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The Weekly Knob Presents Writer Sarah Goldsmith in Author’s Gold
audemars piguet

Greetings and salutations! Firstly, let me say a massive thank you for inviting me to be part of Author’s Gold. I never in a million years imagined that my scribblings would ever be read, let alone be deemed good enough to be included in a “best of” feature.
I’ve always loved writing, but it’s only in recent years that I found the courage to let others cast their eyes over my offerings. The Weekly Knob was the very first publication to offer a home to my short stories. It was with trembling fingers that I hit the “add to publication” button, certain that my story would be cast into the reject bin. But now, two years later, I’m still here!
The Weekly Knob has helped me to hone my skills, to identify what works and what doesn’t, and to try different genres. Those of you familiar with my work will know I’ve written everything from ghostly stories to cheerful fairy tales, with a peppering of darkness in between. As well as writing for the Knob, I’ve found the courage to self-publish a collection of stories and am just about to self-publish a second gathering. I don’t think I’d have done any of that if it hadn’t been for this fantabulous publication.
And so, without further ado, let me introduce my five favourite stories. It’s been a tricky process in choosing, but I’ve finally managed it.
Thanks for reading :-)
Roll With The DevilThe prompt for this tale was “dice”. It transported me back to the old days of the gaming tables in grand houses, where gentlemen of worth gambled away small fortunes. I’d heard legends of men gambling away their nagging women and wondered what would happen if one of those unfortunate ladies returned with vengeance in her heart….
Roll With The Devilby Sarah Goldsmith
Brighter DaysThe “paper cup” prompt instantly took me to the streets of London. How many times have we passed men, women and children, desperation in their eyes as they beg us not only for our spare change, but also for our recognition that they are a human being too? Although the subject is hard, I wanted to convey a little hope with my tale, too.
Brighter Daysby Sarah Goldsmith
A Taste Of HomeThe “frying pan” prompt nearly stumped me. I went through the obvious ideas of smashing someone’s head to smithereens with one, or cooking up a poisoned omelette. But then this story came to me thanks to a few hours researching the Second World War. There are so many little known stories from both WW1 and WW2, with a wealth of truly remarkable people. This tale was inspired by one of them.
A Taste Of Homeby Sarah Goldsmith
The King Of The RiverThoughts of happy childhood days flooded my mind with the “tyre” prompt. I pictured people merrily splashing in rivers on glorious summer days, the heady scent of roses high in the air, laughter dancing all around. But, sometimes darkness lingers at the edges of those delightful scenes ….
The King Of The Riverby Sarah Goldsmith
The Wisdom Of King MarchI must admit to feeling a little stuck with this “glue” prompt (*groan*). I’d been reading a great deal about folklore and local legends and discovered the story of a king born with horse’s ears. I pondered the tale and gave it my own little spin. In this day and age especially, there’s just too much emphasis on what a person looks like, rather than what’s in their heart. King March gives us all a little nudge in the right direction and reminds us what really matters.
The Wisdom Of King Marchby Sarah Goldsmith
To all of you who have read this piece, who have perused my other stories, who have clapped and commented, I offer my humble gratitude. I can’t emphasise enough how much it all means to me.
And, as always, a huge bouquet of thanks goes to Sandy, Aura and Geoff for working their socks off making The Weekly Knob the amazing publication we all love.
Three cheers to the Knob!

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