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1a - task editor,anti virus, disk defragmentation
1b- interpreter,compiler
2a- random
2b- statistics
4= digital footprints
10= ASCII stands for american standard code for information interchange. it is a 7 bit code , so it can be represent as 2**7=128 code , i.e. 128 supports only english language.
12=In Python, the break statement is used to exit a loop prematurely. It allows you to terminate the current loop iteration and exit the loop altogether, regardless of whether the loop's condition has been met or not.
13=easy to learn and use, versatility and flexibility
15=number=int(input('enter number:'))
19=Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) refer to the legal rights that creators or owners have over their intellectual creations.
21=System Software:
Acts as a platform between hardware and other software.
Manages computer hardware and provides essential functionalities like memory management and device communication.
Examples include operating systems (e.g., Windows, macOS), device drivers, and firmware.

Application Software:
Designed for end-users to perform specific tasks.
Includes software applications like word processors, web browsers, and games.
Does not interact directly with hardware but relies on system software to function.

22=mutable data types:
are those that can be change their value in place. e.g. list,dictionary
immutable data types:
are those that cannot change their value in place . e.g. string,tuple,integers,float,boolean


24=In India the cyber laws are enforced through Information Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act 2000). Its prime purpose was
to provide legal recognition to electronic commerce.
- This act was amended in December 2008 through the IT (Amendment) Act, 2008. It came into force from Oct. 27,
2009. It provided additional focus on Information Security and added several new sections on offences including Cyber
Terrorism and Data Protection. Other major amendments of IT Act(2008) included:
1. Authentication of electronic records by digital signatures gets legal recognition.
2. E-documents gets legal recognition.

The pop() method removes the item with the specified key from the dictionary and returns its value. If the key is not found, it raises a KeyError unless a default value is provided.
Syntax: dictionary.pop(key)

The popitem() method removes and returns an arbitrary (key, value) pair from the dictionary. It's useful when you want to remove and process items from the dictionary in an arbitrary order.
Syntax: dictionary.popitem()

The items() method returns a view object that displays a list of (key, value) tuples of the dictionary.
Syntax: dictionary.items()

27=input_string = input("Enter a string: ")
f_dict = {}

for char in input_string:
f_dict[char] = f_dict.get(char, 0) + 1

print("Frequency of characters:")
for char, frequency in f_dict.items():
print(char + ": " + str(frequency))


29=(a) This is happening due to targeted advertising or retargeting, where websites track users' browsing behavior and show them relevant ads based on their interests and past activities.

(b) Shantanu could have avoided this by regularly clearing browser cookies and cache, using private browsing mode, or using ad blockers to prevent tracking and display of targeted ads.

(c) To get rid of targeted advertisements now, Shantanu can opt out of personalized advertising on websites, clear browser data, use ad-blocking software, or limit ad tracking in his device's settings.

rows = 6

for i in range(1, rows):
num = i

for j in range(i):
print(num, end=" ")
num += 1

# Given list L
L = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]

# (a) Add a new element 100 as the 4th element in the given list L
L.insert(3, 100)

# (b) Add a new element 100 at the last position of the list L

# (c) Delete the 2nd element from the given list L
del L[1]

# (d) Delete the element 100 from the given list L
while 100 in L:

# (e) Add elements of another given list L2 to the given list L
L2 = [60, 70, 80]

# Given list p
p = [89, 22, 31, 56, 20]

# Display the original list
print("Original list:", p)

# Bubble sort to sort the list in ascending order
n = len(p)
for i in range(n):
# Last i elements are already in place
for j in range(0, n - i - 1):
# Traverse the list from 0 to n-i-1
# Swap if the element found is greater than the next element
if p[j] > p[j + 1]:
p[j], p[j + 1] = p[j + 1], p[j]
# Display the updated list after each iteration
print(f"Iteration {i + 1}: {p}")
# Given list p
p = [89, 22, 31, 56, 20]

# Display the original list
print("Original list:", p)

# Insertion sort to sort the list in ascending order
for i in range(1, len(p)):
key = p[i]
j = i - 1
while j >= 0 and key < p[j]:
p[j + 1] = p[j]
j -= 1
p[j + 1] = key

# Display the updated list after each iteration
print(f"Iteration {i}: {p}")

# Given record
Record = ['Raman', 'A-36', [56, 98, 99, 72, 69], 78.8]

# (a) Percentage of the student
percentage = Record[3]

# (b) Marks in the fifth subject
marks_fifth_subject = Record[2][4]

# (c) Maximum marks of the student
max_marks = max(Record[2])

# (d) Roll no. of the student
roll_no = Record[1]

# (e) Change the name of the student from 'Raman' to 'Raghav'
Record[0] = 'Raghav'

# Display the retrieved information
print("Percentage of the student:", percentage)
print("Marks in the fifth subject:", marks_fifth_subject)
print("Maximum marks of the student:", max_marks)
print("Roll no. of the student:", roll_no)
print("Updated record with name changed to 'Raghav':", Record)

# Input start and stop range from the user
start = int(input("Enter the start range: "))
stop = int(input("Enter the stop range: "))

print("Prime numbers between", start, "and", stop, "are:")
# Iterate through the range and check for prime numbers
for num in range(start, stop + 1):
if num > 1:
for i in range(2, int(num ** 0.5) + 1):
if num % i == 0:

35=(a) Two ways to reduce the risk of identity theft:

Use strong, unique passwords for each account.
Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for added security.
(b) Two practices to ensure confidentiality of information:

Encrypt sensitive data to protect it from unauthorized access.
Implement access controls to restrict access to authorized users only.
(c) Difference between GPL and CC:

GPL: Ensures freedom to use, modify, and distribute software while preserving the freedom of others. Used primarily for software, requires derivative works to be licensed under GPL.
CC: A set of copyright licenses allowing creators to grant permissions to others for using their work under certain conditions. Used for creative works such as images, music, and videos, and doesn't require derivative works to be licensed under CC.

Common gender and disability issues in computer classrooms include:

Gender Bias: Unequal participation and gendered content may discourage some students.
Accessibility: Physical barriers and lack of assistive technology can hinder access for students with disabilities.
Stereotypes in Technology: Gender bias in design and underrepresentation may perpetuate stereotypes.
Addressing these issues requires inclusive teaching practices, accessible technology, and awareness of diversity and inclusion.

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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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