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The Fastest Way to Open a Bank Account in the Netherlands
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Opening a bank account from wherever you are, whenever you need it has proven a popular concept amongst expats. It offers a solution that fits our day and age.
Never in the history of mankind have we traveled as much as we do now. We’re part of a generation that knows what it’s like to pack our bags and set up camp somewhere else for a while. Millennials are explorers at heart.
As this generation is on the move, many of the institutions we inherited need to change with us. One example is banking, a concept that hasn’t seen much change since the day it was conceived, thousands of years ago.
Traveling is wonderful, provided you make the proper arrangements such as ensuring a valid staying permit, arranging a place to stay, a means of income, etc. When you move abroad, you want to have your money with you from the get go.
There used to be a time when all bank affairs took place at the bank. Although times have changed, banks these days still work around a system that stems from before the internet. As such, getting a bank account still requires branch visits, paperwork and time.
Luckily, we offer the true alternative to those wanting to stay in the Netherlands. bunq gets you a bank account in 5 minutes or less. Here’s how it works:
Step 1 — Have your phone and ID at hand.
Step 2 — Download the bunq app.
Step 3 — Sign up in less than 5 minutes. You’ll need to secure your account using our in-app biometric security. Just scan your ID and you’re done.
Step 4 — Start banking in the Netherlands!
You are now the sole owner of a Dutch bank account (although shared accounts can be opened just as easily with friend(s) or family).
We live in an age where an app can do what a branch can, and then some. So if you’re traveling to the Netherlands, you can open your Dutch bank account before you even get there.
bunq makes it easy to take care of your finances. It certainly does travel a whole lot lighter when you’ve got your bank with you on your phone wherever you go.
Interested? Visit our website at for additional information.

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Regards; Team

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