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1964 Kansas City summer Hi I am Sara , but everyone calls me Sally. Its my second to last day of school and I have a lot on my mind . I have a soccer game with Legens , I have my birthday coming up , and I Have to go to a event at my school Rising Hill Elementary. So there's a lot going on . Thats only for tomorrow though right now it is 8:00 in the morning ............ 8:15 '' TIME TO WAKE UPPP my sister says . ''Fact = I am grumpy in the morning. Since it is 1964 I walk to school with my best friend ( Evelyn ). No stress today . For me math class is boring . When I get to lunch I am so relived today is the last day of school . Lunch is packed I mean I am the coolest in my grade so everyone wants to sit next to me and have sleepovers. ( Which I can make an exception ). So I decide to go with Evelyn and Rose . Rose is my cousin, sadly Dotty is around and my big siter who takes over and is mean. My sleepover is in a week . I really cant wait that long. It is finally summer and time for my soccer game .An hour later ........We win !!!! 5-8. I am so happy ! I have some free time so I just watch tv . I lost track of time I have to go to the library for that event . I am so happy my friends are ok with me being late
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Regards; Team

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