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HXH drself: poisoness pressured smoke bomb
i'm not very phyically strong and i'm actually very fragel
Name:Aspyn Whitley
Birthday:January 2nd
Voice claim:???


My backstory:
Ever since I was born my dad has always been an alcoholic cheater and my mum would take her anger out on her kids (me, my older sister and my little brother) and my dad, there would be a lot of arguments near enough all the time and sometimes the arguments would get physical like slapping and pushing, through out the whole house all we heard was screaming and shouting. But my mum didn't want to leave my dad because she loves him and also didn't want her kids to live without a dad in their lives and my dad also promised my mum that he would never cheat again (he did, more then once) and the arguments continued. My older sister would always try to stop the arguments but it never worked she always ended up arguing with them, even I would try to stop the arguments but the same thing would happen I would just be arguing with them. Sometimes talking with them felt like talking to a wall but my older sister was always there for me and our little brother. As we all got older nothing changed my mum wouldn't learn her lesson and my dad wouldn't stop drinking and cheating on her, me and my older sister had always discussed about leaving home and leaving our parents and on my older sisters 18th birthday we all left home (me, my older sister and our little brother) and moved into a house together to finally get away from our parents and all the arguing and we cut all contact with them. 7 years went by and our lives had never been better, a few weeks after my 15th birthday I left home to go take the hunter exam (after getting permission from my older sister), I wanted to become a hunter because of my grandad, my grandad wanted my older sister to become a hunter to continue the legacy of hunters since none of my grandads children did, but my older sister never did and never could because through out her whole life she had to take care of me and our little brother, so I did instead.




(I poison myself)
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Regards; Team

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