput patterning of large area closed polygon nanostructures.Electron-beam lithography is widely applied in nanofabrication due to its high resolution.

However, it suffers from low throughput due to its patterning process. All the pixels within a pattern's boundary are needed to be scanned for patterning, which is inefficient for a large area closed polygon structure. Introducing an additional step to perform the polygon-filling function for patterning will significantly improve the fabrication throughput.
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