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The end goal of the brief was to create 3 final pieces which follow the theme of transition and I think I successfully did that as at the end I had three pieces all of which portray life and death. I personally chose to focus on life and death as that is what I had the most ideas on so I was able to create 3 pieces.
I learned about many different techniques throughout this project such as Cyanotype where I used the chemicals and a photo negative to make a blueprint, collage both physically and digitally by using various mark making activities and various types of photography like reflections and scanography. I think my most successful technique was making the digital collage as I really think that I used colour and form well to create the painting as a collage. Whilst my three final pieces were all digital, as this is my preference, I did learn more about analog practices in art.
This project also helped improve on my team skills as the set design part meant that I had to work with others to create a piece that would work well as a whole in the set.
Throughout the project I also kept health and safety in mind as there were times where I was working with chemicals and broken mirrors where I had to be very careful as not to hurt myself or others.
If I were to do something differently I think I would experiment more with my work to further develop it and get more out of my photography and scans. As for time management that is something that I do need to work on as I occasionally have a tendency to get work done but then leave adding it to my PowerPoint until later. I could improve this by making sure to actively add to my PowerPoint as I make the work
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