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How to teach a kid the compounding effects?
kopie rolex

On the leap year day of 2020, I wrote about the eighth wonder of the world. Do check it out. Thereafter, I read a fascinating book on compounding, The Joys of Compounding(JoC), which is by far the best book ever written on compounding effects. But how do we explain to small kids the power of compounding? A significant trait that will surely help them in the long run of life. Childhood is the best time to about compounding. By the way, the second-best time is today 😄
I used to mostly attach compounding with stocks and money. The book, JoC, enlightened me that compounding takes place in every habit we perform during our lives. When I look back to my first article, I am glad to see how far I have come along. Coming back to the topic, what’s the easiest way to brief the concept of compounding to a kid?
The plant might be the best example. It grows just with a small seed to such a vast size. Additionally, the same plant can grow more plants and the process continues, creating an army of plants.
What’s your view? How do you plan to teach your kids the magic of compounding?
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