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day 1, march 2. Diary.

Dear Diary. Date:3/2/24

1:'Today was very miserable. everything is the same as always everyday. getting yelled at, waking up early in the morning, eating, brushing my teeth, showering, always the same. it makes me sick. i get annoyed at the fact that my siblings always yell at me for no reason or how i always get asked to do something. i fucking hate it. i wish i never woke up in this morning but its a shame. how shitty. It was that today was my so called "best friends" are going to my house but they were gona go somewhere without notifying her or rather updating her. She then got updated by her parents and then updated us next. After she told us, the other "bsf", lets call her G, said that she was sick and said she can't come. she's always doing that whenever she doesn't come. Like the other "bsf", called my F, is not allowed or going somewhere with family. It's like F was the mother of her. I sometimes wonder if she just hates me for some reason. It just makes me loose my will to live my own fucking life by myself. I also wonder what it'd be like if i never met the group or the first person i talked to the first quarter in grade 5th, which is my current grade. let us call that girl "C". She met them the tie at the second week in school. She let them meet me and added me to their trio, Which i was confused why, I didn't even know them yet and then she just added me to this Trio. Then, my bsf of 2 years got involved in that situation where i also let her meet them, let us call her "A". She was sweet but then her personality changed like a manic in a horror moive. i Hated her then and it was strating to get annoying on how she pointed it out on me or took it out on me. after a year in that group without talking to A, everyone started treating me like totaly and absolute shit. It's fucking shitty. i just want to die. i just want to rest in piece in my own grave. it never really happened but i want it to. it still didnt as i kept hopin everyday. how sad. that is the end. bye.
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